College Disha
CBSE Board 10th

CBSE Board 10th Admit Card 2025

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued the CBSE Board 10th Admit Card 2025 on its official website i.e Candidates can now avail of their admit cards by downloading them. It will contain all the necessary details required for the exam such as the Name of the Candidate, Exam Centre, Address, subject, Subject Code, etc.

āœ Note: The original hall tickets of the candidates will be allotted to the school authorities before the commencement of the Class 10th board exam and the students have to take the admit cards from their respective schools.

āœ Note: None of the aspirants will be allowed to appear for the exam without the Admit Card, therefore all of them must bring it to the exam centres along with them.

Update: CSBE has released the Private candidate's Admit card for class 10th. Students can avail of their admit cards from the official website of the CBSE.

BSCE 10th Class Admit Card

Details Mentioned on BSCE 10th Class Admit Card

  • Student's Name
  • Roll number
  • Date of birth (only for Class 10 students)
  • Name of the Examination
  • Name & Address of Examination Centre
  • School number
  • Centre number
  • Student’s photo
  • Subjects and their codes in which students are appearing
  • CBSE exam dates
  • Admit Card ID
  • Other important instructions


  • The duration of time for each paper has been indicated in the Date sheet.
  • However, the duration of time for each paper/subject as given on the question paper be followed meticulously.
  • The answer book would be distributed to candidates between 10:00 Am to 10:15 Am.
  • Candidates would write their particulars on the answer book.
  • Particulars shall be checked and signed by Assistant Supridentent.
  • The question paper will be distributed at 10:15 Am.
  • From 10:15 Am to 10:30 Am (15 minutes), candidates shall read their question paper.
  • Candidates would plan proper strategies to write the answers.
  • At 10:30 Am candidates will start writing the answers.
  • No inquiries about the date of declaration of the result shall be attended to.
  • For more updates, please visit

Steps to Download the CBSE Board Class 10th Admit Card

Step 1: First, go to the official website of CBSE i.e and open the admit card notification.

Step 2: On the homepage of the CBSE website, search for the “Recent Announcement” section which is on the right side of the page.  

Step 3: The admit cards for the "regular/private" link will be displayed on the screen and click on it.

Step 4: A new page will appear on the screen where you have to mention all the required details such as id, password, pin, etc.

Step 5: Now, Click on "Submit" and it will arrive on your screen.

Step 6: Click on the notification.

Step 7: Finally, hit on “Download” and you will get it.

Step 8: After downloading, take out a printout of it for further Reference.

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