College Disha

Kanpur University Entrance Result 2025

Kanpur University Entrance Result 2025:

Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJMU), Kanpur has announced the CSJMU Result 2025. CSJM University Entrance Result 2025 is now available online on its official site. Kanpur University Entrance Exam 2025 was held on 22-24 June 2025. Candidates can access the result by visiting the official site Qualified candidates are eligible to get admission in Under Graduate, Post Graduate, Professional Courses, Diploma, and Certificate courses. For more details, go through the below content.

Kanpur University Entrance Result 2025: CSJM University publishes the results on its official website within a few days of the end of the examination. CSJM University follows odd and even semester patterns for all of its courses. The End-semester examinations are conducted in the months of December and June, odd and even semesters respectively. Candidates who want to check their results can directly visit the official website of the University for further procedures.

Kanpur University Entrance Result 2025

CSJM Kanpur University Entrance Exam 2025- Internal Links
CSJM Entrance Exam
CSJM Entrance Exam Answer Key

CSJM Entrance Result 2025:

Aspiring students can check their CSJM Entrance Result 2025 by following the upcoming steps:

  1. First of all, applicants should go through the official CSJM University website and click on “CSJM Entrance Exam Result”.
  2. As you click on that link a new web page will be loaded in the new tab.
  3. Now, applicants need to search the particular field link for which he/she wants to see the Kanpur University Entrance Result 2025.
  4. To check the 'Kanpur University Entrance Result, the candidate should select the corresponding course name and enter his/her roll number.
  5. Afterward, click on the submit button. Now, the candidate’s entrance exam result will be available in PDF format on the desktop screen which can be downloaded for more reference.

Kanpur University Entrance Result 2025

The information mentioned on Kanpur University Entrance Result 2025:

The Kanpur University Entrance Result sheet mainly indicates the marks of the students. Various other details that also are mentioned in the result include:-

  • The name of the student, 
  • Course, 
  • Year, 
  • Semester, 
  • Father’s name, 
  • Roll number, 
  • Enrollment number, 
  • Subject-wise grades or marks obtained, 
  • Total marks, 
  • Percentage, 
  • The result, and other related information.

It is mandatory for the student to check all the information clearly on the CSJM Entrance Exam Result. In case of any issue, they can contact the concerned authority of the university.

Important points related to CSJM Entrance Results Are:

  • CSJM University conducts its odd semester exams in the month of December, it declares its result in the month of January.
  • CSJM University declares odd semester results on its official website only. 
  • The online result provided by CSJM University should not be treated as the original mark sheet. University issues original mark sheets later and also notifies the students through its official portal.
  • After the declaration of the regular exam results, CSJM University conducts the supplementary and back exams.
  • Students who are willing to appear in the supplementary and back exams can apply within the specified time schedule given by the University.  
  • Students also have the choice to apply for scrutiny or revaluation of the answer sheets in case they are not satisfied with their results.

CSJM University Counselling Procedure 2025:

CSJM Kanpur University Selects students on the basis of CSJM Entrance Exams given by them. All interested and eligible candidates have to apply for entrance exams online. After the Exam Students have to confirm their rankings based on the merit list and cut-off list. After confirming it they have to confirm the counseling date from the official website of CSJM University Counseling.

Documents Required For Admission Counseling:

Sometimes students have some information related to documents for counseling, but if any of the documents is left by you then you have to face the cons of it. Here for you, we are listing the list of documents required while appearing for the CSJM Kanpur University Counseling process.

  • Students are required to bring the original counseling letter with the photocopy of the counseling letter.
  • An original Admit card or photocopy of the admit card is required.
  • The candidate needs to bring all the original documents and 2 photocopies of certificates of the 10th & 12th board.
  • Hall Ticket is mandatory.
  • Bring your marks card.
  • Original degree/certificates required.
  • Candidates' Community certificate(SC/ST/OBC/Other) is required, signature by the authorized authority.
  • Medical documents are mentioned on the CSJM UNIVERSITY application form if he/she be a medical student.
  • Candidates are required to bring 5-6 Passport size photos colorful and black and white.
  • Other documents supporting admission at CSJM University are mentioned on the CSJM Application Form.
CSJM Kanpur University: Seat Allotment Process:

The allotment process of the student at CSJM University is based on the merit list or cuts off the list. Important points that candidates must know before appearing for the CSJM UNIVERSITY Counseling are:

  • The candidate should select the best center in your state.
  • Try to book the ticket hall before the counseling and students should reach before one day of counseling.
  • Set your mind on what you want to do before the counseling process starts, and decide your respective choice.

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