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TN Board  10th

TN Board 10th Syllabus 2025

TN Board 10th Syllabus 2025: Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education declares it. Here we have mentioned the TN Board 10th Syllabus of all streams. On the below links students can download the pdf of the syllabus.

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TN Board 10th Result
TN Board 10th Exam

TN Board 10th Syllabus Tamil medium

Subjects (Tamil)



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TN SSLC 10th Syllabus English Medium

Subjects (English)



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TN Board 10th Syllabus

TN Board Class 10th Science Syllabus

1. Heredity and Evolution












1.1 Heredity

1.2 Variations

1.3 Evolution

1.4 Speciation

1.5 Human evolution

1.6 Evolution tree

1.7 Genetic engineering

1.8 Biotechnology and cloning

1.9 Stem cell-Organ culture

1.10 Microbial production.

1.11 Biosensor – Biochips

1.12 Science today – Gene Therapy

2: Immune System








2.1 Health and its significance

2.2 Diseases and causes

2.3 Diseases caused by microbes and prevention

2.4 Modes of transmission

2.5 Immunization

2.6 Treatment and prevention

2.7 Biotechnology in Medicine

2.8 HIV and Prevention

3: Structure & Function of the Human Body – Organ System




3.1 Nervous system

3.2 Endocrine system

3.3 Cell division - Stages of Meiosis

3.4 Heredity

4: Reproduction in Plants




4.1 Modes of reproduction - vegetative, asexual, and sexual reproduction in plants

4.2 Pollination

4.3 Fertilization

4.4 Fruits and seeds

5: A Representative Study of Mammals Morphology









5.1 Habitats

5.2 Adaptations

5.3 Basic Physiological Functions.

5.4 Circulatory system in man.

5.5 Excretory system in man.

5.6 Relationship of structure to functions

5.7 Animal Behaviour

5.8.1 Behaviour (social, reproductive, parental care)

5.8.2 Some case studies from researchers(animals behavior)

6: Life Processes









6.1 Definition

6.2 Types of nutrition and the human digestive system

6.3 Respiration

6.4 Transportation in plants-water and minerals and animals - blood circulation

6.5 Excretion in plants and animals

6.6 Nervous system

6.7 Coordination in plants

6.8 Movement due to growth

6.9 Hormones in animals

7: Conservation of Environment






7.1 Biodegrade Gradable non-biodegradable wastes

7.2 Water management

7.3 Wildlife sanctuaries

7.4 Balance in Ecosystem

7.5 Coal and petroleum

7.6 Green chemistry

8: Wastewater Management











8.1 Journey of water

8.2 Sewage

8.3 Treatment

8.4 Domestic practices

8.5 Sanitation and diseases

8.6 Alternate arrangement for sewage disposal

8.7 Sanitation in public places

8.8 Energy Management

8.8.1 Energy audit (home, school)

8.8.2 Renewable sources (solar, hydrogen, wind)

8.8.3 Non–renewable sources—(coal, petroleum, natural gas)

9 Solutions





9.1 Solute and Solvent

9.2 Types of Solutions

9.3 Solubility

9.4 Factors Affecting Solubility

9.5 Problems

10: Atoms and Molecules










10.1 Modern atomic theory

10.2 Avogadro Hypothesis

10.2.1 Atomicity

10.2.2 Relation between vapor density and molecular mass of agas

10.3 Difference between Atom and Molecules

10.4 Relative Atomic Mass

10.5. Relative Molecular mass

10.6 Mole Concepts

10.6.1 Mole-Definition

10.6.2 Problems based on mole concept

11: Chemical Reactions

















11.1 Types of chemical reactions

11.2 Rate of the chemical reaction

11.2.1 Factors influencing the rate of the chemical reaction

11.3 Acids

11.3.1 Classification of acids

11.3.2 Chemical properties of acids

11.4 Bases

11.4.1 Classification of bases

11.4.2 Chemical properties of bases

11.4.3 uses of bases

11.5 Identification of acids and bases

11.6 pH scale

11.6.1 pH paper

11.6.2 Importance of pH in everyday life.

11.7 Salts

11.7.1 Classification of salts

11.7.2 Uses of salts

12: Periodic Classification of Elements
















12.1 Modern periodic law

12.2 Modern periodic table

12.3 Characteristics of the modern periodic table

12.4 Metallurgy

12.4.1 Introduction

12.4.2 Terminologies in metallurgy

12.4.3 Differences between Minerals and Ores

12.5 Occurrence of metals

12.6 Metallurgy of Al, Cu, and Fe

12.6.1 Metallurgy of Aluminium

12.6.2 Metallurgy of Copper 12.6.3 Metallurgy of iron

12.7 Alloys

12.7.1 Methods of making alloys

12.7.2 Copper Aluminium and Iron alloys

12.8 Corrosion

12.8.1 Method s of preventing corrosion

TN Board 10th Syllabus for History

Particular Details

Unit 1

The rise of Imperialism Factors-forms-methods conquest of India, China.

and its effects

Unit 2

First world war causes, Course-Effects. League of Nations and its failure.

