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Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th

Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Admit Card 2025

Arunachal Pradesh 10th Admit Card 2025: The Admit Card for the Secondary exam of Arunachal Pradesh will be available on the official website, a few weeks before the exams. The Arunachal Pradesh 10th Admit Card is the most important document that the student must carry to the exam hall. If the student fails to carry the Admit Card, he/she will be barred from appearing for the exams.

The Arunachal Pradesh Board exam Admit Card or the Arunachal Pradesh 10th Admit Card is available in February and the students can download the Admit Card by logging in to the official web page by using their login name and registration number. The Admit Card contains information that is proof of the student’s identity and is the most important document for the exam.

It contains information like the name of the student, date of birth, roll number, etc. Along with the physical copy of the Admit Card, the student must carry some must-have documents to the exam centre. If the student does not carry these documents which act as their identity proof, they will be barred from taking the exams.

The Admit Card or the Hall Ticket contains important information that the students must follow while appearing for the exams. These instructions are the rules set by the Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh, and are printed on the backside of the Admit Card.

Arunachal Pradesh Board Admit card 10th

Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Exam 2025 (Quick Links)
Arunachal Board 10th Result
Arunachal Board 10th Exam
Arunachal Board 10th Registration Form
Arunachal Board 10th Time Table
Arunachal Board 10th Syllabus

Highlights of the Arunachal Pradesh 10 Admit Card: 2025

S.No. Particulars of the exam Details


Name of the exam

Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th exam


Organizing authority

Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh


Level of the exam

State Level



Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Admit Card


Availability of the timetable



The month of the exam



Date of issue of Admit Card

To be notified


Official website

How to download the Arunachal Pradesh 10th Admit Card?

The students can download the Admit Card or the Hall Ticket by logging in to the official website of the Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh. All the notifications related to the Arunachal Pradesh SSLC Hall Ticket are available on the website and the student must check the official page regularly for the latest updates on the Admit Card. 

Given below are the steps to download the Admit Card:

  • Go to the official website of the Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Visit the homepage and select the link for the “latest notifications”.
  • Select the DSEAP HSLC link.
  • Click on the link and a new page will appear on the screen.
  • Enter your login details like name, date of birth, and Registration number.
  • Click the submit button.
  • After a few seconds, the Admit Card will appear on the screen.
  • Download the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Admit Card and save it.
  • Take a printout of the Admit Card for future use.

After downloading the Arunachal Pradesh 10th Admit Card the student must keep the Admit Card safely with them till they get admission for the 11th. The Admit Card is the most important document that the student has to carry to the exam hall. The Hall Ticket is available in PDF format on the official website and is the most important document for appearing for the exams. The Admit Card contains important details of the student like name, date of birth, roll number, etc.

What details are mentioned in the Admit Card?

The Arunachal Pradesh 10th Admit Card contains important details of the students and they must check the details carefully after downloading the Hall Ticket. If there is any discrepancy in the information of the Admit Card, it must be brought to the notice of the exam authorities. The Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th exam authorities will make the necessary corrections and upload the revised Admit Card on the website.

Admit Card Details:

  • Name of the student
  • Date of birth of the student
  • Name of the exam
  • Name of the exam centre
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name
  • Name of the subjects
  • Code of the subjects
  • Exam sessions
  • List of holidays between exams
  • The nearest landmark of the exam centre
  • Signature of the student
  • Signature of the school authorities
  • Thumb impression of the student

After receiving the Admit Card, the students must check the information like name, date of birth, father’s name, mother’s name, and subject name, to see whether they are correct. If any of the mentioned information is wrong, it must be notified to the exam authorities as soon as possible.

The Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh will verify the claims and make the necessary changes to the Admit Card. The revised Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Admit Card will be available before the exams and the students can download it directly from the official website.

If the student does not inform the examination authorities despite finding errors in the Hall Ticket, it might create problems in the exam hall. The student has to provide valid ID proof on the day of the exam and if the data in the ID proof does not match that of the Arunachal Pradesh 10 Admit Card, the student will not be allowed to sit for the exams.

What is the significance of the Arunachal Pradesh Board Admit Card for 10th Exams?

  • The Admit Card/Hall Ticket is the most important document that the student must carry to the exam hall.
  • The Admit Card contains all the important information of the student which has to be mentioned on the answer sheet.
  • The Arunachal Pradesh 10th Admit Card is a necessary document for both Regular and Private students and can be downloaded from the official website of the authorities.
  • All the students must follow the exam guidelines printed on the back of the Admit Card.

Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Supplementary Exam Admit Card:

The Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh organizes Supplementary exams for those students who have failed in one or more subjects of the exam. These students can appear for the Supplementary exams which take place after the results of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th exams have been declared. The students appearing for the exams can download the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Admit Card for Supplementary exams from the official website.

The Supplementary exam Admit Card is available in both offline as well as online modes.

Online Admit Card for supplementary Exams:

Students who will apply for the online Admit Card can go to the website of the Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh, and download the Arunachal Pradesh SSLC Hall Ticket there. The applicant has to enter details like login name and registration number. The Supplementary Admit Card will appear on the screen and the student can take a printout of it for future reference.

Offline Admit Card for supplementary Exams:

Students who will apply for the offline Admit Card for the Supplementary exams can do so with the help of the school authorities. The Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh will send the Supplementary exam Admit Card to the school authorities. The students who have applied for the supplementary exams can get the Admit Card from the Principal of the school.

āœ Please Note:- The Arunachal Pradesh 10th supplementary exam Admit Card is a must-have document for the students who are appearing for the exams. The Supplementary Admit Card contains important exam guidelines that must be followed by the students.

Instructions on the Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Admit Card:

  • The students must reach the exam hall at least 15 minutes before the exams.
  • All the students must carry their Admit Card to the exam hall.
  • Along with the Admit Card, the students must carry documents as their valid ID proof. These documents include an Aadhar Card, a Photograph of the student, and a school ID card.
  • The student must not carry prohibited objects to the exam hall. These objects include:
  1. Mobile phone
  2. Metallic objects
  3. Textbooks
  4. Study materials
  5. Digital watches
  6. Calculators
  • If the student is found with any of the above-mentioned items, he/she will have to face strict penalties.
  • The student must not display bad behaviour or wrong gestures in the exam hall.
  • The student must not write anything on the answer sheet or the Admit Card.
  • The student must not engage in any kind of malpractice like cheating or talking during the exams.


The Arunachal Pradesh Board 10th Admit Card is available on the official website of the Directorate of Education. The candidates who have registered for the exams can log in using their name, date of birth, and registration number to download their Admit Card for the 10th Board exam of Arunachal Pradesh.

The Hall Ticket or Admit Card contains important information about the student like roll number, subject codes, name, and address of the exam centre. The Arunachal Pradesh SSLC Hall Ticket is the most important document and must be carried to the exam hall by the student.

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