College Disha
Kerala Board 10th

Kerala Board 10th Admit Card 2025

Kerala Board 10th Admit Card 2025: It is the most important document which carries all the important details required for the exam. It verifies your identity to the examiner and ensures your eligibility for sitting in the exam. Each student has to be sure about the availability of admit cards with them.

It is a personalized document. So, it contains your personal details and you can only use it once. It is valid for only those examinations which are listed in it. So, check the details on your admit card. If you find any wrong detail in your admit card, immediately contact your school management.

Stay updated with the sate-sheet of the 10th Board examinations. Without an admit card no student will be allowed to enter the examination hall. So, you should collect the admit card as soon as possible. You can either download the admit card or collect it from your school.

Kerala Board 10th Admit Card

Kerala Board 10th Exam 2025

Kerala Board 10th Application Form
Kerala Board 10th Syllabus
Kerala Board 10th Time Table
Kerala Board 10th Admit Card
Kerala Board 10th Result

Key Factors Regarding Kerala Board 10th Admit Card 2025:

It is different from other class admit cards. The class 10th exams are public, so the key difference is that they contain the name of the exam center different from your school. The main points of difference are mentioned below:

  • Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan is the autonomous institution of the Department responsible for undertaking examinations of the education department and Government.
  • The Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan is involved in conducting examinations like SSLC, THSLC, KGTE.
  • Admit cards will be issued only on proper identification of the candidates and depends on the entire satisfaction of the Chief Superintendent.
  • The candidate has to produce his/her recent photograph duly attested by the head of the school, where the candidate has studied, separate admission tickets should be issued to the Private candidates.
  • This is for regular candidates: They should scrutinize entries in the admission tickets then and they can bring to the notice of the Head of the School/Chief Superintendent the mistake if any and get them corrected.

How to Download it:

It will be prepared by the state board. They send it to the secured email IDs of the school. These IDs are provided by the board at the time of affiliation. The board sends all the important notifications to these email IDs. After receiving the admit cards, school management distributes these admit cards to the students. The steps to download it through the website are as follow:

  • Visit the official website of the board (
  • Check the latest notification section on the homepage.
  • Click on the link related to the 10th admit card.
  • You will be directed to a new page. This page will ask for your username and password.
  • This information is provided by the school management.
  • Enter the correct login details and click on the submit button.
  • After successful login, click on the admit card option.
  • Download the admit card and take its printout for further use.

Details on 10th Admit Card:-

It is your entry pass to the examination hall. It verifies your identity and makes you able to sit in the exam. The verification is possible through the details on the admit card. These are your personal details that you fill in the registration form. Candidates who have a valid admit card which contains their correct details are fit to appear in the exam.

  • Appearing candidates can download the Hall Ticket from the official website of Pareeksha Bhavan and distribute it further to concerned students.
  • The hall ticket will be distributed by the Superintendent at least 3 days before the examination. (Be alert)
  • The Registration number of the students appearing for the board examination will be the same as the registration number provided for the Kerala SSLC Examination.

Instructions regarding Kerala Board 10th Admit Card:

  • Candidates must have their Admission Tickets when they are attending the practical and written Examinations.
  • Candidates must write the name of the examination, the year and month of the exam, register number, and subject only on the facing sheet of the answer book.
  • The candidate who arrives more than 30 minutes late in the Examination Hall will not be permitted to attend the Examination.
  • If graph paper, drawing paper, Map, etc., are supplied, they must securely be attached to the answer book with the candidate's register number duly entered on them. The registration number should be written towards the top of every additional sheet used.
  • The total number of additional sheets used should be noted on the top of the facing sheet of the answer book.
  • Candidates should use the same color ink throughout one sheet.

Below is the Information on the Kerala Board 10th Hall Ticket:-

Students appearing in examinations have been aware of this information mentioned below:-

  • If any information is missing or is incorrect it should be brought to the immediate attention of the Head of the Institution.
  • That information should be rightly checked and corrected
Kerala Board 12th Exam Internal Links
Kerala Board 12th Registration Form
Kerala Board 12th Syllabus
Kerala Board 12th Time Table
Kerala Board 12th Admit Card
Kerala Board 12th Result

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