Odisha Board 10th Admit Card 2025: Odisha board class 10th admit card is released in the month preceding the exam. The admit card is a personalized document that contains all the important personal details. Your name, school name, exam center, code, subjects, etc. are mentioned on your admit card. Odisha Board 10th Admit Card is the entry pass to the examination room. It is also known as a ‘Hall ticket’. If you don’t have your admit card, you will not be allowed to sit in the exam. It is the most important thing during the exam. Students with the right admit card will be allowed in the exam.
If the details mentioned in your Odisha Board 10th Admit Card does not match your personal details, the admit card is not considered valid and you will not be allowed to sit in the exam. Admit cards are specially designed for one-time use, so you can use an admit card for one time and one exam only. You should check properly whether all the details mentioned in your admit card are correct or not.
The Odisha board generates the admit cards of the students and publishes them on the official website. To download these admit cards you need to log in through a specific user id. This user id is provided by the board to the educational institution at the time of affiliation. So, schools download the admit cards of all their students and provide them to students. BSE Odisha 10th Admit Card is generated for those students who have submitted the application form before the due date with fees. It denotes that you have completed the curriculum and you are eligible to sit in the exam. Also, the admit card contains all the details which you mention in the registration form. So, it is again important to fill the form carefully with the right details.
Now the board tries to make all the services online. So, you can download the admit card from the official website.
Step: 1 Go to the official website of the Odisha board i.e https://www.bseodisha.ac.in/
Step: 2 Click on the ‘Admit Cards’ option in the notification section on the homepage.
Step: 3 You will be directed to another page. Here mention the username and password.
Step: 4 Your Odisha Board 10th Admit Card will be shown on the screen. Take a printout.
Admission Open 2024
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