College Disha
Punjab Board  10th

Punjab Board 10th Admit Card 2025

Punjab Board 10th Admit Card 2025: PSEB Board 10th is responsible for releasing admit cards. Punjab Board 10th Admit card 2025 is released when the exams are around the corner according to the Punjab Board 10th Datesheet.

Mainly, Punjab Board 10th releases the PSEB 10th Admit Card in January. Admit card is the most important document of the Board. Punjab Board 10th Exam issued the admit card 15-20 days before the commencement of the examination.  It works as a prior reminder to every student so that they get alert and ready for the examination. Punjab Board 10th Admit Card contains the personal details of a student which is provided by the students or respective school authority to the Board.

The most important thing to remember is the “Roll Number” it is allotted by the board to every individual although it’s unique to the candidates who are appearing for the board examination. The roll number which is given by the board also helps you to find out your result as well. 

Admit Cards matter a lot for every student. It is like your permission card for the examination. It helps you to get entered into the examination hall.

PSEB 10th Admit Card 2025: Highlights:

➤ Board Name: Punjab School Education Board

➤ Examination Name: PSEB 10th Admit Card

➤ Category: Admit Card

➤ Releasing Date of Admit Card: 2nd Week of January (Tentative)

➤ Commencement of Exam: 1st Week of February (Tentative)

➤ Mode: Online

➤ Official Website:

Punjab Board 10th is soon going to upload the admit card on their official web portal. Bookmark page CollegeDisha for the latest updates and notifications. When Punjab Board 10th releases the admit card your respective schools provide you with the Punjab Board 10th Hall Ticket but make sure it won’t get damaged.

Only those students are eligible to appear for the Punjab Board 10th who enrolled in the Punjab Board. The Punjab Board 10th Admit Card contains all your personal details that you have filled in the registration form and which are given to the respective school authority record.

Details that are mentioned on Punjab Board 10th Admit Card 2025

Student’s Name Subjects Name
Roll Number Subjects Code
Mother’s Name Date of Examination
Father’s Name Time Duration of the exam
Scanned Photograph of the Student Important Instructions
Signature of the Students School Name
Date of Birth of the Students School Code
Examination Venue Enrolment Number
Examination Centre Code Registration Number
Address of the examination venue -

Once you download your admit card please check very carefully whether the details you have mentioned are correctly mentioned on the admit card or not. In case of not then immediately to the respective school authority so that they change the wrong detail and issue you the new admit card. 

Admit Card is the card that you need to carry with you during the board exams. An admit card needs a photo of the student. It is mandatory if in case there is no photo of yours on the hat ticket then the Board has the right to Debarre you from the examination hall. 

Punjab Board 10th releases the PSEB 10th Admit Card for regular/private/vocational subjects. According to the rules of the previous year. The commencement of the exam is from the 2nd week of February(Tentative) till the 3rd week of March(Tentative). Students of Punjab Board 10th can download their admit cards by entering the details that are required.  

Once you download your admit card take it to the respective school authority for the principal's signature. And must check the details that are mentioned on the PSEB Class 10th Admit Card. In case of discrepancy, you find any incorrect/inaccurate information in the admit card then you should immediately get in touch with the school authority to make it correct on time. Although it is a necessary document for every student who is appearing for the Punjab Board 10th examinations.  

Punjab Board 10th Admit Card Important Instructions:

  • Students of Punjab Board 10th should bring the hard/original copy of the admit card to the examination hall. In case you forget to bring the admit card then you won’t be allowed to enter the examination venue gate.
  • Carry your school Id along with your admit card in the exam hall as it is mandatory.
  • It’s a suggestion to all the students who are appearing for Punjab Board 10th must carry a clear/transparent pencil pouch, or bring a basic geometry box with you to the exam hall.
  •  Keep one thing in mind that only clear clipboards are allowed in the exam hall. 
  • Every student must be in a proper school uniform at the examination venue. If any student is found without school dress or in an improper dress he/she will not be permitted to enter the examination hall for the exam.
  • Any electronic gadgets are not allowed in the exam hall during the examination. If the students are found with any electronic item like Phone, calculator, smartwatches, books, written material, or chits then at that moment only the exam paper of that individual student will be canceled by the Board authority.
  • All the students have to report their presence from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM at the examination venue. No students will be entertained after the given specific time.
  • Do not bring any prohibited items to the exam hall.
  • Candidates will appear in those subjects only which are chosen by the students.
  • Sit on your respective seat only, which is allotted to you by your roll numbers by Punjab Board10th.
  • Students must read the instructions carefully which are mentioned in the questions paper.
  • Candidates should fill in the relevant and proper details in the answer book.
  • Candidates should not be engaged in any unfair practices. If found then he/she will be booked under the “Unfair Mean”i.e.(UFM) category and strict actions will also be taken by the board as per the rules.
  • Before the examination does not spread rumors or fake messages and videos on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, linked in, and other social platforms.
  • Students are allowed to bring Blue Pointed Ball Pens only in the examination hall.

The Process to download the Punjab Board 10th, Admit Card:

  • First, visit the official web portal of Punjab Board 10th i.e.
  • Click on the given link to open the official website of the Punjab Board 10th.
  • Once you open the site of Punjab Board 10th.
  • Search for “PSEB Board 10th Admit Card” on the web portal.
  • Navigate to the link to open the “Punjab Board 10th, Admit Card”.
  •  Now fill in the required details.
  • Now you will be able to see your PSEB 10th, Admit Card.
  • Check all the details carefully that are mentioned on the admit card.
  • Lastly, take a final print of your Admit Card for further reference.

Punjab Board 10th Exam 2025 (Quick Links)

Punjab Board 10th Result
Punjab Board 10th Exam
Punjab Board 10th Application Form
Punjab Board 10th TimeTable
Punjab Board 10th Syllabus

Punjab Board 12th Exam 2025 (Quick Links)

Punjab Board 12th Result
Punjab Board 12th Exam
Punjab Board 12th Application Form
Punjab Board 12th TimeTable
Punjab Board 12th Syllabus

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