Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE board Class 10th) is a private and non-governmental board of school education in India. ICSE board is an all-India board which is in New Delhi. A meeting was held in October 1956 of the Inter-State Board for Anglo-Indian Education. A plan was executed for setting up an Indian Council to administer the University of Cambridge, Local Examinations Syndicate’s Examination in India, and to appraise the Syndicate to amend its examination to the needs of the country. It is a privately held examination at the national - level of the board.
ICSE board in the year 1965 Indian Certificate Examination Conference was held under the Education minister Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam the main motive of this conference was to oversee the replacement of Cambridge School.
ICSE board is mainly divided into 3 parts that are Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE board class 10th), The Indian School Certificate (ISC Board Class 12th), and The Certificate in Vocational Education (CVE year 12). The ICSE board class 10th exam 2025 and ISC 12th board exam which is conducted by CISCE every year. ICSE exam commences from the 1st week of March to the 1st week of April. The result of this exam is released in the second week of July. To pass the exam, students need to score more than 33% out of the total respective marks.
Registration Form: The registration form is used to fill in the personal and required details according to the field. The registration form is kept as a record of an ICSE 10th registration form of a student. This helps you find the Name and which field he/she belongs to and make your work easier.
Syllabus: Syllabus is generally made for the preparation of the examination. In the ICSE 10th syllabus, there is a list of selected topics that are decided by the teacher for the preparation for the exam.
Time Table: It is the planning process of managing time according to the particular event that is going to take place and at what time. Making a timetable helps you in the preparation for the exams and leaves you with extra time for revision a few days before the exam.
Admit Card: Admit Card is given by the ICSE 10th board. You must carry the ICSE 10th admit card with you while giving the board exams. Without this, you won’t be allowed to sit in the examination hall.
Result: The result is the final stage of the consequence of the action which expresses the quality as well as quantity. It is the stage that shows your hard work and the dedication you have given in the examination.
Compartment Exams: Compartment exams are the exams that are given by those students who fail in 1 or 2 subjects. But if you fail in more than 2 subjects then the board will consider you fail only then you can’t reappear in the exam again. Students must have to score 33% marks in the board exam to clear the examination. The Compartment exam is easier than your main Board Exams. But no exam paper is hard or easy it totally depends on the student predicting that the paper is easy or hard according to their knowledge and study.
Name of Board |
Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations |
Head Office |
NEW DELHI Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, Pragati House, 3rd Floor, 47-48, Nehru Place, New Delhi 110019 |
Commencement of Exam |
Yet to be Announced |
Website | |
Year of Establishment |
1958 |
Name of the Authority |
The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations |
Exam centers |
All over India |
Jurisdiction |
All over India |
History of the Examination Boards |
Medium of Instruction |
Mission statement & Main objectives |
The basic principle is different in each of the classes. The structure is such that the students can acquire all the basic knowledge.
Class I to V:
Class VI to X:
Class XI & XII:
Vocational Group:
Vocational Group refers to instructional programs or you can say instructional courses that develop your skills for a particular job function or trades. The vocational group offers you a wide range of subjects which also helps you in making your future brighter.
It offers various subject choices so that students can study the subjects of their choice and interest. The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations aims at serving the nation by providing quality education to all children.
The board believes in the saying “Knowledge is Power”. All the students who are appearing in the ICSE Board 10th Exam have to sit for English (Compulsory) with 3, 4, or 5 electives. All the candidates should compulsory pass in Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service.
Students can download their ICSE Board 10th Admit Cards 2025 from the official website i.e ci... Read More
ICSE Board 10th Exam Syllabus 2025: The ICSE Board has published the syllabus for class 10th students online. It covers all the topics so that the students will be able to make their way very clear to understand the basics. To download the syllabus, candidates have to go to the o... Read More
ICSE Board 10th opens the registration portal for the registration of class 10th students in September/October. The I... Read More
ICSE Board 10th Time Table 2025: CISCE releases the timetable for class 10th in January on its official website. It encompasses the day, date, and duration of the exam. The CISCE Board Class 10th Time Table 2025 is conducted from May to June.
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ICSE Board 10th Result 2025: It will be declared on the official website of CISCE. The result may be declared in July. Candidates can check or download the result from the CISCE website. ICSE Semester 1 Result 2025 will be declared in July. Students are advised to take a printout... Read More
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