College Disha
ISC Board 12th

ISC Board 12th Admit Card 2025

CISCE Board 12th Admit Card 2025: 

The concerned board is expected to release it in the last week of February. It will be available to all the eligible and registered students on the official website of the exam conducting authority i.e. Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. The students can visit the CISCE Board Website using the following link

It contains all the important details about the candidate who is appearing for the exam and it also contains the general guidelines that the candidate needs to follow while being in the examination center. It is clear that the ISC Board Class XII Exams will begin on the 1st week of March to the 1st week of April. It included all the key details about the candidate who is going to appear in the exam. The CISCE Board 12th Admit Card 2025 also contains the general guidelines for the candidates which they have to follow on the days of the exam.

Note: The school is responsible for distributing it to students. Their unique ID and Password are shared with the concerned school examination department

What are the details mentioned on the CISCE Board 12th Admit Card 2025?

Following are the details which will be written on every candidate’s Admit Card:-

  • Name of the Candidate
  • Name of Candidate’s School 
  • Academic Year
  • Date of Birth of the Candidate
  • Candidate’s Photograph
  • Candidate’s Signature
  • Candidate’s Father’s Name
  • Name of the Examination
  • Date and Day of the Exam 
  • Exam Centre
  • Address of the Exam Centre
  • Subject Names
  • Subjects Code
  • General Instructions for the Candidates

CISCE Board 12th Examination Details

Particular Detail

Name of Board

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations

Date of exam

Yet to be Announced

ISC Board 12th Examination Details


Particular Detail

Name of Board

Council For Indian board Examination


CISCE 12th Admit Card 2025

Date of exam

Yet to be Announced

Hall ticket release date

by February


Admit card

Official website

Usually, the Council releases the Hall Ticket, 2 or 3 weeks prior to the main examinations.

What are the steps for downloading the ISC Board 12th Hall Ticket?

All the eligible candidates need to follow the below-mentioned steps to download it:

Step 1: Firstly, the candidates are required to visit the official website of CISCE i.e. 

Step 2: Look for the “News” section on the right side of the homepage and click on the “ISC Board 12th Admit Card 2025” Link.

Step 3: A dialog box will appear asking for the personal details from the students like Enrollment No, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, etc. The students need to fill in all the asked details genuinely.

Step 4: Then, Click on the “Submit” button.

Step 5: A dialog box will appear showing it. All the candidates are advised to take the printout of the same because, without it, no candidate will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre allotted to them. 

Detail Verification and Correction of Errors:

After the students receive their respective Exam hall ticket, they are advised to check all the details printed on it carefully like their Name, Registration Number, Exam Centre, Exam Timings, Name of the School, Date of Birth, Signature, etc. 

By chance, if any candidate finds any errors in the mentioned details, he/she needs to be informed about the same to his/her school and then the candidate should request the CISCE Exam Authority to make the necessary correction(s) in the same.

It is really important to correct errors, if any, found in the Admit Card because it may create trouble for the student at the time of the exam.

It is the responsibility of the concerned School Authority to get the Student Details verified with the information written in CISCE Records to avoid any last-minute changes in the Admit Cards.   

All the candidates who are appearing in this examination need to regularly visit the official website of CISCE for all the latest updates.

General Instructions Printed on CISCE Board 12th Admit Card:

  • As soon as you receive your Answer Sheet for writing the exam, you first have to write your name and roll number on the top of the paper, and don’t forget to return your paper to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
  • Every Candidate is allotted a seat number, make sure that you sit on your allotted seat number only.
  • You should reach the exam center allotted to you at least sometime before the actual exam time.
  • No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall once the examination starts.
  • Do not forget to carry your hall ticket when you are going to appear in the exam otherwise, the concerned invigilators will not allow you to sit in the examination. 
  • List of items prohibited inside the Examination Centre
    • Any printed material or paper.
    • Handbag/Purse
    • Eatables 
    • Any camera, tape recorder, etc.
    • Electronic Watches or Gadgets like Mobile Phone, Calculator, Ear Phone, etc.

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