College Disha

JKBOSE 9th Syllabus 2025

Subjects in JKBOSE 9th Class 2025

The students are mandatory to pursue 5 subjects as per J&K Board guidelines, one subject is covered under Additional languages/ subject. Many subjects are taught in the JKBOSE 9th curriculum, students have many choices to choose among the additional subjects.

It is mandatory to choose an additional subject as per J&K Board guidelines, the objective behind making an additional subject mandatory is to nurture student’s knowledge in extra skilled subjects.

jkbose 9th syllabus

Given below is the list of subjects included in the JKBOSE 9th Class curriculum:

  • General English
  • Urdu or Hindi
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies (History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Disaster Management & Road Safety Education)
  • Science (Physics, Chemistry, Life Science)

The following are the Additional Languages / Optional Subjects, Students are free to choose among any of these languages:

  • Urdu
  • Kashmiri
  • Arabic
  • Persian
  • Hindi
  • Dogri
  • Sanskrit
  • Punjabi
  • Computer Education
  • Vocational subjects

Other Practical Subjects:

  1. Health and Physical Education
  2. Art Education

Subjects for Physically Challenged Children (Blind, Deaf, and Dumb)

They may opt for any two subjects instead of Mathematics and Science:

  1. Painting
  2. Music
  3. Home Science

Syllabus of 9th JKBOSE 2025

General English


Unit 1

  1. Packing
  2. Gulliver in Lilliput – I
  3. Gulliver in Lilliput – II

Unit 2

  1. No Men are Foreign
  2. To Blossoms Beauty

Unit 3

  1. The Tempest – I
  2. The Tempest

Unit 4

  1. The Adventures of Toto
  2. Moti Guj Mutineer

Unit 5

  1. Cannot Remember My Mother
  2. The Road not Taken

Unit 6

  1. Old Man at the Bridge
  2. A Basketful of Sea Trouts


Unit 1

  1. Sheikh Noor- ud- din Wali
  2. Saint of Gutters

Unit 2

  1. On Killing a Tree
  2. Cart Driver
  3. To the Cuckoo

Unit 3

  1. The Last Leaf
  2. The Happy Prince

Unit 4

  1. Palanquin Bearers
  2. The Child’s Prayer

Unit 5

  1. If I were you
  2. The Fun They Had
  3. How a Client was Saved



Unit - Name of the Chapter

  1. Number system
  2. Polynomials
  3. Lines and Angles
  4. Triangles
  5. Quadrilaterals
  6. Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles
  7. Construction

Term -II

Unit - Name of the Chapter

  1. Linear Equation in Two Variables

  2. Coordinate Geometry


  1. Heron’s Formula

  2. Surface Area and Volumes

  3. Statistics

  4. Probability

Social Science

Section 1: Events and Processes:(All the three themes are compulsory)

1. The French Revolution:

  1. French Society During the Late Eighteenth Century
  2. The Outbreak of the Revolution
  3. France Abolishes Monarchy and Becomes a Republic
  4. Did Women have a Revolution?
  5. The Abolition of Slavery’
  6. The Revolution and Everyday life

2. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution:

  1. The Age of Social change
  2. The Russian Revolution
  3. The Age of Social change
  4. The Russian Revolution
  5. What Changed after October
  6. The Global Influence of the Russia Revolution and the USSR

3. Nazism and the Rise of Hitler:

  1. Birth of the Weimar Republic
  2. Hitler’s Rise to Power
  3. The Nazi Worldview
  4. Youth in Nazi Germany
  5. Ordinary People and the Crimes Against Humanity

Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies, and Societies:

Note: Student can read Anyone theme of the following (4and 5):

4. Forest Society and Colonialism:

  1. Why Deforestation?
  2. The Rise of Commercial Forestry
  3. Rebellion in the Forest

Forest Transformations in Java

5.Pastoralists in the Modern World:

