NIOS will declare the result for the Class 10 exam in the Online mode. Candidates who have appeared for the exams can check their NIOS 10th Result on the official website by entering their exam roll number.
The NIOS 10th Board exam will be held in 2 sessions: April- May, and October- November. The result for the April- May session will be declared in June. The NIOS 10th Board result will also be available to the candidates via SMS and Digilocker.
The NIOS 10th Board Result 2025 will include the name of the candidate, roll number of the candidate, total marks obtained by the candidate, qualifying marks, etc. Students who cannot qualify for the NIOS 10th Board 2025 for the April-May session can appear for the October- November session if their admission period is not over.
Board Name | National Institute of Open Schooling |
Class Name | 10th & 12th |
Exam Session | April Exam 2023 |
NIOS Exam Date | April 2025 |
NIOS 10th, 12th Result 2025 Release Date | June 2025 |
Official website | |
NOTE: Candidates must note that result dates are tentative the actual result dates may vary as per the prevailing situation at the time of the release result.
The National Institute of Open Schooling provides the facility to the students to avail their Result/Marksheet through Digilocker. Digilocker has the soft copy of the Marksheet and students can access it anytime and from any place.
After the account has been successfully created you can check your NIOS 10th Board Result 2025 via Digilocker.
The abbreviations on the scorecard/Result of the student are as follows:
Students can apply for correction of the NIOS 10th Board Result in areas like Personal details, total marks, etc.
Points to remember after applying for NIOS 10th Board Result correction:
Students can apply for rechecking of marksheet if they are not satisfied with the marks obtained in the NIOS 10th Board result. The application for rechecking window will be available 15 days after the declaration of the NIOS 10th Board Result 2025. Students have to submit a fee of INR 300 for each subject that they want to be rechecked. After rechecking is complete, the Board will send the revised Result to the student.
The NIOS 10th Board 2025 result may be increased or decreased after the rechecking of the marksheet. The rechecking facility is available only once and once the Board has sent the revised result, no more corrections will be done by the National Institute of Open Schooling authorities.
How to Calculate CGPA for the NIOS 10th Board Exam?
Improvement Exam for the NIOS 10th Board 2025:
Students who have not scored well in the NIOS 10th Board can appear for the exam once again to improve their scores. The dates for the improvement or the Compartmental exam will be available on the official website and students can download the dates and start preparing for the exams.
Students can appear for the compartmental exam only once and they must apply for it within the admission period of 5 years. If the student wants to appear for the Compartmental exam for a practical based subject, then they must take both the theory and the practical exam.
The best of the 2 results will be considered while preparing the marksheet of the student. If the student has additional subjects or has passed the improvement exam in more than 2 subjects, the student will get only the revised marksheet. No fresh NIOS 10th Board Certificate will be issued to the student under such circumstances.
NIOS Previous years’ Result Percentage:
Students can take a look at the pass percentage of the last few years to understand the total number of students who have appeared for the exam and the percentage of students that have passed the exam.
S.No. | Year of the Exam | Session | Total Number of Students | Pass Percentage |
1 | 2023 | October- November | 105729 | 31.86% |
2 | 2022 | April- May | 174365 | 34.42% |
3 | 2021 | October- November | 118805 | 39.25% |
4 | 2020 | October- November | - | 39% |
5 | 2019 | April- May | 107000 | 34.42% |
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