ICSE Board 10th Exam Syllabus 2025: The ICSE Board has published the syllabus for class 10th students online. It covers all the topics so that the students will be able to make their way very clear to understand the basics. To download the syllabus, candidates have to go to the official website of the ICSE Board 10th syllabus 2025 and get the syllabus in pdf form.
ICSE Board is the governing authority of ICSE Board 10th Exams and they have released its syllabus. As per past trends, exams will start on the 1st week of March to the 1st week of April. All the eligible students who are sitting for the exam need to visit the official website of ICSE to check the complete syllabus.
It covers all the basic topics that will help the students to think outside of the box and can be downloaded online. Students are advised to take a printout of the syllabus to avoid any technical disturbance.
Highlights of Syllabus: ICSE Board 10th
Conducting Authority |
Exam Name |
ICSE Board Examination |
Category |
ICSE Syllabus |
Mode of Syllabus |
Online |
Official website |
cisce.org |
Syllabus format |
ICSE Board Board Examinations every year. They also conduct the supplementary examination for those students who couldn’t clear the examination on the first attempt. The question paper will be solely based on the Syllabus.
The syllabus is divided into three sections A, B, and C.
Section A is compulsory for all candidates. Candidates will have a choice of attempting questions from EITHER Section B OR Section C.
There will be one paper of 3 hours duration of 80 marks.
Section A (65 Marks): Candidates will be required to attempt all questions. The internal choice will be provided in two questions of two marks, two questions of four marks, and two questions of six marks each.
Section B/ Section C (15 Marks): Candidates will be required to attempt all questions EITHER from Section B or Section C. Internal choice will be provided in one question of two marks and one question of four marks.
Candidates can download the syllabus by performing the following steps.
Step 1: Visit the official website of ICSE i.e cisce.org
Step 2: On the home page, under the Primary menu, there is an ICSE menu where candidates have to click on the “Regulations & Syllabuses” option.
Step 3: To open the syllabus page, candidates have to click on the syllabus icon.
Step 4: After clicking on the syllabus icon, a syllabus page will open containing the list of all the subjects. To download the syllabus in pdf format, candidates have to click on the particular subject which they want to download.
English |
Second language - Sanskrit |
Second language - Indian language |
French |
Modern Foreign Languages |
History and Civics |
German |
Spanish |
Physics |
Geography |
Chemistry |
Mathematics |
Biology |
Modern Foreign Language - Group II |
Commercial Studies |
Economics |
Classical Language |
Environmental Science |
Art |
Computer Applications |
Economic Applications |
Commercial Applications |
Home Science |
Performing Arts |
Cookery |
Fashion Designing |
Physical Education |
Environmental Applications |
Yoga |
SUPW and Community Service |
Technical Drawing Applications |
Modern Foreign Language - Group III |
It offers you a multitude of programming for your academics. Candidates which are pursuing this can also check their syllabus PDF. as per the govt. The session is going to start late this year. That's the reason for reducing the 30% syllabus. The board also enjoys the prerogative right of prescribing the textbook for the whole 2 years.
Yearly, some changes in the syllabus as per their point of view if they think it's necessary then only conduct the examination. The ICSE Board Class 10th provides you the Syllabus mentioned with the topics as well so that it will be easy for you to start your preparation for the exams.
S.NO. | UNIT | Total Weightage |
1. |
Relations and Functions |
10 Marks |
2. |
Algebra |
10 Marks |
3. |
Calculus |
32 Marks |
4. |
Probability |
13 Marks |
5. |
Vectors |
5 Marks |
6. |
Three-Dimensional Geometry |
6 Marks |
7. |
Application of Integrals |
4 Marks |
8. |
Application of Calculus |
5 Marks |
9. |
Linear Regression |
6 Marks |
10. |
linear programming |
4 Marks |
80 Marks |
Candidates will be expected to have completed two projects, one from Section A and one from either Section B or Section C.
The project work will be assessed by the subject teacher and a Visiting Examiner appointed locally and approved by the Council.
Marks Allocation for Each Project (10 marks)
Overall format |
1 Mark |
Content |
4 Marks |
Findings |
2 Marks |
Viva-Voice based on the Project |
3 Marks |
Total |
10 Marks |
Topics for Project Work:
Section A
1. Explore the principal value of the function sin-1 x (or any other inverse trigonometric function) using a unit circle.
2. Explain the concepts of increasing and decreasing functions, using the geometrical significance of dy/dx. Illustrate with proper examples.
3. Explain the conditional probability, the theorem of total probability, and the concept of Bayes’ theorem with suitable examples.
Section B
4. Using vector algebra, find the area of a parallelogram/triangle. Also, derive the area analytically and verify the same.
5. Find the image of a line for a given plane.
6. Find the area bounded by a parabola and an oblique line.
(Any other pair of curves which are specified in the syllabus may also be taken.)
Section C
7. Draw a rough sketch of Cost (C), Average Cost (AC), and Marginal Cost (MC) Or Revenue (R), Average Revenue (AR), and Marginal Revenue (MR).
8. For a given data, find regression equations by the method of least squares.
9. Using any suitable data, find the Optimum cost by formulating a linear programming problem (LPP).
There will be two papers on the subject:
Paper I - Theory (3 hours) - 80 marks
Paper II-Project Work - 20 marks
There will be no overall choice in the paper. Candidates will be required to answer all questions. The internal choice will be available in two questions of 2 marks each, two questions of 3 marks each, and all three questions of 5 marks each.
S.NO. | UNIT | Total Weightage |
1. |
Electrostatics |
14 Marks |
2. |
Current Electricity |
3. |
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism |
16 Marks |
4. |
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents |
5. |
Electromagnetic Waves |
6. |
Optics |
20 Marks |
7. |
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter |
13 Marks |
8. |
Atoms and Nuclei |
9. |
Electronic Device |
7 Marks |
70 marks |
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