UK Class 9th Admit Card 2025: An Admit card is a document that is given to you to prove your identity in the examination hall. It is a mandatory document required to be carried in the examination hall. It consists of your basic details such as your name, father’s name, roll no., enrollment no., your passport size photo, and your signature.
The examiner cross-checks your admit card with the help of your ID proof. Uttarakhand Board of School Education provides admit cards for Class 10th and Class 12th board exams only. Uttarakhand Board Class 9th Admit Card will be provided by the school only.
The school authorities are responsible to generate UBSE Class 9th Admit card. Please note that the school may or may not provide you admit card for the exams. The admit card's purpose is to provide a valid ID proof in the examination hall, but Class 9th board exams will be held on your school campus only and the examiners will also be from your school.
You might only need your school roll no. for appearing in Class 9th examinations.
Details mentioned on UBSE Class 9th Admit Card:
All the candidates who will fill out the Class 9th registration form in their school will receive their UBSE Class 9th Admit Card 2025. Please note that it is not necessary that your school will provide you UBSE Class 9th Admit Card for your final examinations. Schools may or may not provide you Uttarakhand Board Class 9th, Admit Card. In case your school doesn’t consider providing the admit card/hall ticket, you can appear in the class 9th final exams without it.
Candidates who will receive their UBSE Class 9th Admit Card will find the following details mentioned on it:
Admission Open 2024
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