Unit 3

The world between the world wars – Economic depression – Rise of Fascism and Nazism.

Unit 4

Second world war-Causes- Course- Effect UNO and its achievements.

Unit 5

The great revolt of 1857-Social, religious reform movements–Cause for the rise of national movements-Pre-Gandhian Era and Gandhian Era.

Unit 6

The social-religious reform movement in the 19th century Raja Rammohan RaiAnne Besant-Dayananda Saraswati Swami Vivekananda-Ramalinga Adigalar.

Unit 7

Causes for the rise of Nation Movements-Pre-Gandhian Era Gandhian Era-Role of Tamil Nadu in Freedom struggle

Unit 8

Social Transformation in Tamilnadu

TN SSLC 10th Syllabus of Geography

Particular Details

Unit 1






  • Administrative Divisions
  • India - Physiography
  • Drainage
  • Climate

Unit 2




National Resources 

  • Soil
  • National vegetation
  • Minerals

Unit 3



Agriculture and Industry 

  • Agriculture – types and distribution
  • Industries- Location factors Agro and Mineral-based Industries-some important

Unit 4

Environmental issues

Unit 5









Trade, Transport, and communication 

  • India’s internal and international trade
  • Land transport-roadways and railways
  • water transport and air transport
  • personal and mass communication
  • Remote sensing
  • Remote sensing-meaning and types
  • India’s remote sensing programs
  • Geographic information system and global positioning system – their advantages and uses

TN Board 10th Syllabus Economics

Particular Details

Unit 1


  • National Income
  • Basic Concepts- Methods of Calculating National Income Need for the study of National Income-Role of Government in Economic development

Unit 2


  • Indian Economy after Independence
  • Objectives of Five years plan Eleventh Five-year plan Agricultural Development - Economic Reforms of 1991- Science and Technology-Telecommunication and Information Technology Educational Achievement - Socio-Economic development in Tamilnadu

TN Board 10th Syllabus Mathematics 

Particular Details

I. Theory of Sets





i. Introduction

ii. Properties of operations on sets

iii. De Morgan’s law verification using example Venn diagram

iv. The formula for n A B C ( ) È È

v. Functions

II. Sequences and Series of Real Numbers





i. Introduction

ii. Sequences

iii. Arithmetic Progression (A.P)

iv. Geometric Progression (G.P)

v. Series

III. Algebra







i. Solving linear equations

ii. Polynomials

iii. Synthetic division

iv. Greatest common divisor (GCD) and Least common multiple (LCM)

v. Rational expressions

vi. Square root

vii. Quadratic Equations

IV. Matrices





i. Introduction

ii. Types of matrices

iii. Addition and subtraction

iv. Multiplication

v. Matrix equation

V. Coordinate Geometry





i. Introduction

ii. Revision: The distance between two points

iii. Section formula, Midpoint formula, Centroid formula

iv. Area of a triangle and quadrilateral

v. Straight line

VI. Trigonometry



i. Introduction

ii. Identities

iii. Heights and distances

VII. Geometry





i. Basic proportionality theorem (with proof)

ii. The converse of Basic proportionality theorem (with proof)

iii. Angle bisector theorem (with proof)

iv. The converse of Angle bisector theorem (with proof)

v. Similar triangles

VIII. Measurements



i. Introduction

ii. Surface Area and Volume of Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Hemisphere, Frustum

iii. Surface area and volume of combined figures iv. Invariant volume

TN Board Class 10th Syllabus for Civics

Particular Details

Unit 1

India and world peace

Unit 2

Democracy-Unity in Diversity

Unit 3

Consumer Rights

TN Board 12th Exam 2025 (You can also go through with the following Links)
TN Board 12th Registration Form
TN Board 12th Syllabus
TN Board 12th Time Table
TN Board 12th Information
TN Board 12th Admit Card
TN Board 12th Result

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