If you are getting curious to get your respective UP Board 12th Admit Card, then you are at the right place. Students can avail themselves of each & every required detail from the official website of the UP Board.
Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) holds the responsibility to release it once the registration process gets completed to organize UP Board Exams for Senior Secondary Schools and Intermediate.
Recently, the UPMSP has published the timetable schedule for the regular candidate's board exam. Hall tickets for the upcoming exams are generally released on the official website. The Uttar Pradesh Board, Prayagraj (Allahabad) uploads it according to the region and school wise.
The admit cards sometimes act as an alert for all the exam aspiring students to focus on their studies and exam preparation and not to get worried about the hall ticket. Students are recommended to be in touch with the board's website to get acknowledged about the latest changes and updates regarding UP Board.
The Governing body of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh, Prayagraj (Allahabad) issues the UP Board 12th Hall Ticket to all the affiliated individual schools and school administrations which will be then distributed among the students. It will contain each & every vital information required for the exam like exam centre, roll number, and other crucial details carefully.
Note: Students preferably get they admit cards two or three weeks before the examinations begin. New Admit Card might be issued only to the students who are appearing for the Supplementary/Compartmental exam after the regional regular exams.
Mandatory For Access: The students must bring their admit cards along with them to the exam centre as it is required compulsorily to get entrance into the assigned examination centre or school. The hall tickets are likely to be accessible online on the official site of the board.
Exam Name | UP 12th Board or Intermediate exam |
Exam Conducting Authority | The Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Uttar Pradesh |
Commencement of Exam | 22nd of April 2025 |
Exam Ending Date | 21st of May 2025 |
Release Date of Admit Card | March 2025 (Tentative) |
Official Site | https://upmsp.edu.in/ |
Here you can check out every detail which will be mentioned in your respective UP board 12th admit card 2025. So, have a look at the features written below you have to look for:
Here is the procedure one can straightforwardly follow to download the UP Board class 12th admit card which is mentioned below:
Step 1: Go through the official website of Up Board, i.e upmsp.edu.in
Step 2: On the landing page, search for the most recent/latest updates made in the UP Board.
Step 3: Under the new updates sections, click on the link of "UP Board 12th Admit Card 2025".
Step 4: Now, enter your roll number, date of birth, and credentials on the displayed page.
Step 5: After that, click on "submit" to get your respective admit card.
Step 6: Here, it will be displayed in PDF format.
Step 7: At last, hit on download and take out the printed version of the Hall ticket for your future reference.
Admission Open 2024
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