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UIDAI Exam Answer Key 2025

✍  Neither the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) nor NSEiT releases the UIDAI Exam Answer key for this exam unlike the other authorities do for all the competitive exams. 

Answer Key is very helpful for the candidates who appear for any exam as they can check & analyze the right answers and finally they can estimate their expected score in the exam. Once the candidates appear in any exam, they become curious to know the correct answers to the questions asked in the question paper. So, generally, the concerned authority which has conducted the exam releases the answer key but for this UIDAI Exam, no official UIDAI Exam Answer key is published. 

Maybe in the future, the concerned authority will plan to publish the UIDAI Exam Answer Key but for now, the candidates do not get any official answer key from which they can tally their answers. But for the benefit of candidates, the concerned authority has given training material. If the candidates go through the content of training material and the questions are given in the question bank, then attempt the mock test, he/she will surely score good marks in the UIDAI Exam. 

There is a total number of 510 Questions which are given in the Question Bank for the exam of Supervisor/ Operator and a total number of 75 Questions in the Question Bank for CELC Certification. The candidates can access the UIDAI Question Bank from the official website of UIDAI using the link   

However, training is not mandatory but it is recommended by the concerned authority that the people who have the desire to work with the registered Enrolment Agencies should undergo the Training Programme conducted by the Registrar and Enrolment Agency.

Download the UIDAI Exam Answer Key:

Follow the given steps to download the UIDAI Exam Answer Key.

  • Firstly, log into the official website of UIDAI.
  • Click on the link stating, “Download UIDAI Answer Key”. After that, select the UIDAI Exam Paper for which you have appeared.
  • Now, tap on the download button which will automatically download the Answer key file in the PDF format.
  • Now, you can compare your responses with the UIDAI Exam answer key and estimate your tentative scores.

UIDAI Exam Answer Key 2025

UIDAI Exam Links

UIDAI Exam Information
UIDAI Exam Registration Form
UIDAI Exam Dates
UIDAI Exam Pattern
UIDAI Exam Syllabus
UIDAI Exam Admit Card
UIDAI Exam Answer Key
UIDAI Exam Result

What are the different types of training available in UIDAI

The training for the job positions of Supervisor/ Child Enrolment Lite Client (CELC) Operator/ Operator in the Enrolment Agency is mainly provided by the Registrar and Aadhaar Enrolment Agency to familiarise the candidates with all the processes involved in the work of Aadhaar Enrolment. 

For now, there are basically 2 types of training available in UIDAI for the benefit of the candidates:

  • Master Trainer’s Training/TOT
  1. Conducted to train the Master tain who can further train others in various domains.
  2. Master Trainer can be nominated by Registrar and Enrolment Agency from their respective departments.
  3. Regional Offices may also identify the Master Trainers from Advance Training Institutes 
  4. Duration of this training is 1 or 2 days as all the candidates possess the basic knowledge about Aadhaar Enrolment 
  • Orientation/ Refresher Program of Enrolment Agency
  1. This training is especially for the staff of the Enrolment Agency i.e. Supervisor, Operator, CELC Operator who are actively involved in the enrollment process. 
  2. The duration of this training is fixed as 1 day.
  3. This type of training is conducted in classroom mode and generally, these types of training are conducted once in every quarter by Regional Offices.
  4. This training also includes a test at the end to assess the level of understanding of the attendees. 

The candidates are sincerely advised to undergo the above-mentioned training so that they can better prepare for the certification exam. 

UIDAI Marking Scheme

Marks for Correct Answers 

Negative Marking 

1 mark for every correct answer


(0 marks will be deducted for incorrect answers)

UIDAI Exam Minimum Qualifying Marks:

Job Categories

Minimum Cut off 

Child Enrolment Lite Client Operator

The candidate who has to get a minimum of 19 Marks or more out of 35 marks will get certified as CELC Operator.


The candidate has to get a score between 61 marks and 76 marks out of 110 marks to get certified as an Operator.


The candidate has to score a minimum of 77 marks or more out of 110 marks to get certified as Supervisor.

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