College Disha
ICSE Board 9th

ICSE Board 9th Admit Card 2025

CISCE Board 9th Admit Card 2025:

It is going to be released on the official website of the CISCE Board and it will be provided to all the students who have successfully registered for the examination. The admit card includes the necessary details related to the candidate and examination such as the Candidate’s Name, Roll Number, Examination Centre, Exam Time, Subject Code, and important guidelines related to the examination.

All the candidates must collect their admit cards from the respective school and make sure that they have registered for the examination and there is no due left. After receiving the admit card candidates must check all the details mentioned in it, to make sure there is no error or mistake in it.

ICSE Board 9th Admit Card

Private or distance learners can collect their admit cards from the nearest examination center.

This year the CISCE Board has released the admit card in March 2025 and scheduled the examination in April & May. The examination started on 27th February and ended on 19th March.

 ICSE Board 9th Exam 2025 (Quick Links)

CISCE Board 9th Result 
ICSE Board 9th Notification
CISCE Board 9th Registration Form
CISCE Board 9th Time Table
ICSE Board 9th Syllabus
ICSE Board 9th Admit Card

ICSE Board 9th Admit Card 2025: Overview

Board Name

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)


CISCE Board Class 9th

Admit Card Release Date

Yet to announce

Article Category

CISCE Board 9th Admit Card

Commencement of Examination

Yet to announce

Official Website

How To Download ICSE Board 9th Admit Card 2025:

Below we have mentioned the step-by-step procedure which authorities can follow to download the admit card of all the students of class 9th.

Step 1: Visit the official website of the CISCE Board i.e

Step 2: After clicking on the link the CISCE homepage will appear on the screen where candidates are required to navigate for the admit card link that will be mentioned under the news section on the right sidebar.

Step 3: Download the respective admit cards of all the students and can take a printout.

Step 4: Students are required to physically visit the school and collect their admit cards from concerned authorities or class teachers. After receiving the admit card check all the details mentioned in it such as Name and Roll Number and preserve it till the examination ends.

Note: The school officials will provide the signature and school stamp on the admit card.

Details Mentioned In ICSE Board 9th Admit Card 2025:

Below we have mentioned the list of details that are going to be available in the ICSE Board 9th Admit Card which must be cross-checked by the students.

  • Name of the candidate 
  • Exam Centre 
  • Subject names
  • Subjects code 
  • The unique index number of the candidate
  • Important Instructions
  • Photo of the candidate
  • Signature of the candidate
  • Signature of the school head or principal

How To Apply For Duplicate Admit Card?

Candidates who have lost their admit card or want to apply for a duplicate admit card can follow the step-by-step instructions mentioned below.

  • Visit the official website of the CISCE Board 9th Admit Card and click on the plus (+) symbol given in the services section. After this candidate must log in to the service portal and if the candidate is not registered then he or she must click on the register button.
  • Enter the valid email id and password and further click on the register button. a confirmation message will be sent to the provided email address and after that login again.
  • After logging in the user profile will pop up where candidates are required to enter see details to update their previous admit card details.
  • Click on the save and continue button. While submitting the details the candidates are required to submit all the supporting documents by clicking on the choose file button. Finally, click on the proceed button and make a payment to complete the final process.
Important Instructions Mentioned In CISCE Board 9th Admit Card 2025:
  • After receiving the admit card candidates must check all the details mentioned in it and if there's any mistake or error in it, the candidate must immediately inform the school authorities for the rectification of details in it.
  • Candidates must follow all the guidelines provided in the admit card during the examination.
  • Candidates must appear in the examination hall early before the examination starts to ensure there is no delay. Late appearing candidates won’t be allowed to sit in the examination hall.
  • Candidates must not bring any electronic devices or pieces of paper.
  • Candidates must use the roll number and details as mentioned in the admit card.
CISCE Board Class 10th Exam (Useful Links)
✎CISCE Board Class 10th Exam Registration Form 
✎CISCE Board Class 10th Time Table
✎CISCE Board Class 10th Syllabus
✎CISCE Board Class 10th Admit Card
✎CISCE Board Class 10th Result

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