College Disha
JKBOSE  10th

JKBOSE 10th Admit Card 2025

JKBOSE 10th Admit Card 2025: The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education has released it on their official web portal. Generally, every year release it 10 to 15 days before the examination. This year board will conduct the Secondary (10th) exam from the 1st week of March to the 1st week of April and students can get the roll number from the official website.

JK Board 10th Exam Admit Card Overview:

During an examination, candidates require to carry their original hall ticket. For Regular, Private, and General students admit card is released in March. It is a very important document during the exam because it is your entry pass for the examination.

It is provided by the school management. The board sends the JK Board 10th Admit Card 2025 of the students to their respective schools which is further distributed among the students. It verifies your identity at the exam center. It contains various details related to you. So, you should check these details before the exam. And contact your school management in case of any mistake in the information.

Features of JKBOSE Class 10th Admit Card:

It is proof that you have completed the curriculum. And now you are eligible to sit in the exam. The board generates the admit cards for those candidates who submitted the registration form on time. The main motive of the admit card is to allow only valid candidates for the examinations. Some other features of the JKBOSE 10th Hall Ticket are as follows:

  • It is for one-time use. You can not use the same admit card multiple times. Only one card is generated for one candidate which is applicable for exams mentioned on it.
  • It is a personalized document that contains your name, photograph, and other personal details. This is to identify you for the exam.
  • The admit card should be attested by the chairperson of the board, the principal of your school, and yourself. If the consent of any one of these persons is not present on your admit card. The admit card will not be considered suitable for the exam.

How to Download Hall Ticket:

The first notification regarding the availability of the admit card is announced on the official website of the board. Generally, the board sends it to the respective schools. After that, the school management distributes it among the students. But now the board also allows students to download the admit card from the website directly on their own.

The steps to download the JKBOSE 10th Admit Card are mentioned below:

  • Go to the official website of the board i.e
  • Find and hit on "JKBOSE 10th Admit Card" on the homepage of the site.
  • Now You will get a login page on the desktop screen
  • Enter proper login credentials and click on the "Submit" button
  • Now, it will appear on the screen in pdf Format
  • Now, you should "Download" and "Save" it.
  • Don't forget to take a "Printout" of it.

Particulars on the Admit Card:

It contains various details regarding the candidate and their respective exam. The candidate should check all these details before the exam. These details help the examiners to identify you as a valid candidate. If any of these details do not match, the admit card is not considered valid and you will not be allowed to attend the exam.

Students must check the following details:-

  • Student's Full Name
  • Father's Name
  • Date of Birth and Age Detail of the Student
  • Student's Gender
  • Scanned Photo of the Student
  • Academic Year of the Student
  • Date and Day of the Examination
  • Time is given for examination
  • Examination School Name
  • Scanned Signature of the Student
  • Subject Name and Code
  • Student's Hall Ticket Number
  • Address of the Examination Centre
  • Guidelines to the Student

Instruction regarding the Hall Ticket:

It consists of various important instructions related to the exam. Students should read these instructions before the exam. It will be very helpful to them.

Admit card contains your personal details. So first, check the details carefully. This ensures that the admit card belongs to you. In case of any wrong detail, contact your school management.

  • Only an attested card is considered valid. So, check the stamp of the board, the signature of the principal, and your signature. These are the three most important validations of an admit card.
  • Check the location of the exam center. This is written on your admit card. This will avoid the last moment rush.
  • It contains the name of the subject exams you are applicable for. Also, the timetable for the exam is mentioned, so you can match the details.

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