College Disha

UIDAI Exam Pattern 2025

UIDAI Exam Pattern 2025:

The UIDAI Exam Pattern is visible on the web portal of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). The UIDAI Exam Pattern 2025 is really helpful for all the candidates who are willing to work for Enrolment Agencies as Operators/ Supervisors/ Child Enrolment Lite Client because it clearly describes the topic-wise marking scheme as well as the subjects on which the exam will be based.

Once the candidates decide to appear for the UIDAI Exam, they should first go through the exam pattern which is published by UIDAI so that they can schedule their training accordingly and prepare well for the UIDAI Exam. All the candidates should aim at getting qualified in the UIDAI Exam.

UIDAI Exam Pattern 2025:

  • The duration of the UIDAI Exam is 110 Minutes.
  • The candidates who score more than 77 marks will be recruited for the post of Supervisor.
  • The candidates scoring marks between 61 to 76 will be recruited for the post of operator.
  • Candidates who will score less than 61 marks will be considered to fail and have to appear for the UIDAI exam again.
  • The candidates who want to upgrade from the operator or CELC operator to Supervisor have to register afresh and also have to pay the fresh test fee.
  • Candidates who are absent or unable to pass the exam can use the same TCA registration ID in order to schedule their retest. The retest fee has to be paid by the candidate.

UIDAI Exam Pattern 2025

UIDAI Exam- Useful Highlights
UIDAI Exam Notification
UIDAI Exam Application Form
UIDAI Exam Dates
UIDAI Exam Syllabus
UIDAI Exam Admit Card
UIDAI Exam Answer Key
UIDAI Exam Result

UIDAI Exam Mode:

  • The UIDAI Exam is conducted in an online mode for all the candidates.
  • When the candidates arrive for giving the UIDAI Exam, they will be given a specific computer system on which they have to sit and appear for the UIDAI Exam. 

Nature of Questions in UIDAI Exam:

  • The questions asked in the UIDAI Exam are Multiple Choice Based Questions.
  • In the exam, there will be 4 choices available for every question and the candidate has to tick against the option which they think to be correct.

UIDAI Exam Highlights:

  • There is good news for all the candidates that there is no negative marking for any wrong answers or unattempted.
  • All the questions asked are compulsory to attempt, no optional questions will be there.
  • There will be 110 Questions in the exam for Supervisor/Operator and 35 Questions in the exam for Child Enrolment Lite Client Operator (CELC Operator). 
  • All the questions will be multiple choice-based questions.
  • The UIDAI Exam will be of 110 minutes if the candidate is appearing for the post of Supervisor or Operator and the UIDAI Exam will be of 50 minutes if the candidate is sitting for the post of Child Enrolment Lite Client Operator (CELC Operator). 

UIDAI Exam Pattern:

  • For the Post of Supervisor/ Operator 
  1. The Exam Syllabus Content is the same for the post of Supervisor and Operator but their passing percentage is different as:
  1. i) For the Operator, it is mandatory to get 55% Overall Marks in the UIDAI Exam.
  2. ii) For the Supervisor, it is mandatory to get 70% Overall Marks in the UIDAI Exam.  
  1. The candidate will get 110 minutes to attempt the exam.
  2. The candidate who gets a minimum of 77 marks or more out of 110 marks will get certified as Supervisor.
  3.  The candidate who scores marks between 61 marks and 76 marks out of 110 marks will be certified as Operator.
  4. The candidates who score less than 61 marks out of 110 marks will be declared as “Failed” and then he/she has to sit for Retest and will have to attempt all the modules again.   
  5. The candidates who wish to upgrade their Certification from Operator/CELC Operator to Supervisor, have to register again and pay the test fee. Then they will have to appear for the exam.
  6. In case due to any personal issue, the candidate is absent or fails in the exam, he/she can use the same Registration Id to schedule their UIDAI Retest after paying the UIDAI Retest Fee.

UIDAI Exam Pattern for the Post of Supervisor/Operator


Chapter/Module Name 

Maximum Number of Questions in each Module 

Number of Questions in Exam 

Duration  (1 minute each)

Passing Percentage 

  1. I

Introduction to UIDAI and Aadhaar 





55% Overall Marks for the Operator and 70% Overall Marks for the Supervisor 


Registrar, Enrolling Agency and Enrolling Staff





Onboarding of Enrolment Agency and Staff





Aadhaar Enrolment and Update Process





Capturing Demographic and Biometric Update and use of Clients 





Exceptional Handling 





Guidelines for Enrolment Operator/ Supervisor on Quality of Enrolment/ Update 





Offenses/ Penalties 





Guidelines to improve Customer Satisfaction and Avoid Fraud 








110 Minutes 

List of Items Prohibited inside the UIDAI Examination Centre:
  • Electronic Watches or Gadgets like Mobile Phone, Calculator, Ear Phone, etc.
  • Any printed material or paper.
  • Handbag/Purse
  • Eatables 
  • Any camera, tape recorder, etc.

 Ministry of Home Affairs Guidelines (MHA Guidelines) 

Due to the CoronaVirus Pandemic, there are few changes in the conduct of the UIDAI Exam. The changes are as follows:

  1. It is compulsory for all the candidates to wear a mask. In case he/she is not wearing the mask, NSEiT Officials will not allow him/her to enter the UIDAI Examination Centre.
  2. The candidate will also get an entry in the UIDAI Examination Centre if he/she clears the Thermal Screening Test without any difficulty.
  3. The category of candidates falling in the below-mentioned categories are sincerely advised to not schedule their UIDAI Exam in the current situation:
    1. Candidates who are above 60 years of age.
    2. Candidates who have traveled to or from a foreign location in the year 2020.
    3. Candidates who have to travel to other cities to take the exam.
    4. Candidates who are living in the Red Zone or Containment Zones.
    5. Candidates who are feeling feverish or noticing any symptoms in their body of CoronaVirus. 
Important Note:
  • All the candidates who are willing to appear in the Certification Exam for the position of Operator/Supervisor/CELC Operator conducted by NSEiT Limited which is the Training and Certification Agency authorized by UIDAI should note that the Test Structure and Question Bank for the same have been revised and it is in effect from February 04, 2019. 
  • The candidates can access the amended Learner Guide and Question Bank using the link given below:

The candidates can go through the complete guide for getting good marks in this certification exam.

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