College Disha

UPSC Exam Eligibility Criteria 2025

So, as you want to take the UPSC exams, you must see this eligibility criterion as this can affect you. Read it carefully, and then you will know if you are eligible for it or not.

  • Nationality: If you want to give UPSC Exam 2025 then you must be Indian with valid documents to verify your nationality. Non indians can’t give this Exam.

  • Age limit: Candidates who want to take UPSC exams have to be at least 21 years old, and the maximum age allowed is 32. You can give multiple attempts for UPSC according to your reservation, so please look at his table carefully and find out how many attempts you can give.

Category Age relaxation Number of attempts
General None 6
OBC 3 Years 9
SC/ST 5 Years Unlimited
EWS None 9
PwBD 10 Years 9
Ex-Servicemen 5 Years 9
  • Educational Qualification: If you want to take the Exam, then you must have a bachelor's degree from any recognized university. If you are in your final year, then you can apply for the UPSC exam, but you must complete and get a degree before the date.

These are the basic eligibility criteria for the UPSC exam 2025. And there are some physical and mental critical for some posts that you have to check for yourself as you must be aware of it

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