College Disha

WBPRB Exam 2025 Result

The WBPRB website announces the WB Police Constable Result. Candidates can use the instructions listed below to download the WB Police Constable Result.

Steps to Download an Admit Card

  • Step 1: Visit the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board's official webpage.
  • Step 2: A link stating the name of the relevant selection phase for the position of police constable will be available on the homepage. Select the aforementioned hyperlink.
  • Step 3: Login forms will open on a new page. It will open a new page. After choosing your city, click "Submit" after entering your application number and birthdate in the designated fields.
  • Step 4: The findings will open in a PDF file.
  • Step 5: If necessary, download the results from the page's upper-right corner.
  • To avoid more difficulties, the candidates must confirm their findings and, in the event that any anomalies are discovered, they must get in touch with the WBPRB right away.


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