College Disha

PTET Exam Answer Key 2025

The answer key of any state or national level examination is released after a few weeks of the examination. The purpose behind releasing the answer key after the exam is to offer the candidates insights into their upcoming results. The answer key for each subject is released separately.

 Candidates can easily calculate their marks by taking a reference from the Answer key's answers. The candidates can also check the answer keys by visiting the official website of the exam conducting authority. After checking the Puducherry TET Answer Key 2025/ TN TET Answer Key 2025 candidates can get a mere idea about their result and how many answers they had answered correctly in the examination.

However, sometimes these provisional answer keys may have some errors and wrong answers. In such cases, appearing candidates have the right to object and submit their doubts using the online portal.  Teachers Recruitment Board, Tamil Nadu will release the TN TET Answer key 2025 / Puducherry TET Answer Key 2025 after a few weeks of the examination.

The Board will release the provisional answer keys to invite the objection from the TET candidates who appeared in the TET exam, candidates are allowed to go through the released answer key and submit their respective objections to the board. The Final Puducherry TET Answer Key 2025 /TNTETAnswer Key 2025 will be released along with the result of the examination.

How to Download the Puducherry TET Answer Key 2025?

Puducherry TET Answer key 2025 will not be released on the official website of the exam conducting authority (Directorate of School Education) as DSE don't conduct the Puducherry TET exam, Candidates residing in Puducherry have to apply in TN TET or CTET or any other valid TET exam.

After appearing in the TN TET or any other valid TET exam , Candidates can visit the official website of the exam conducting authority to download the Answer Key for the exam. Please follow the given steps to download the answer key of the Puducherry TET exam 2025:

  1. Visit the official website of the exam conducting authority

  2. Open the homepage of the website where you will find the notification of the answer key, click on the notification link. If you don’t find the notification link of the answer key on the homepage, please click on the Notification tab available on the left side of the screen.

  3. After completing step 2,  you will be redirected to a new page and the answer key will appear on the screen in pdf format, click on the PDF. Please note that separate links will be available for each subject. To check the answer key of any particular subject, you need to click on the link of that subject’s answer key.

  4. Download and save the pdf files to your desktop.

After Downloading the Puducherry TET answer key 2025/ TN TET Answer Key 2025 successfully, check the correct answers to the questions and calculate your marks accordingly. If you find any error or issue with the answer key, please submit your objections and doubts to the email address mentioned in the instructions of the answer key or official website.

Points to Remember:

  • A candidate has to score at least 60% in the  TET Exam to pass the exam.  School managements of government or private bodies may consider offering concessions to the candidates belonging to the reserved category ( SC/ST/OBC, PwD, etc.) in accordance with their Extant Reservation Policy.

  • Candidates's TET scores are also considered and given preference during the recruitment process. However, passing the TET exam would not grant a right for recruitment/employment to any candidate as it is only an eligibility criterion for the appointment of the Teachers. The motive of every candidate to appear in a TET exam is to secure a government job in the schools run by the state or central government but very few become successful to bag a teaching job in government-aided schools. Every year thousands of aspirants appear in this state examination and get awarded with the TET Eligibility Certificate but still very few of them get a job in Government schools.

  • The Government or authority who is conducting the Teacher Eligibility Test shall award a TET Certificate to all the candidates who have passed the exam.

    • The Teacher Eligibility Test Certificate contains the following details:

      • Name of the candidate

      • Address of the candidate

      • Date of Birth

      • Registration No.

      • Month and Year in which the certificate is being awarded 

      • Marks obtained in each paper

      • class and level of its validity (Class 1st to Class 5th/Class 6th to Class 8th or Both)

      • Teaching Subjects (Science, Mathematics. Social Science, etc.)

  • The certificate is usually generated electronically along with adequate security features and encryption so that it can be delivered securely to the candidate. The conducting authority may consider utilizing the services of the specialized and expert agencies for issuing and delivering the dematerialized (DEMAT) Puducherry TET / TNTET Certificates as a security feature to avoid any misuse or malpractices.

  • In the Puducherry TET exam/ TN TET exam, machine-gradable OMR Sheets are given to the candidates to tick the correct answer choices, No request for re-checking, re-evaluation, or re-assessment, or scrutiny of OMR sheets will be entertained during and after the examination. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained by the examination authorities.

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