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Tripura Board 11th

Tripura Board 11th Syllabus 2025

Tripura Board 11th Syllabus is available below in this article. The Tripura Board Class 11th offers various academic options for the students. Students can choose between different subjects and streams. In addition, a separate additional subject is also provided to boost the final grade of the student.

The Tripura Board updates its TBSE 11th Syllabus according to the new trends so that the students have more options and opportunities to learn and grow in this fast-moving and developing world.

Tripura Board 11th Syllabus Overview:

Tripura Board 11th students must go through the whole Tripura Board Class 11th Syllabus 2025 so that the students will have a better understanding of the subjects thus they can perform better in the examinations by making study plans accordingly with the TBSE Class 11th Syllabus and Tripura Board Class 11th Time Table 2025.

Knowing the syllabus will help a student get deep insights into the topics covered in the course curriculum. They can also get familiar with the marking scheme of the examination. Overall going through the syllabus will provide the structure which will enable the student to effectively start preparing for the examination and score good marks.

The information provided below will give students a complete overview of Tripura Board 11th Syllabus 2025 which includes the units or chapters in the subject.

Tripura Board 11th Syllabus 2025

Tripura Board 11th Syllabus is provided below subject-wise for the benefit of the student:





Physical World and Measurement

Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Diversity and classification of Living Organisms


Structure of Atom

Systematic and Binomial nomenclature

Laws of Motion

Classification of Elements and Periodicity

Structural Organization in Animals and Plants

Work, Energy, and Power

Chemical bonding and Molecular Structure

Cell Structure and Function

Motion of Systems

States of Matter (Gas, Liquid, Solid)

Plant Physiology


Chemical Thermodynamics

Human Physiology

Properties of Bulk Matter




Redox Reactions


The behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory



Oscillations and Waves

Block Elements- (Group 1 and 2)


Experiments and Projects (to be attempted by the students)

Introduction to P-Block Elements



Organic Chemistry/

Environmental Chemistry









Sets and Functions

Relations and Functions

Trigonometric Functions


Co=ordinate Geometry


Mathematical Reasoning

Statistics and Probability


Introduction to Accountancy

Theory Base of Accounting

Recording of Transactions

Preparation of Trial Balance

Depreciation, Provision, and Reserves

Accounting for Bills of Exchange

Rectification of Errors

Financial Statements of Business Organizations

Financial Statements of Not for Profit Organizations

Accounts from Incomplete Records 

Computers in Accounting

Practical Project Work (Choice-based)

Business Studies

Foundation of Business

Finance and Trade

Nature and Purpose of Business

Sources of Business Finance

Forms of Business Organization

Small Business

Public, Private, and Global Enterprises

Internal Trade

Business Services

International Trade

Emerging Modes of Business

Project Work (Choice-Based)

Social Responsibility and Business Ethics



Definitions and Meanings of Basic Economic terms

Elementary ideas about Demand, Supply, Cost of Production, Market

Economic Problems and Systems

Concepts of Macroeconomics Variables

Concepts of Development and Underdevelopment

Business Cycles

Fiscal Policy

Money and Banking

Business Organizations

International Trade

Statistics for Economics

Analysis of Agricultural Economy of India

Political Science

Introduction to Political Science


Nation and Citizenship

Law and Rights

Political Ideologies

Philosophy of the Constitution

Forms of Government

Fundamental Rights and Duties

Political Parties and Pressure Groups

Project Work


Geography as a Discipline

The Earth

Earthquake and Volcanoes

Geomorphic Processes and Land Formations



Economic Resources

Utilization of Resources

Mineral and Power Resources



Concept and Sources of History

Early Societies and Civilizations

City-States and Empires

Art and Culture

Transition in Economy

Society and Change

Religion and Society

New Horizons

Tripura: Land and People

Project Work


Some Basic Concepts of Indian Philosophy

Orthodox School of Indian Philosophy

Heterodox School of Indian Philosophy

Basic Concepts of Western Philosophy



Ethics (Western)

Logic (Western)

Contemporary Indian Philosophers

Project Work




Supplementary Reader







Introduction to Sociology

Basic Concepts

Social Institutions

Culture and Society

Understanding Society (Stratification and Change in Environment)

Project Work

Importance of Tripura Board 11th Syllabus 2025:

Getting the syllabus is most important for every student before starting the preparation for the examination. Based on the TBSE Class 11th Syllabus, the student can prepare an index and start preparing. Along with the syllabus considering the previous year's question paper is also important.

Below we have mentioned some of the important points which shows the importance of TBSE class 11th syllabus:

  • It provides a brief overview of what is there in the course curriculum.
  • It gives information about the topics coming into the examination.
  • Having TBSE class 11th syllabus will help students mark important topics which hold more weightage thus helping to focus on which topics are more important. 

If you have any queries regarding Tripura Board Class 11th Syllabus 2025, feel free to comment down below or check the other important sections:

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