AP Board 9th Syllabus 2025: consists of all the relevant topics and chapters. It is the curriculum that you study in that particular class. So, you should collect the syllabus as soon as possible. It is also available on the books published by the board. The State Council of Education Research and Training, Andhra Pradesh prepares the books of a class.
It has the topics which you will study in higher secondary and further education. It has only a glimpse of all those topics. Therefore, qualifying for Andhra Pradesh Board class 9th will make you eligible for higher classes. You can easily understand the deep explanation of every topic.
Students can also download it from the official website of the board. The board makes the syllabus available for the students. Also, it is the official website, so all the details are genuine. The books published by the board contain very brief explanations. If you want deep knowledge about the topics, you should study the reference books.
AP Board 9th Syllabus 2025
Name of Subject |
Syllabus |
Computer science |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
Mathematics |
History |
Geography |
Political Science |
Economics |
Physical Education |
Steps to Download the AP Board 9th Syllabus 2025:
It is available on the official website. The board has made the syllabus easily accessible for the students. They can download it anytime anywhere. Students should collect it as soon as possible because this helps them to identify the topics which they have to prepare for the exam. The procedure to download the syllabus is easy.
You can download the AP Board 9th syllabus 2025 by following the steps below:
Visit the official website of the Andhra Pradesh Board (www.bse.ap.gov.in).
Check the students/academics section. Click on the link related to the syllabus.
A new page will appear, select your class.
Click on the subject syllabus to download it.
A pdf file will be opened, download the file. This is the syllabus.
Recommended Books:
State Council of Education Research and Training prepares the books for Andhra Pradesh school education. The books are designed according to the latest study pattern formulated by the education department. Also, the books contain the syllabus of that particular class. The main drawback of these books is that the explanation is not deep. You can not understand a topic completely.
The best solution is to read the topics from different books. There are a lot of books on the same subject by different authors. All these books contain every topic of the syllabus. You can read them for a better explanation. However, you should mainly focus on your syllabus.
Some of the top books which contain the Andhra Pradesh board class 9th syllabus are:
English |
BBC Literature Companion English, All in one for English by Arihant |
Mathematics |
Mathematics for Class 9th by R.S. Aggarwal, A Textbook of Mathematics for class 9th by Ratna Sagar |
Physics |
Physics for class 9th by Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur (S.Chand Publication) |
Chemistry |
Chemistry for class 9th by Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur (S.Chand Publication) |
Biology |
Super simplified Science Biology for Class 9th by S. Dinesh Publications |
Social Science |
Evergreen Self Study in Social Science for 9th Class |
AP Board 10th Exam (Quick Link) |
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✎ AP Board 10th Exam Syllabus |
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✎ AP Board 10th Result |
Andhra Pradesh Board 12th Exam 2025 (Useful Links) |
AP Board 12th Registration Form |
AP Board 12th Admit Card |
AP Board 12th Time Table |
AP Board 12th Syllabus |
AP Board 12th Exam Result |
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