College Disha

Tips and Tricks for CTET

Tips and Tricks for CTET 2025-

The aspirants need to prepare well in order to crack the CTET Exam. Here are some tricks candidates can employ to prepare for CTET Exam:

  • First of all, candidates must know the basic details about the CTET Exam such as exam conducting authority, selection process, examination scheme, etc.
  • Candidates must be aware of the CTET Exam Pattern and syllabus in detail as it is very very important to start preparation.
  • As soon as the official CTET notification is released, candidates must obtain the information bulletin and go through the same.
  • Make a time-table and follow it.
  • Gather good reference books and with the help of them prepare accordingly.
  • To know the exam pattern, and difficulty level of questions, solve the previous year's question paper.
  • Candidates must prepare notes on the important topics and revise them regularly.
  • Candidates should go through each and every topic of the prescribed CTET Syllabus for a better score.
  • Apart from the above exercise, the candidate must stay healthy. Take proper hours of sleep and stay fresh.
CTET Exam - Internal Links  
CTET Notification
CTET Application Form
CTET Exam Date
CTET Exam Pattern
CTET Syllabus
CTET Admit Card
CTET Answer Key
CTET Result 

Preparation of CTET Exam Subject Wise:

CTET Preparation for Child Development and Pedagogy

  • 15 questions from each of the subsections will be asked from the child development section.
  • The questions will be related to the principle and ideology of thinkers under the child development section.
  • The concept of comprehensive education and understanding children with special needs is important as 5 questions are asked from the topics.
  • Revise the CTET Previous Year Question Papers.
Important topics for Child Development and Pedagogy:
  1. Theories of Intelligence
  2. Theories of Child Development
  3. Learning theories
  4. Intelligence theories
  5. Assessment & Evaluation
  6. Concepts of Psychology
Books for Child Development and Pedagogy Section

Book name


Complete Resource for CTET: Child Development and Pedagogy

Pearson Education

CTET & TETs Child Development & Pedagogy ( for both Paper I & Paper II)

Arihant Publications

Child Development & Pedagogy: Paper 1 & Paper 2 of CTET

By Shalini Punjabi (Disha Publications)

Child Development & Pedagogy for CTET & STET ( in Hindi)

Disha publications

CTET Preparation – Language I and II
Language I –
  • The language which is used to give instructions in classes medium of instruction proficiency will be checked in the language I section.
  • A lot of practice is required to master the language I section.
  • the language I am usually the regional language ( Hindi selected by most of the candidates)
  • Online test series must be practiced to excel in the section.
  • Time management and planning must be done to improve the performance of the section.
  • Two unseen passages will be asked-  one from prose and the other from the drama. Prose questions can be literally, scientific, narrative or discursive.
  • One question will come on the basis of a poem given in the question paper.
  • Inference-based questions will be asked.
  • Questions on grammar and verbal ability.
Language II –
  • Language II is considered the second primary language used in the region.
  • Questions will be similar to the language I.
  • To check the grammatical skills, questions will be asked from language II.
  • 2 unseen composition questions will come, which can be discursive, literary, narrative or scientific.
Common Tips Both Languages:
  • Try hard and do a lot of practice in order to excel in the language.
  • learn different parts of speeches for both part I and part II.
  • Start reading regularly as regular reading is an important habit for both languages I and language II.
  • Before starting the practice, read the syllabus guidelines carefully
  • Start doing practical training for teaching methods. so that you answer the questions innovatively.
CTET Books for Language I and Language II

Book Name


Study Package for CTET

Mcgraw Hill Education

Study Guide for CTET Paper 1 – English

Disha Publication

CTET & TETs English Language Paper I & Paper II


CTET Preparation for Mathematics Paper I and II:

Both Paper I and II comprises of mathematics questions, so a planned strategy must be made on the basis of the important guidelines defined for the teachers. The basic questions will be asked from the syllabus and the following must be used for preparation.  

