Syllabus and Exam Pattern is an important elements for exam preparation. Therefore it becomes imperative for students to know the Uttarakhand Board Class 9th Syllabus 2025. Students can refer to the syllabus we have mentioned in this article.
The information we have mentioned in this article is extracted from the official website of the state board and hence it is the official syllabus for UK board class 9th.
If you are wondering, how to prepare well for your class 9th exams, Check out the UBSE Class 9th Syllabus 2025. It will help you to understand the class exam structure, various projects, and practicals included in your class 9th curriculum. In this article, we have mentioned the subject-wise syllabus of Uttarakhand board class 9th.
Uttarakhand Board Class 9th Maths Syllabus 2025:
Unit | Topics & Concepts |
Unit 1- Number systems | 1. REAL NUMBERS
Unit 2- Algebra |
Unit 3- Coordinate Geometry | The Cartesian plane, coordinates of a point, names and terms associated with the coordinate plane, notations, plotting points in the plane, the graph of linear equations as examples; focus on linear equations of the type ax + by + c = 0 by writing it as y = mx + c and linking with the chapter on linear equations in two variables. |
Unit 4- Geometry |
1. INTRODUCTION TO EUCLID’S GEOMETRY History – Euclid and geometry in India. Euclid’s method of formalizing observed phenomena into rigorous mathematics with definitions, common/obvious notions, axioms/postulates, and theorems. The five postulates of Euclid. Equivalent versions of the fifth postulate. Showing the relationship between axiom and theorem. 2. LINES & ANGLES
Unit 5- Mensuration | 1. AREAS
Unit 6- Probability and Statistics |
Uttarakhand Board Class 9th Science Syllabus:
Theme | Unit | Topics |
Food | Unit-1: Food | Plant and animal breeding and selection for quality improvement and management; use of fertilizers, manures; protection from pests and diseases; organic farming. |
Materials | Unit-2: Matter - Nature and behavior |
The World of the living | Unit 3: Organization in the living world |
Moving things, people, and ideas | Unit 4: Motion, Force and Work |
Natural Resources | Unit 5: Our Environment | Physical resources: Air, Water, Soil. Air for respiration, combustion, moderating temperatures, movements of air, and its role in bringing rains across India. Air, water, and soil pollution ( brief introduction). Holes in the ozone layer and the probable damages. Bio-geo chemical cycles in nature: water, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen |
Uttarakhand Board Class 9th English Syllabus 2025:
Section | Topics & Components | Total Marks Weightage |
2 unseen passages of a total of 500 words with a variety of questions including 4 marks for vocabulary:
20 Marks |
SECTION B : WRITING | 3. Letter Writing: One letter is not more than 80 words based on provided verbal stimulus and context. Types of letters: Informal; Personal such as to family and friends; Formal: Letters of complaint, inquiry, request & application (08 Marks) 4. Writing a short paragraph on a given outline/topic in about 60 words (04 Marks) 5. Writing a short writing task based on a verbal and/or visual stimulus (diagram, picture, graph, map, chart, flow chart, etc.). (08 Marks) |
20 Marks |
A variety of short questions involving the use of particular structures within a context. Text types used will include gap-filling, sentence completion, sentence reordering, dialogue completion, and sentence transformation (including combining sentences). The Grammar syllabus will include the following areas in class IX: |
15 Marks |
Beehive- NCERT Text Book for class IX Prose- 20 Marks 12 & 13. Two extracts from different prose lessons are included in Text Book (Approximately 100 words each) 5 ×2= 10 Marks These extracts chosen from different lessons will be literary and discursive in nature. Each extract will be 5 marks. One mark in each extract will be for vocabulary. 4 Marks in each passage will be used for testing local and global comprehension besides a question on interpretation. |
45 Marks |
Poetry | 16. One extract from a poem from the prescribed reader is followed by two or three questions to test the local and global comprehension of the set text. The extract will carry four marks.(04 Marks) 17. Two out of three short answer-type questions on the interpretation of themes and ideas. (06 Marks) |
10 Marks |
Moments- Supplementary Reader for Class IX | 18. One out of two questions from Supplementary Reader to interpret, evaluate and analyze character, plot, or situations occurring in the lessons to be answered in about 100 words. (08 Marks) 19. One out of two very short answer-type questions based on factual aspects of the lessons to be answered in 20-30 words. 03 Marks 20. One out of two short answer-type questions of interpretative and evaluative nature based on lessons to be answered in 30-40 words. (04 Marks) |
Uttarakhand Board Class 9th Social Science Syllabus:
