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B.Tech Entrance Syllabus 2024: JEE Mains

B.Tech courses are the most in-demand courses after Class 12 exams. Candidates with a degree in Engineering become eligible for job opportunities in various industries with good salary prospects. Candidates who are seeking admission to the top B.Tech Colleges must appear for the Entrance exams. The Entrance exams are conducted at both National level and State level. Some Private colleges also conduct their own entrance exams for admission of the candidates to their desired B.Tech courses.

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Also Read: Interested candidates may apply for BTech Admission 2024 from here.

The subjects for the B.Tech Entrance exams are Maths, Physics and Chemistry. The compulsory language for the Engineering exam is English. Aspiring candidates must know the exam pattern and the B.Tech Entrance Syllabus beforehand. This will help them to prepare well for the exams and score qualifying marks. Candidates appearing for the B.Tech Entrance Exam must be familiar with the syllabus and the exam pattern. The exam pattern will help them to know the distribution of marks and the weightage of each section.

After knowing the exam pattern candidates can start preparing for the B.Tech entrance exams. The most widely accepted Entrance exam for B.Tech is the JEE main. This exam is conducted by the National Testing Agency(NTA) and is held for the admission of candidates to the Top Engineering Colleges like the IITs and the NITs. NTA releases the B.Tech Entrance syllabus on the official website for both Paper I and Paper II.

The Paper I syllabus is mainly from the 3 subjects - Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The exam also consists of topics from the Class 11 and Class 12 Board exam syllabus for PCM. The Paper II B.Tech Entrance subject for JEE Mains is the Aptitude Test for BArch and BPlanning. For both Paper I and Paper II, the exam duration is 3 hours and the exam is a Computer-based online test.

B.Tech Entrance Exam Syllabus for the JEE Mains:

Subject- Physics

Section A- Theory (80% weightage)

Section B - Practical (20% weightage)

Subject Topics
Physics Physics and Measurement
Laws of Motion
Work, energy and power
Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
Rotational motion
Electromagnetic waves
Properties of solids and liquids
Dual nature of matter and radiation
Atoms and nuclei
Kinetic theory of gases
Oscillation and waves
Kinetic theory of gases
Communication systems
Electronic devices

Subject- Chemistry

Section A- Physical Chemistry(35.6%)

Section B- Inorganic Chemistry (29.7%)

Section C- Organic Chemistry (34.7%)

Subject Topics
Chemistry Some basic concepts in Chemistry
Atomic Structure
Chemical Thermodynamics
States of Matter
Chemical bonding and molecular structure
Redox reactions and electrochemistry
Surface chemistry
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
P-block elements
Coordination compounds
General principles and processes of isolation of elements
S block elements (Alkali and alkaline earth metals)
Coordination compounds
D and f block elements
Environmental chemistry
Purification characterisation of organic compounds
Organic compounds containing Halogen
Organic compounds containing Nitrogen
Organic compounds containing Oxygen
Chemistry in everyday life
Principles Related to Practical Chemistry

Subject- Mathematics

Subject Topics
Mathematics Topics
Sets, Relations and function
Differential equations
Coordinate Geometry
3D Geometry
Permutation Combinations
Limits and continuity
Sequences and series
Integral calculus
Vector Algebra
Mathematical reasoning

Exam Pattern for B.Tech Entrance Syllabus

Candidates appearing for the JEE Main exam must know the exam pattern to score good marks. The exam pattern will give an idea of the weightage and mark distribution of each topic. From the JEE Mains Exam Pattern, candidates can know about the total time allotted for the exam. This will help them with time management while solving the Mock test papers.

Name of the Exam- JEE Mains

  • ➤ Conducting Authority- National Testing Authority
  • ➤ Type of Exam- Computer-based online test
  • ➤  Exam Duration - 3 hours
  • ➤ Subjects- Physics, Chemistry, Maths
  • ➤ Total Number of Questions- 75
  • ➤ Total Marks- 300
  • ➤ Type of Questions- Objective type with Multiple choice answers

Marking Pattern:

  • ➤ Correct Answer: 4 marks
  • ➤ Incorrect Answer:1 mark deduction

Marking Pattern for Numerical Questions:

  • ➤ Correct Answer- 4 marks
  • ➤ Incorrect Answer- No deduction

Other B.Tech Entrance Exam Syllabus

The JEE Main and Advanced is the National level Engineering Entrance exam. There are several other Engineering Entrance exams that are conducted at the State level and the University Level. The syllabus for these exams is based on the topics of Class 11 and 12 and the B.Tech Entrance subjects include Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The exam pattern for these has slight differences in the total marks, duration of the exam, and the distribution of marks. An overview of the B.Tech Entrance syllabus for the State level and the University level exams

Subject- Physics


Heat and Thermodynamics
Wave Optics and Modern Physics
Simple harmonic motion
Current electricity
Motion in 2 Dimension
Laws of Motion 
Effects of Current
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Vector motion
2D Motion

Subject- Chemistry


Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Thermodynamics
Ionic equilibrium
Gaseous state
Alcohol, Phenol, and Ether
Chemical bonding- Acid-Base concept
Redox reaction
Atomic structure
Surface Chemistry
Periodic table
Colligative properties of solutions

Subject- Mathematics


Matrices and Determinants
Theory of equations
Complex numbers
Three Dimensional Geometry
Permutations and Combinations
Limit and Continuity
Binomial Theorem

Reference Books for the B.Tech Entrance Subjects


  • ➤ NCERT Physics Book 1 and 2
  • ➤ Problems on General Physics by I.E Irodov
  • ➤ IIT-JEE Physics by DC Pandey (Arihant books)
  • ➤ Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick, Halliday, and Walker


  • ➤ NCERT Chemistry Books 1 and 2
  • ➤ Physical and Organic Chemistry by O P Tandon
  • ➤ Numerical Chemistry by P Bahadur
  • ➤ Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J D Lee


  • ➤ NCERT Mathematics Books 1 and 2
  • ➤ Class 11 and 12 Mathematics by R D Sharma
  • ➤ Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight
  • ➤ Problems in Calculus by I A Maron

Important Points of B.Tech Entrance Syllabus

  • The B.Tech Entrance exams are difficult but candidates can qualify for the exams if they follow a few simple rules
  • Study your NCERT books thoroughly as they will build the foundation of the different concepts.
  • A study from reference books for all the subjects for an in-depth understanding of each topic.
  • Improve your problem-solving abilities by continuous self-evaluation of all the topics.
  • Do not leave out any section or topic from the B.Tech Entrance Syllabus. All topics are of equal importance and must be studied with full dedication.
  • Learn time management skills by solving mock test papers regularly. Sample test papers will give a good idea of the exam pattern, distribution of marks, and the weightage of each section.
  • Practice all the formulas regularly so that everything is at your fingertips. Regular practice will not only increase the speed of solving papers but also lead to a lesser number of mistakes.
  • Check the official website regularly for the latest notifications on the B.Tech Entrance Exams.
  • Lastly, do activities that will keep your mind stress-free and in good spirits. 

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