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Rajasthan Board  11th

Rajasthan Board 11th Syllabus 2025

Rajasthan Board 11th Syllabus 2025: Rajasthan board has prepared the syllabus of the 11th class. The main motive of the board is to provide enough knowledge and skills to the students to compete with the national students. The syllabus is designed to help students in further studies. After the 11th class, the next stage in higher secondary education is the 12th class. The curriculum has been designed to give the students a deep knowledge of the concepts and topics.

Textbooks published by the board are structured on the behalf of the respective syllabus designed by the board. Also, these books have all the necessary chapters and topics with good explanations. However, if you feel that the topics in these books are not well explained then you can study the same topics from different books. This will increase your understanding of the topic and its applications.

Rajasthan Board  11th Syllabus

Step to download the Rajasthan Board 11th Syllabus 2025: 

Step: 1 Visit the official website of the RBSE (

Step: 2 Click on the link related to the RBSE 11th class syllabus.

Step: 3 Choose the subject and click on it. You can download it in pdf format for further use.

RBSE 11th Class Syllabus 2025


Name of Units



Sets and functions:

  • Sets, Relation & Function, Trigonometric function


  • Principle of Mathematical inductions, Complex numbers and quadratic equations, Linear inequalities, Permutation & Combination, Binomial Theorem, Sequence and series

Coordinate geometry:

  • Straight Lines, Conic Sections, Introduction to three-dimensional geometry


  • Limits and Derivatives
  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Statistics and probability:
  • Statistics, Probability



  • Physical-world & Measurement
  • Kinematics
  • Laws of Motion
  • Work, Energy, and Power
  • The motion of System of Particles & Rigid Bodies
  • Gravitation
  • Properties of Bulk Matter
  • Thermodynamics
  • The behavior of Perfect Gas & Kinetic theory of Gases
  • Oscillation & Waves



  • Some Basic Concept of Chemistry
  • Structure of Atom
  • Classification of Elements
  • Chemical Bonding and Periodicity of Properties
  • State of Matter
  • Thermodynamics
  • Equilibrium
  • Redox reaction
  • Hydrogen
  • S-block elements
  • Some p-block elements
  • Organic chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Environmental Chemistry



  • Diversity in Living World
  • Structural Organization in Animals and Plants
  • Cell: Structure and Function
  • Plant Physiology
  • Animal Physiology

Sample Paper For Rajasthan Board Class 11th Exam:

Sample papers are question papers that are designed to practice a subject. These question papers are released by the board and from some trusted private publications as well. They give you a better idea about the hierarchy & pattern of exams and will help you to get prepare for the exam. So, it will be very helpful to solve more sample question papers before the main exam.

Practicing question papers will help you in many ways. It will tell you about your weak points in a subject. So, you can improve them. Also, you learn the important questions and topics. Another benefit is that you will develop time management skills which are very beneficial for the main exam. Because the number of questions and time duration of the practice exam is similar to the main exam.

So, You should try to solve as many sample papers as possible. If you don’t solve enough sample papers, your preparation is not considered complete because more practice will give you more confidence.

Step to Download the RBSE 11th Class Sample Papers:

Sample papers are released by the board, so they are available on the official website. You can download them from there.

Steps to download Rajasthan Board RBSE 11th Class Sample Paper:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Rajasthan board.

Step 2: Check for the previous year's question paper option in the notification section.

Step 3: You will get links to different subject sample papers.

Step 4: Click on the subject and download the pdf file of the paper.

Rajasthan Board Class 11th Exam (Useful Links)

Rajasthan Board 11th Registration Form
Rajasthan Board 11th Time Table
Rajasthan Board 11th Admit Card
Rajasthan Board 11th Result

Importance of RBSE 11th Class Sample Papers:

  • Practicing a question paper is the best way to evaluate your preparation. If your performance is not well, you can improve it by giving it sufficient time.
  • The exam pattern and marking scheme of the sample papers are similar to the main exams. So, you will get an exact idea about the real exams.
  • These sample papers will show the marks' weightage of each unit in every subject. So, it will help you to decide on the important section. Therefore, you can make your strategy accordingly.
  • The board releases the sample papers for each subject. Therefore, students can prepare for all subjects.

Rajasthan Board RBSE 12th Exam 2025

Rajasthan Board 12th Application Form
RBSE 12th Syllabus
Rajasthan Board 12th Admit Card
Rajasthan Board 12th Time Table
RBSE 12th Exam Result

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