College Disha

UP DL Exam Pattern

UP DL Exam Pattern:  Driving is a skill that needs to be acquired to enjoy driving your own vehicle. No one is allowed to drive until he/she obtains a valid Driving License. So if any of you wish to drive, then it is compulsory to obtain a valid driving license from the concerned authority.

The UP DL Exam Pattern is really helpful for all the applicants because it clearly describes the important topics and sub-topics on which the exam will be based. For getting a UP DL (Driving Licence), one needs to qualify for a driving test. In India, for getting a valid UP DL (Driving License), every individual has to pass a theory-based online test and a practical driving test.

UP DL Exam Pattern Highlights

Nature of Questions

Multiple Choice Based Questions

No. of Questions 

15 Questions

Time Allotted to Attempt Each Question

30 seconds each 

UP DL Exam Mode:

The UP DL Online Exam is conducted in an online mode for the applicants on the other hand the UP DL Practical Driving Test will be taken in an offline mode where the applicants will be asked to drive the vehicle.

UP DL Exam Pattern 2025

UP DL Exam Pattern in Detail:

The applicants can take a look at the below-mentioned UP DL Exam Pattern before appearing for the UP DL Exam. There will be 2 tests as explained below:

Theory-Based Online Test:

    • The candidates are required to appear for a written test before getting a UP DL (Driving License).
    • The Theory-Based Online Test will include questions based on traffic rules and regulations.
    • For getting the UP Driving License it is necessary to clear this test.

Practical Driving Test:

  • The UP DL Practical Driving Test will be taken in the presence of a Motor Vehicle Inspector. The instructor generally provides information about some of the traffic rules to the candidates.

The concerned official may ask the Applicant to experience the following:

    • Drive Backwards on S-shaped Track
    • Reverse S Test
    • Forward 8 Shaped Track Tests 
    • Parallel Parking Test 

The Motor Vehicle Inspector will judge the applicant on the following basis:

    • For 2 wheelers, whether the candidate’s feet are touching the ground or not.
    • For cars, whether the candidate is using a rear-view mirror, whether he/she is using correct hand indications or whether he/she is changing gears properly or not.

What happens after giving a Theory-Based Online Test and Practical Driving Test:

Once the applicant gives both the tests and performs well in both, the concerned authority sanctions the application of his/her driving license. The candidates who have passed both the driving tests will be taken to another room for clicking their photograph which will be printed in their UP DL.

In the end, the candidate will be given a receipt which will act as a temporary driving license till the time they get their permanent Driving License.

Types of Questions Asked in UP DL Online Exam:

In the UP DL (Driving License) Online Test, the applicants will be asked MultiChoice Based Questions. There will be 3 or 4 options given against every single question and the applicant has to tick the right answer. 

There will be 15 questions and for attempting every question, only 30 seconds will be allotted to the candidates.

All the candidates need to answer all the questions carefully to pass the UP DL Online Exam.

Ques.1 You should overtake a vehicle through

  1. a) the left-hand side of the vehicle in front
  2. b) the right-hand side of the vehicle
  3. c) the road is widespread

Ques.2 Learner’s License is valid for how many months?

  1. a) 2 Months
  2. b) 3 Months
  3. c) 6 Months

Ques. 3 If the road is one way, what should you not do?

  1. a) Do not drive in reverse gear.
  2. b) Do not overtake
  3. c) Do not park the vehicle

Ques. 4 The following sign indicates what?

  • No Left Turn
  • No Right Turn
  • No Overtaking Allowed

Ques, 5 What does this light indicate?

  • Traffic Light is about to change. Wait
  • Go further. Don’t Stop.
  • No Left Turn

Ques. 6 What does this sign indicate?

  • No entry
  • One Way
  • No straight drive

The applicants should not worry about clearing the test because this test is not so difficult to crack. The candidates just need to study all the traffic rules, traffic signals, and directions well to clear this test.

Important Note for the Applicants:

Once the candidate obtains Learner's Driving License, He/she can apply for the Permanent UP DL (Driving License) after 30 days. In other words, we can say that the application for the Permanent UP DL needs to be filled within 180 days of the date of the issue of the Learner’s License.

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