College Disha
MP Board  10th

MP Board 10th Timetable 2025

MP Board 10th Time Table 2025: The MP Board class 10th has released the date sheet on its official website. The MP Board 10th timetable includes certain important information like exam timings, dates of the exams, subject codes, etc. According to the exam timetable, the examinations for all subjects will be held in the morning from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. The exams are for three hours each.

Students are required to read the exam timetable carefully since it contains all the important guidelines that students need to follow inside the examination hall and while writing their exams. The instructions are in both Hindi and English.

MP Board 10th Time Table 2025: 

For the benefit of the students, we have provided the 10th MP Board timetable 2025 below:

MP Board 10 Time Table



NOTE: Candidates must note that exam dates are tentative the actual exam dates may vary as per the prevailing situation at the time of the examination.

MP Board  10th Time Table

Step to Download the MP Board 10th Time Table 2025:

Students can also download the MP Board time table 2025 Class 10 from the official website. The steps are given below:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the board.

Step 2: Head over to the timetable section on the top of the homepage.

Step 3: Click on it.

Step 4: Find the ‘MP Board 10th Date Sheet 2025’.

Step 5: Once found, click on it.

Step 6: A new window will appear with the syllabus in pdf format.

Step 7: Save or download it for future use.

Details of MP Board 10th Supplementary Time Table 2025:

For students who failed to appear for the MP 10th board exams or students who need to appear for a subject they failed to score minimum passing marks in; they must look for the supplementary timetable. It is released by the MP board after the declaration of the 10th Board exams in June. The Class 10 Time Table 2025 MP Board for the supplementary exam is usually released by the board in July (Tentative). 

For the benefit of the students, we have provided the steps below:

Step 1: Visit the official website

Step 2: Head over to the timetable section

Step 3: Click on the link ‘MP Board class 10th Supplementary time table’

Step 4: A new window will appear with the new supplementary timetable

Step 5: Students must download it for future use

For the benefit of the students, we have provided the MP Board 10th time table Supplementary below:

Candidates must ensure that they follow the timetable very carefully.

MP Board 12th Exam 2025 (Quick Links)
MP Board 12th Result
MP Board 12th Admit Card
MP Board 12th Time Table 2025
MP Board 12th Syllabus
MP Board 12th Registration Form
Certification Courses After 10th

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