College Disha
Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th

Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Result 2025

Arunachal Pradesh 10th Result 2025: The Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh declares the result for the 10th exams on their official website. The students who have appeared for the Board exams can check their Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Result by logging in to the official website using their login name and exam roll number.

The results for the 10th Board exams of  Arunachal Pradesh will be available on the official web portal of the Education authorities in April(tentative). The students who have appeared for the 10th Board exams are naturally curious to know their results as soon as the exams are over. 

The Final mark sheet of the Arunachal Pradesh 10th Result will be available from the respective schools of the students. After getting their mark sheet, the students can apply for their Higher Secondary admissions in their desired stream.


Arunachal Pradesh Board Result 10th

Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Exam 2025 (Quick Links)
Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Exam
Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Application Form
Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Time Table
Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Syllabus
Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Admit Card

Highlights of the Arunachal Pradesh 10th Board Exams: 2025

S.No Particulars of the exam Details
1 Name of the exam Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th exam
2 Organizing authority Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh
3 Level of the exam State Level
4 Category Arunachal Pradesh 10th Result
5 Availability of the Result Online
6 The month of the exam March
7 Date of issue of Result April(tentative)
8 Availability of mark sheet  Online
9 Official website

How to Download the Arunachal Pradesh 10th Result?

The students can download the result by visiting the official website of the Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh. The Arunachal Pradesh SSLC Result will be uploaded by the authorities after the exams and the curious students can log in to the website to know their results.

Steps to download the Result

  • Go to the official website of the Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Click on the home page link.
  • The home page will appear on the screen.
  • Select the “Results” on the homepage.
  • You have to enter valid details like name, registration number, and exam roll number.
  • Click the submit button.
  • Wait for a few seconds.
  • Your Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th result will appear on the screen.
  • Download the result and save it.
  • Take a printout of the result for future reference.

Points to remember for the Arunachal Pradesh 10th Result:

  • The students must keep checking the official website regularly for the latest information on the Arunachal Pradesh SSLC Result.
  • The result is available on the official website of the authorities on the given date.
  • The students can download the result from the web portal and save it for their reference.
  • The students can collect their final mark sheets from the respective schools a few days after the declaration of the results.
  • The students have to enter their login name and exam roll number to download the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th result from the official website. So the students need to keep their Admit Card in a secure place.
  • The students who cannot qualify for all the subjects of the exam will get an opportunity to appear for the supplementary exams. The supplementary exam form is available on the official website and the students can download it from there.

The results contain the subject-wise marks of the students and their respective grades.

Details Mentioned on the Arunachal Pradesh 10th Result:

The result contains the following information:

  • Name of the student
  • Date of birth of the student
  • Registration number
  • Examination roll number
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name
  • Subject wise marks for theory and practical exams
  • Subject wise grades of the student
  • Category of the student (Pass/Fail)

Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th result for Supplementary Exams:

Students who cannot get qualifying marks in all the subjects of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Exams can appear for the supplementary exams to improve their marks. The supplementary exams are held after the declaration of the results and the students can download the Application form from the official website of the authorities. 

The date for the supplementary exams is notified by the Board after the Arunachal Pradesh 10th result. Students who could not pass all the subjects of the exam and want to increase their scores can fill up the application form for the Supplementary exams.

The results for the supplementary exams or the re-exams will be announced by the Board on their web portal. The students who could not get qualifying marks in all the subjects of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th can get a second chance to increase their scores. After the Board has announced the supplementary exam results, the qualified students can proceed with their admission process for the Higher secondary classes.

Revaluation of Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Result:

After the Board declares the Arunachal Pradesh results for class 10th exams, the students will get their subject-wise marks and grades on the official web portal. Some students score very good marks and are satisfied with the grades allotted to them. But this does not happen with all the students.

Some students are not happy with the marks they get in certain subjects and feel that they should have scored more. These students can apply for the revaluation of marks. The Arunachal Pradesh Board allows the students for rechecking their marks. Interested students can apply for revaluation by going to the official website after the declaration of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Result. 

The students who want to apply for revaluation have to fill up the application form for the same by going to the website. The application process for rechecking will be complete after the students submit the mandatory revaluation fees. The students who want to apply for the revaluation process must get their answer sheet from the Board by applying for the same.

The Board will analyze the claims of the students and check the required answer sheet once more. The Education Board of Arunachal Pradesh may or may not increase the score of the student after the rechecking. The students will get the final result for the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th after the revaluation process is complete. The students can then apply for Higher secondary classes in their desired stream of subjects.


The Arunachal Pradesh Board declares the results for the 10th Board exam in April(expected). Every year a large number of students appear for the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th exams and the pass percentage of the state is quite high.

The Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th exam result will be available on the official website and the students can log in with their name, date of birth, and roll number to check their subject-wise scores and Grades. The students can get their final mark sheet from the respective schools a few days after the Arunachal Pradesh 10th result.

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