CCC Syllabus: If you are going to appear in the CCC Exam in any of the particular years for the written test, you have to see the CCC Syllabus for the exam which is released by the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology.
The following CCC Syllabus is as follows:
- Introduction to Computers
- Windows (Introduction)
- Spreadsheet (MS Excel)
- E-mail, Chatting
- Web Browser and World Wide Web
- Computer Communication and Internet
- Making Small Presentation (MS- PowerPoint)
- Elements of Word Processing (MS Excel)
- Basic DOS Commands
CCC Syllabus with Subjects |
Theory |
Tutorials |
Practical |
Introduction to computer |
2 |
1 |
4 |
Introduction to GUI-Based Operating System |
3 |
- |
8 |
Elements of Word Processing |
4 |
2 |
10 |
Spreadsheets |
4 |
2 |
10 |
Computer communication and Internet |
4 |
- |
5 |
WWW and web browsers |
2 |
- |
3 |
Communication and Collaboration |
2 |
- |
2 |
Making small presentations |
4 |
- |
8 |
Grand Total |
25 |
5 |
50 |
➦ You are required to visit the official website to see and download the complete syllabus for the respective course which is beneficial in exam preparation. Once you get your respective syllabus, download it on your local computer for future reference.
➦ NIELIT conducts various kinds of courses that are related to basic computer literacy. The main objective of this CCC Syllabus is to make aware applicants of the content on which the paper is based.
Details of CCC Exam Syllabus:
The course is designed to impart theoretical and in-depth knowledge of computers, and software/packages for a person to use computers for professional as well as day-to-day use. Here we are providing detailed information regarding the CCC Exam Syllabus. Candidates can also get the CCC Syllabus in PDF format by visiting the official website.

Duration of the CCC Course Theory: [25 hrs + Practical: 50 hrs. + Tutorial: 5 hrs]

CCC Subjects:
The CCC Subjects are divided into eight modules and below is the detailed information about the CCC Syllabus.
CCC Syllabus in Modules:
Introduction of computer basics:
About Computers:
- History of computer
- Characteristics of computer system
- Computer basics application
About hardware and software:
- Hardware
- Computer programming language
- Representation of data
- Data processing concepts
- Software application
- Software
- System software
Module-2: Operating system
Basics of operating system
- Linux operating system
- Windows operating system
User Interface
- Taskbar
- Running application
- Icons
- Start Menu
The setting of the operating system
- Change the time of the system
- Change the display properties
- Add and remove Windows components
- Mouse properties change
- Model questions and answers
- Types of files
- Add and remove printers
- File management
- Directory management
- Summary
Module 3: Elements and Word Processing
Basics of word processing
- How to open Microsoft Word
- Menu bar
- Icons below the bar
How to open and close documents
- Opening documents
- Page setup
- Print preview
- Printing of documents
- Save
- Save as
Tax creation and manipulation
- Document creation
- Editing Text
- Alignment of Text
- Text selection
- Cut
- Copy and paste
- Font and size selection
Text formatting-
- Numbering
- Changing the
- Paragraph indenting
- Bullets
Table Manipulation
- Draw Table
- Cell width height changing
- Alignment of text in all
- Summary
- Model questions and answer
- Delete rows and columns
- Insertion of the row and column
- Border and shading
Module-4: Spreadsheet
Basics of spreadsheet
Elements of electronics spreadsheet:
- Addressing the cells
- Printing of the spreadsheet
- Spreadsheet opening
- Saving workbooks
Manipulation of cells
- Creating text
- Column
- Cell height and width
- Number of data series
- Entering text
- Numbers and dates
- Editing worksheet
- Inserting and deleting rows
Function and chart
- Summary
- Model questions and answers
- Using formulas
- Functions
Module-5: Internet, www, and web browsing introduction
Computer network basics
- Local area network
- Wide area network
Internet and its services
- Concept of internet
- Basics of internet architecture
- World wide web
- Website
- Communication on the net
- Internet services
The ways to prepare your computer for internet access:
- The rent service provider (Dial-up and Wi-Fi)
- Techniques of Internet access
Web-browsing software:
- Web-browsing software
- Configuring web-browser
SEO (Search engine optimization)
- Popular search engine
- Search for content
- Printing web pages
- Model question and answer
- Accessing the web browser
- Using favorite folder
- Downloading the web page
Module -6: Communication and collaboration:
Basics of communication and collaboration:
Basics of E-mail:
- Electronics mail
- Email addressing
- Configuration of email client
How to use email:
- Opening email client
- Mailbox
- Inbox
- Outbox
- New email-sending procedure
- Replying to an email message
Instant messaging collaboration:
- Using smiley
- Internet etiquette
- Summary
- Model question and answer
Module-7: Presentation of application
Basics of application of presentation:
- Introduction
- Powerpoint presentation opening process
- Presentation saving process
- Objectives
- Using PowerPoint
Preparation of slides:
- Word table
- Inserting other objects
- Resizing objects
- Scaling of the object
- Excel worksheet
- Adding clip art pictures
- Text presentation
- Working with colored objects
- Working with line style
- Adding movie and sound
- Adding header and footer
Presentation of slides:
- Printing slides
- Handouts
- Setup of presentation
Slide show:
- Automation of slide show
- Summary
- Model question and answer
- Transition and slide timing
- Running a slide show
Module-8: Application of digital financial services:
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Emergencies
- Future needs
- Large expenses
Social security schemes:
- Pradhan mantra Suraksha yojana
- Pradhan mantra Jeevan Jyoti yojana
- Atal pension Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri mudra yojana
- National pension scheme
Here are the following list of benefits of the CCC Syllabus is given below:
- CCC syllabus available users to acquire confidence in using computer techniques.
- It includes the basic elements of computers and terminology.
- Also, it requires candidates to understand data, information, and file management as well.
- The CCC Exam Syllabus includes the use of e-governance applications, the use of systems to improve skills and learn new techniques, etc.
- Candidates can create documents using Word processors, Spreadsheet, and presentation Software. And this helps them to apply for a job.
- Also, CCC Syllabus includes understanding computer networks, using the internet, content search on social media, and use of email.