College Disha
Sikkim Board 10th

Sikkim Board 10th Result 2025

Sikkim Board 10th Result 2025: The Sikkim board 10th result is expected to be released around 2 months after the commencement of the exam. The students can visit the official website to stay updated regarding the notification and the important details regarding the Sikkim SSLC results. The students must ensure a significant performance in the Sikkim Board 10th Exam to mend their career to a substantial path.

As the Sikkim Board 10th Result is the gateway for higher studies, the students have an opportunity to apply for revaluation of Sikkim SSLC exam papers in case they face any kind of disappointment in the future. Furthermore, those students who are not able to score a significant score in the class 10th exam are required to apply for the supplementary or compartmental exam and reappear in the exam.

Sikkim Board 10th Result 2025

The syllabus of the secondary students of Sikkim is designed with a perspective of inculcating the appropriate amount of knowledge in them for their subsequent higher studies. 

Sikkim Board 10th Exam 2025 (Internal Links)
Sikkim Board 10th Exam
Sikkim Board 10th Application Form
Sikkim Board 10th Syllabus
Sikkim Board 10th Time Table
Sikkim Board 10th Admit Card

Sikkim Board 10th Result: Overview

Name of the Board Sikkim Board of Secondary Education (SBSE)
News Sikkim Board 10th Result 2025
Exam name SSLC/ 10th Class Exam
Exam Type Board Exam
Number of students Around 4.6 lakhs
Mode of Result Online Mode
Category Result
Location Sikkim
Exam Dates March/April
AP 10th Result 2025 Date Tentatively in May 2025
Official website

Sikkim Board 10th Result Date: Tentative

Events SBSE SSLC Result Date
SBSE Class 10th Exam Date 2025 March/April 2025
Sikkim 10th Result Date May 2025

Process to download the Sikkim Board 10th Result?

Here are the steps given below that can be referred to download the Sikkim SSLC Result:-

  • Go to the official website and navigate the notification for the result of the Sikkim Board 10th Exam. 
  • After finding the respective notification, click on it.
  • The resulting homepage will open up consisting of the area provided for filling in the credentials of the student like roll number, date of birth, etc. 
  • Log in to the result page by entering the respective credentials. 
  • After logging in, your result will open up. The page will contain the student’s details, name of the subjects, marks scored by the student in the respective subjects, etc. 
  • Download the Sikkim SSLC Result on your operating system.
  • Take a printout of the Sikkim Board 10th Result for having a suitable temporary reference. 

Details mentioned on the Sikkim Board 10th Result:

Given below is the list of the details present on the Sikkim SSLC result of the Sikkim board exam:-

  • Name of the student
  • Roll number of the student
  • School Name of the student
  • Registration number of the student 
  • Father’s name of the candidate
  • Subjects of the Sikkim HSC exam
  • Subject code
  • Marks obtained by the student in each subject
  • Marks scored in the practical exam
  • Status of the result
  • Division obtained by the student
  • Compartmental or supplementary paper (if any)

Sikkim Board 10th Revaluation:

The students who face disappointment regarding the marks scored in the Sikkim SSLC Exam can apply for the re-totaling or Sikkim board class 10th rechecking. They can apply for the revaluation of the Sikkim board 10th by applying on the official website with the help of a few simple steps involved. The revaluation of the Sikkim board exam paper can also be subjected to re-totaling of the paper. The Sikkim Board 10th Result for Sikkim board  10th revaluation is mostly released within around 40  to 45 days of the application. 

Sikkim Board 10th Supplementary/ Compartmental Exam:

The students who are not able to qualify for the Sikkim board 10th exam are required to reappear in the exam or for the particular subjects he/she has not been able to qualify. To know about the details regarding the Sikkim board 10th reexamination, the students should positively consult the associated authorities of the exam and navigate through the substantial information for the sake of being updated with the respective duties.

The students must also follow the exam syllabus, study hard as well as remain oriented towards scoring significant marks to qualify for the exam. The students reappearing in the Sikkim SSLC supplementary exam can visit the official website for staying updated regarding the respective information. 

Here are some of the steps that are required to be followed by the students to apply for the Sikkim board supplementary exam:-

  • Go to the official website and navigate the notification for Sikkim board 10th supplementary exam
  • After finding the link, click on it.
  • As soon as you click, a new page opens up consisting of the area for filling the credentials such as name, roll number, etc. You are required to input the respective details in the area provided.
  • Upload the passport size photograph and the signature or any other associated documents as directed according to the compartmental exam form. 
  • After filling in all the details and uploading the documents, proceed with the fee payment option, and complete the application procedure.

Sikkim board 10th supplementary/compartmental exam result:

The students who have appeared for the Sikkim board SSLC supplementary/ compartmental exam can check for the respective notification in the official department to stay updated with the relevant details. After the notification regarding the release of the Sikkim board 10th compartmental exam is published, the students can visit the official website to view the result as well as download it on the operating system for future reference.

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