Unit 1: India & the Contemporary World-I
Themes | Objectives |
Any two themes from each of the first two sub-units and one from the third could be studied. Sub-unit 1.1: Events & Processes In this unit, the focus is on three events and processes that have in major ways shaped the identity of the modern world. Each represents a different form of politics and a specific combination of forces. One event is linked to the growth of liberalism and democracy, one with socialism and one with the negotiation of both democracy and socialism. 1. French Revolution: (a) The Ancient Regime and its crises (b) The social forces that led to the revolution. (c) The different revolutionary groups and ideas of the time (d) The legacy 2. Russian Revolution: (a) The crisis of Tzarism (b) The nature & Social movements between 1905 and 1917 (c) The First World War and Foundation of the Soviet State (d) The Legacy 3. Rise of Nazism: (a) The growth of social democracy (b) The crisis in Germany (c) The basis of Hitler's rise to power (d) The ideology of Nazism (e) The impact of Nazism 4. Pastoralists in the modern world: (a) Pastoralism as a way of life (b) Different forms of pastoralism (c) What happens under colonialism and modern states? Case studies: Focus on two pastoral groups, one from Africa and one from India. |
Sub-unit: 1.2 Economics & Livelihoods The themes in this section will focus on how different social groups grapple with the changes in the contemporary world and how these changes affect their lives. 5. Forest Society and Colonialism: (a) Relationship between forests and livelihoods (b) Changes in forest societies under colonialism Case studies: Focus on two forest movements one in colonial India (Bastar) and one in Indonesia. 6. Farmers and Peasants: (a) Histories of the emergence of different forms of farming and peasant societies. (b) Changes within rural economies in the modern world. Case studies: focus on contrasting rural change and different firns of rural societies (expansion of large-scale wheat and cotton farming in USA, rural economy and the Agricultural Revolution in England, and small peasant production in colonial India) |
Sub-unit 1.3: Culture, Identity, and Society The themes in this unit will consider how issues of culture are linked up to the making of the contemporary world. 7. Sports & Politics The story of cricket (a) The emergence of cricket as an English sport (b) Cricket & Colonialism (c) Cricket nationalism and de-colonialization. 8. Clothes and Cultures (a) A short history of changes in clothing (b) Debates over clothing in colonial India (c) Swadesh and the movement of Khadi, Sub-unit 1.4: Map Work (2 Marks) |
Unit 2: India- Land & the People
1. India: location, relief, structure, major physiographic units. 2. Climate: factors influencing the climate; monsoon- its characteristics, rainfall, and temperature distribution; seasons; climate and human life. 3. Drainage: major rivers and tributaries, lakes and seas, roles of rivers in the economy, pollution of rivers, measures to control river pollution. 4. Natural Vegetation: Vegetation types, distribution as well as altitudinal variation, need for conservation, and various measures. 5. Wildlife: Major species, their distribution, need for conservation, and various measures. 6. Population: size, distribution, age-sex composition, population to change-migration as a determinant of population change, literacy, health, occupational structure and nation, Population policy: adolescents as underserved population group with special needs. |
Map Work (04 Marks)
Unit 3: Democratic Politics - I
1. What is democracy? Why democracy? 1. What are the different ways of defining democracy? Why has democracy become the most prevalent form of government in our times? What are the alternatives to democracy? Is democracy superior to its available alternatives? Must every democracy have the same institutions and values? 2. Designing of Democracy in India How and why did India become a democracy? How was the Indian constitution framed? What are the salient features of the constitution? How is democracy being constantly designed and redesigned in India? 3. Electoral Politics in Democracy Why and how do we elect representatives? Why do we have a system of competition among political parties? How has the citizens' participation in electoral politics changed? What are the ways to ensure free and fair elections? 4. Institutions of Parliamentary democracy How is the country governed? What does Parliament do in our democracy? What is the role of the President in India, the Prime Minister, and the Council of Ministers? How do these relate to one another? 5. Citizens’ rights in a democracy Why do we need rights in a constitution? What are the Fundamental Rights enjoyed by the citizen under the Indian constitution? How does the judiciary protect the Fundamental Rights of the citizen? How is the independence of the judiciary ensured? |
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