UP Board Class 9th Admit Card can be obtained online as well as offline. You can get your admit card offline by contacting your respective school. The online process is mentioned below. The exam will commence in February or March. So, you should download the Admit card once the board releases the date online.
Class 9th has 6 main subjects that will help students to gain basic knowledge. Now, according to the board rules, UP Board follows the NCERT Syllabus pattern. This will not only give you a basic idea about the subject or topic but also provide you with the foundation for any competitive exams.
Once you filled the registration form, you can download your admit card. It will be generated after the complete process of registration. Only the registered students are eligible to download the admit card. Admit cards are very important to give the exam. Students without the admit card will not be allowed to write the exam. It is the entry for you in the examination hall.
It is advised to check all the details carefully that are mentioned in your UP Board Class 9th Admit Card. In case any problem is there, you can contact your school. They will let you correct any of your incorrect information. It is also important for the students to read the Important instructions of the exam that are given on their Admit card. This will help you to understand the exam pattern better.
If you want to download it, then follow the given process.
Step 1: Go to the official website of the board i.e upmsp.edu.in
Step 2: Go to the ‘Download Admit Card’ link and search the ‘UP Board Class 9 Admit Card option’.
Step 3: Fill in all the details that the page will ask you to write and after that, click on the Submit option.
Step 4: Admit card will get displayed on your screen.
Step 5: Click on the download button to get it on your device.
Step 6: Now, take a printout of it for future use.
Candidate’s Roll number |
School name |
School code |
Registration number |
Name of the board |
Photograph of the candidate |
Name of the examination |
Name of the candidate |
Father’s name |
Centre code |
Centre name |
Mother’s name |
Signature of authorities |
Important Instructions |
Examination Schedule |
Admission Open 2024
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