  1. Pastoral Nomads and their Movements
  2. Rule and Pastoral Life Pastoralism in Africa

Section 3 Case Study

  1. Integration of Princely States: A Case Study of Jammu and Kashmir
  2. Accession of J&K
  3. Events leading to Accession
  4. Tribal invasion
  5. Formation of J&K’s Constituent Assembly


1. India

  1. Size and Location
  2. India and the World
  3. India’s Neighbours

2. Physical Features of India

  1. Major Physiographic Divisions

3. Drainage

  1. Major rivers & tributaries
  2. Lakes
  3. Role of rivers in the economy, Pollution of rivers
  4. Climate
  5. Concept
  6. Climatic Controls
  7. Factors influencing India’s

4. Climate

  1. The Indian Monsoon
  2. Distribution of Rainfall
  3. Monsoon as a unifying bond

5. Natural Vegetation and WildLife

  1. Factors affecting Vegetation
  2. Vegetation types
  3. Wild Life
  4. Conservation

6. Population

  1. Size
  2. Distribution
  3. Population Growth and Process of Population Change

7. Geography of Jammu & Kash- mir and Ladakh

  1. Physiography
  2. Drainage, Climate, Soil
  3. Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Political Science

7. Geography of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh

  1. Physiography
  2. Drainage, Climate, Soil
  3. Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

1. What is Democracy? Why Democracy?:

(i) What is Democracy?

(ii) Features of Democracy

(iii) Why Democracy?

(iv) Broader Meaning of Democracy

2. Constitutional Design:

(i) Democratic Constitution in South Africa

(ii) Why do we need a Constitution?

(iii) Making of the Indian Constitution

(iv) Guiding Values of the Indian Constitution

3. Electoral Politics:

(i) Why Elections?

(ii) What is our System of Elections?

(iii) What makes elections in India democratic?

4. Working of Institutions:

(i) How is the major policy decision taken?

(ii) Parliament

(iii) Political Executive

(iv) Judiciary

5. Democratic Rights:

(i) Life without rights

(ii) Rights in a Democracy

(iii) Rights in the Indian Constitution

(iv) Expanding the scope of rights

6. Electoral Politics in Erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir

The electoral process and its concepts

Electoral trends in Jammu and Kashmir



(i)  Money and Banking

(ii) Money as a medium of exchange,

(iii) Modern forms of money, Banking & common Man.

2. Understanding the Indian Economy

(i) Salient features of the Indian Economy

(ii) What is GDP?

(iii) Indicators of Development.Anti-poverty measures.

Section-II (Disaster Management)

3. Natural Disasters

(i) Disaster; Classification effects and mitigation measures

4. Man-Made Disasters

(i) Fire and Its effects and Mitigation measures

(ii)Environmental degradation: its causes and mitigation measures.

(iii) Transport accidents, types of effects, and mitigation measures.

(iv) Chemical and Industrial Disaster

Section-III(Road Safety Education)

5.    Road Safety Education (Part-I)

?    Good and Safe Habits

?    Traffic Lights & Road Signs



Term I

Unit – I: Motion

Unit – II    Force and Laws of Motion

Unit – III    Work, Energy and Power

Chemistry Term I

Unit – I:    Matter in our Surrounding

Unit – II    Is Matter around us Pure?   

Life Science/ Biology

Term I

Unit – I: The Fundamental Unit of Life    

Unit – II:    Tissues

Unit – III:    Diversity in Living organisms


Term II

Unit – IV:    Gravitation

Unit – V:    Floatation

Unit – VI:    Sound



Unit – III:    Atoms and Molecules

Unit- IV:    Structure and Molecules



Unit – IV:    Why do we fall ill

Unit – V:    Natural Resources

Unit – VI    Improvement in Food Resources

Unit – VII Prevention of Drug Abuse and Sexually Transmitted Diseases:



UNIT: Concept and Scope of Home Science

UNIT II: Family: A unit Society

UNIT III: Home and Its Maintenance

UNIT IV: Food and Its relation to Health


UNIT V: Safety at the home

UNIT VI: Management of Money 

UNIT VII: Methods of Cooking 

UNIT VIII: Household Pest


Term I

Two Dimensional or Pictorial Activities

(i) Study of visual resources and their expression., Study of lines, strokes, marks, tones, textures, etc., while organizing two-dimensional spaces with 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes and forms.

