Delhi Board 9th Admit Card 2025 is a document that contains several details related to you. This document helps in giving entry to the exam hall. So, it is sometimes called the hall ticket. A candidate who has a valid hall ticket will be allowed to enter the examination hall. A valid admit card should have all the correct details regarding the candidate and the exam.
Delhi Board 9th Admit Card Overview:
It is provided by the board. However, the board generates the admit card. This is because the BHSED wants to make the 9th class exam similar to the board exams. So, the exam pattern and marking scheme of the question paper of the 9th class exam is similar to the 10th class exam.
Students can download it through the official website of the board. This is the easiest way to download the admit card. However, they can also get the admit card through school management. They receive the admit card of registered students from the board and distribute them among them. This is the conventional method. Students can collect their admit cards by any convenient method.

Download the Delhi Board 9th Admit Card 2025:
The notification regarding it is first released on the official website of the board. After that, it sends the admit card to different schools. The mode of communication between the board and schools is via the secured email ID. This ID is provided by the board to all the affiliated schools. However, the board has made a provision that students can also download the admit through the official website.
However, some students find it difficult to download the admit card. So, below are the steps to download the Delhi board class 9th admit card:
- Visit the official website of the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi (
- Check the latest notification section on the homepage. You will see a link related to the admit card.
- Click on the link and you will be directed to another page.
- It will ask for a username and password. This is provided by your school management. Fill in the correct details and click on the submit button.
- You will see your's admit card.
- Download it and print it to use in the exam.
Admit Card Content for Delhi Board Class 9th 2025:
It is a personalized document so, it is made for one-time use. This means that one candidate can use this for only one time. The name of the exams mentioned on the admit card are the exams for which you have applied. The admit card also contains several other details. These details are related to the candidate's personal, contact, exam details, etc.
- Admit card Number
- Student’s Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Student’s Father Name
- Student’s photograph
- Name of educational institute
- Date sheet of the exam
- Important Instructions
- Student’s signature
Supplementary Exam Admit Card:
The board also releases notifications regarding it for the supplementary exam. Students can collect the admit card in the same way as the main ex admit card. You can collect the admit card from your school management. They conduct the supplementary exam. So, you should first contact them. Also, you can download the admit card from the official website of the board.
- The supplementary exams are not for all students. Only those candidates who failed in one or two subjects exams can apply for the exams. The board generates the supplementary admit card for these candidates. They can collect it through their schools.
- After the result declaration of the main exam, the board releases official notification for supplementary exam forms. Candidates need to fill these forms to sit in the supplementary exams. After submitting the form, the board generates admit cards for the students. These admit cards contain the name and schedule of the exam.
- The supplementary exams are held after the result declaration of the main exams. A candidate can appear in the exams which are mentioned on the admit card. After the successful conduction of the supplementary exams, the school management declares the result of the exam.
Important Instructions of Delhi Board Class 9th Admit Card:
- It is your entry pass for the exam. This is specially prepared by the board to allow only valid students in the examination hall. The admit card with correct details is proof that you are eligible to sit in the exam provided that you follow the rules and regulations of the exam.
- The admit cards are generated for those candidates who have successfully filled the registration form. The registration form enrolls your name on the board for class 9th. The details you mention in the registration form will appear on the admit card. The board uses the information on the registration form to generate valid admit cards.
- The admit card is prepared by the authority. So, they attest it before distributing it to the candidates. If an admit card is not attested by the authority, it will not be suitable for the exam. So, make sure that your admit card contains the signature of the publishing authority.
- It is released in January. Students are advised to collect their admit cards as soon as possible to avoid any kind of problem. Sometimes, the site does not work properly at the last moment. You should collect it immediately in the case of offline mode.