UP Board 11th Admit Card 2025: It will be available both online as well as offline. You can get your UP Board 11th Admit Card by any process. To get it offline, contact your school or any other board authority or staff. To get it online, you will get the steps below.
When the board releases the admit card, it is better to download it immediately. The UP board 11th exam commences in February or March 2025. The class 11th section is divided into 3 streams, ie, Science, Arts, and Commerce. English is common for all students.
Now, the UP Board will follow the NCERT book syllabus. This will help the students to gain basic knowledge. This rule is implemented by the year 2025. You can download your admit card by login into the official website of the board. There you have to write your Registration number or roll number and click on the submit button. You can view your admit card on your device screen.
You will see the Important Instructions on your admit card. Go through all the guidelines which will help you to perform well in the examination.
Step 1: Open the official website of the board i.e upmsp.edu.in
Step 2: You will see the ‘Download Admit Card’ link and search the ‘UP Board Class 11th Admit Card’ option.
Step 3: Fill in all the details that are required and after that, click on the Submit option.
Step 4: It will get displayed on your device screen.
Step 5: Click on the download button to get it.
Step 6: Take a printout of it for future use.
What are the details mentioned in the UP Board Class 11th Admit Card?
Candidate’s Roll number |
School name |
School code |
Registration number |
Name of the board |
Photograph of the candidate |
Name of the examination |
Name of the candidate |
Father’s name |
Centre code |
Centre name |
Mother’s name |
Signature of authorities |
Important Instructions |
Examination Schedule |
Admission Open 2024
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