College Disha

WBPRB Exam 2025 Admit Card

Admit Card is one of the essential commodities, which a candidate must secure not only for the examination but also for future reference. 

Steps to Download an Admit Card

Step 1: Visit WBPRB's official website.
Step 2: Find the "Recruitment" tab at this point. The link labeled "Recruitment for the post of Constable in West Bengal Police" must be clicked here.

Step 3: The screen will now open to a new page. Find and click on the "Download Admit Cards" link located here.

Step 4: A new screen will now appear, and you must find and click the link that says, "Click Here to Download Call Letter for the post of Constable."

Step 5: Your application number and birthdate must be entered.

Step 6: Click the "Click Here" button after inputting your information.

Step 7: A PDF copy of your WB Police Constable Hall Ticket will appear on the screen.

Step 8: Print out the hall pass after downloading it, and bring it with you on exam day.

Candidates need to get in touch with the WBPRB office right away if they find any errors on the WB Police Constable Hall Ticket. The admit card must be kept secure because it will be needed for the document verification procedure. 

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