College Disha
Delhi Board 11th

Delhi Board 11th Admit Card 2025

Delhi Board 11th Admit Card 2025: It is available to students in January or February, around one month before the commencement of exams. The admit cards are mostly issued by the examination centers or school authorities. It is the most important document that is needed by the candidates to appear for the examinations. The candidates are required to bring their admit cards along with them at the time of attempting the examination since the roll number required will be mentioned on the admit card.

Dehli Board 11th Admit Card:

This document also proofs that the student is eligible to appear for the examination and has paid for the registration form as well. The details such as Roll number, Subject codes, etc are mentioned on the admit card. These are the same details that are filled in by the student at the time of registration. The students are required to get themselves registered first before being eligible to apply for an admit card.

Delhi Board  11th Admit Card

Students must follow the steps listed below to view their Delhi Board 11th Admit Card 2025:

  • Visit the official web portal of the Delhi Board.
  • Head over to the left-hand side of the homepage under ‘Students Corner’.
  • Search for ‘Roll No. Slip’
  • Click on the link.
  • A new window will appear. 
  • Enter your User ID and Password, which will be provided to you by your school or equivalent authority. 
  • A new window will appear that will bear your Delhi Board Class 11th Admit Card 2025. 

The student must make sure that they download the Admit Card for safety against loss. However,  the original Card must be collected from the exam center allotted by the board, for the student. Students must keep in mind that they must keep in touch with their exam centers so that they get their hands on the Admit card as soon as it is released.

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