  • Revise NCERT Books: Students appearing for the paper I/paper II must revise the NCERT books of mathematics prescribed by the CBSE authorities from class I - VI VI-VIII depending upon the paper code.
  • Practice Mock Tests: Previous year's question papers can help a lot to excel in the exam. There are a lot of websites that offer mock practice exams. Enroll in an online CTET program or join a coaching center to excel in the exam.
  • Sample Papers: Before the exam, CBSE will produce sample papers that must be practiced so that the exam type, pattern, and format of the questions can be easily understood.
  • Questions on Pedagogy: Mathematics paper will also have questions on pedagogy, students must have good knowledge and understanding of these questions. Practical methods with their practical implementation and ability to teach these methods must be understood.
  • All Questions must be Attempted: As there is no negative marking so all questions must be attempted as every mark counts.

Books Mathematics Paper I & II

Book name


CTET (Central Teachers Eligibility Test) CBSE Syllabus Teachers (Classes VI to VIII) Mathematics & Science

Sura College of Competition

Class Notes of Maths

Rakesh Yadav Publication

A Complete Resource for CTET: Mathematics and Pedagogy

Pearson Education


Ramesh Publishing House

CTET Preparation for Environmental Studies:
  • The questions from this subject will be General and basic, candidates must study the NCERT books of Class I to V and Geography books of Class VI to VIII to prepare well.
  • Aspiring candidates must read the newspaper daily and also watch  Daily News Clips.
  • Prepare from the previous year’s sample papers and questions which are available online.
  • Join the online test series where the questions are asked related to the topic.
  • To perform well in the exam take random quizzes on General awareness and environmental studies
  • Time management is very important to attempt any question the questions, as they all appear easy but answering can be tricky sometimes.
  • Join online test groups for preparation and keep referring to the blogs related to CTET.
Books for CTET Environmental Studies

Book name


CTET & TETs Environmental Studies & Pedagogy


Environmental Studies (EVS)


Teacher Eligibility Test Environmental Studies

Upkar Prakashan


Youth Competition Times

CTET Preparation Tips for Science
  • Multiple choice questions will be asked in this section. There will be a total of 30 questions which will be from the basic class VI to VIII syllabus.
  • Prefer NCERT books of class I to VIII to perform well.
  • Solve the problems provided in Science books of class VI to VIII.
  • The questions can be asked on pedagogy and practical problem-solving
  • To prepare for the science section go for online mock tests
  • Very few questions on chemistry.
CTET Best Books for Preparation of Science

Book name


CTET & TETs for Class VI-VIII

Arihant Publications

(CTET)Central Teacher Eligibility Test-Paper II  (Mathematics & Science)

Sura College of Competition

A Complete Resource for CTET: Science and Pedagogy


CTET Success Master Science

Arihant Publications

CTET Success Master Paper-II Teacher Selection for Class VI-VIII Science/Social Studies 2017

Arihant publications

CTET & TETs for Class VI-VIII Maths & Science (Paper-II)

Arihant Publications

CTET Preparation Tips for Social Science Paper II
  • The syllabus defined under environmental science and social science must be covered (class I-VIII).
  • Questions can be asked on fundamental concepts of cultural, political and economic skills.
  • The question from social science will be designed on how our society works.
  • Start preparing micro notes on ancient history, medieval history, and modern history to excel in the history section.
  • To enhance the performance of the economy and polity sections, one must regularly read newspapers and see news on news channels.
  • Questions on the constitution of India can be asked frequently.
  • Make short notes of the historical data especially the dates and the era.
  • Do a lot of online practice to identify your weak areas and to perform well in the section.
  • A lot of hard work is needed to perform well in the section as plenty of data is available.
Best Books for Social Science

Book name


CTET Paper II:  (For Class VI-VIII) Social Science Teacher Selection

Access Publishing

Wiley's CTET Exam Goalpost, Paper II, Social Studies / Social Science, Class VI-VIII, 2017: Mock Tests & Solved Papers with Complete Solutions


15 Practice Sets CTET Central Teacher Eligibility Test Paper II Social Studies/Science Teacher Selection for Class VI-VII


CTET Success Master Paper-II Teacher Selection for Class VI-VIII Science/Social Studies 2025


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