(ii) Creative use of perspective in special relationships.

(iii) Creative use of color to show space, atmosphere, etc.

(iv) Use of contrast as an expressive element of art.

(v) Study and use of various media and techniques to the extent of their availability.

(vi) Crayon, charcoal pencil colors and gouache, acrylate color, and other unconventional sources of colors and tools on various surfaces such as papers, canvases, hardboard, simple marking cloth pasted on paper, etc.

(vii) College and mosaic work with colored papers and colored reproductions from magazines and newspapers.

(viii) Printmaking: Mono-printing, printing with wood-cut, linocut, and metal foil, serigraphy, choreography (printing with collage), etc.

Term II

Three Dimensional or Sculptural Activities.

(i) Study of basic form in clay:

(ii) Study of various materials, tools & techniques for dimensional form such as clay, plaster of Paris, and wood (blocks, twigs and branches, roots, etc). metal scraps, plastic, sheet, wire thread, straw pipes, papers, cardboard, throw-away objects, and other materials, like vegetables soft stone clay bricks, or such other available materials.

(iii) Study of natural man-made forms, human figures, birds, animals, vegetation & other objects as desired by the students;

(iv) Objects of day-to-day use in group and indifferent settings and arrangements;

(v) Architectural forms and other forms were discovered by the students.



Still life study

(i) Study of a group of two-three arranged objects from a fixed point of view in color, the group may include, vegetables, foliage, and objects of daily use.


(i) Sketches from life and Nature in pencil and link Submission of a portfolio consisting of five selected works done during the year.



(i) Definition of Ragas of the Course    

(ii) Sangeet, Nad, Shruti, Sawar, Kinds of Sawar, Saptak, Jati, That Rag, Vadi, Samvadi, Varjit Sawar, Taal, Laya, Alankar    


(i) Definition of Ragas of the Course    

(ii) Definition of Taals of the course    

(iii) Life history of the following Musicians


Term I

Unit I: IT Basics

Unit II: IT Tools

(i) MS-Windows

(ii) MS Word

Term II

Unit III: IT Tools

(i) MS Powerpoint

9Ii) MS Excel

Unit IV: IT Application

Physical Education and Health Education

Health Education

(i) Personal health

(ii) Environment Health

(iii) Food and Nutrition

(iv) Control Education

(v) Consumer Education

(vi) First Aid, Home Nursing and Safety Measures

Physical Education

(i) Athletics

(ii) Major Games- Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, handball, hockey, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho

VIVA And Practical Syllabus?

Viva and Practical Syllabus varies from school to school as there is a list allotted by the JKBOSE to all the schools and schools are free to choose the options of the practical. You can visit the official website of the board to check the viva and practical syllabus set by the board authorities.

How to download the Detailed syllabus 9th J&K Board 2025?

The syllabus mentioned above is a brief structure of the 9th JKBOSE 2025 syllabus, If you want to know the detailed syllabus and other subjects like Urdu, Hindi, Physical education, and Music, please download the entire syllabus (with Score distribution in each topic) from the official website JKBOSE. The syllabus of the 9th class given in a detailed structure with marks weightage of each topic and exam pattern is also mentioned on the official website of the J&K Board. You can download it in PDF format and print it out for further use.

Step 1: Visit the official website 

Step 2: Click on the bar at the bottom “Enter main site”

Step 3: A new tab will open,

Step 4: Click on the Red tab “Student”

Step 5: Then click on “Syllabus”, then click on “class 9th”

Step 6: You will be redirected to a page where you will see a link with the name “Syllabi and Courses of Study for Class IX”, click on the link, and a PDF file will be opened. 

Step 7: Download the PDF File and take a printout for further use.

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