College Disha
UP Board 10th

UP Board 10th Syllabus 2025

Details of Class 10 UP Board Syllabus

The UP Board has published the updated class 10th Syllabus which is given by the board on the official website. UPMSP has announced the release of the UP Board 10th Syllabus 2025 during the beginning of the academic session followed by all the affiliated schools across the state. Students must follow it as per the board examinations schedule.

Students can avail of the new 10th syllabus, which now follows the latest NCERT pattern. This step has been regulated recently to provide in-depth detail about the course, new topics, structure, etc. The syllabus will thereby help the candidates to comprehend the goals for the board examination.

For your purpose, the syllabus can be downloaded in PDF format so that the students can download the syllabus conveniently. The PDF will contain all the necessary subjects like Science/Maths/Humanities/Agriculture/Technical etc for which the UP board organizes the board examination.

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2025 - Download PDF for Math, English, Science, Hindi, Social Science

The question paper of the exam is generally set as per the newly given syllabus only. The syllabus will be available on the website of UP Board, so students can download the PDF related to their stream of study of their respective syllabi.

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2025 for Mathematics

Unit Unit Name Marks
I Number system 5
II Algebra 18
III Coordinate geometry 5
IV Geometry 12
V Trigonometry 10
VI Mensuration 10
VII Statistics and Probability 10
Total 70
Project work 30
Grand Total 100

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2025 Science

Unit Unit Name Marks
Chemical Substances - Nature and Behavior Chemical Reactions 20 Marks
Acids, Bases, and Salts
Metals and non-metals
Carbon Compounds
Periodic Classification of Elements
World of Living Life Processes 20 Marks
Heredity and Evolution
Natural Phenomena (Cultures) Reflection of Light 12 Marks
Current Effect Potential Difference and Electric Current 13 Marks
Magnetic Effects of Current
Natural Resources Sources of Energy 5 Marks
Our Environment
Management of Natural Resources
Total 70 Marks
Practicals and Projects 30 Marks
Total 100 Marks

UP Board Class 10 English Syllabus 2025

Topics Marks
Section A – Reading 10 Marks
1. One short passage followed by three MCQs and one passage followed by three very short-answer types and one vocabulary-based question 3+3=6, 2+2=4
Section B – Writing 10 Marks
2. Letter/Application writing 4 Marks
3. Descriptive paragraph/report/article based on given verbal clues 6 Marks
Section C – Grammar 15 Marks
4. Five MCQ questions based on parts of speech, tenses, articles, reordering of sentences, spellings, and three very short answer-type questions based on narration voice, and punctuation. 5*1=5, 3*2=6
5. A very short passage in Hindi for translation into English 4 Marks
Section D – Literature 35 Marks
Prose 15 Marks
6. Two Short answer type questions based on a given prose passage 2+2=4 Marks
7. One long answer type questions 4 Marks
8. Two short answer type questions 2+2=4 Marks
9. Three very short vocabularies based/match-type questions 1*3=3 Marks
Poetry 8 Marks
10. Two short answer type questions based on a given poetry extract 2 Marks
11 (a). One short answer type question based on poetry lessons 3 Marks
11 (b). Four lines from any poem prescribed in the syllabus / The central idea of any one of the given poems 3 Marks
Foot Prints Without Feet – Supplementary Reader 12 Marks
12. One short answer type questions 3 Marks
13. One long answer type question 4 Marks
14. Five MCQs based 1*5=5 Marks
Total 100 Marks

UP Board Class 10 SST Syllabus 2025

Unit Unit Name Marks
I India and the contemporary world - 2 (History) 20
II Contemporary India - 2 (Geography) 20
III Democratic Politics - 2 (Civics) 15
IV Understanding of Economic Development (Economics) 15
Total 70 Marks

UP Board Class 10 Syllabus 2025 Hindi

UP Board 10th Syllabus Hindi

UP Board 10th Hindi Syllabus

How to Download UP Board 10th Syllabus

Students of class 10th UP Board need to download the entire UP Board Syllabus by visiting the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Board.

Step 1: First, aspirants need to access the official website of the UP Board i.e

Step 2: On the displayed home page, click on the link mentioned under the Important information section to download the whole syllabus.

Step 3: Now, click on the link “UP Board Class 10th Syllabus 2025” to obtain the complete syllabus in PDF format.

Step 4: Here, mention all the necessary details required such as roll no, registration no, etc to view your syllabus.

Step 5: At last, hit on the download tab to get it in PDF format.

Step 6: After downloading, keep it safe for further use.

UP Board 10th Syllabus: Overview

UP Board has made some changes for the new upcoming session of 2025 which are as follows:

  • From this session, the regular textbooks of the UP board will be replaced by the NCERT textbooks for class 9th onwards students.
  • Every regular subject is going to be replaced by the NCERT Syllabus excluding Krishi (agriculture) subject for both the classes 10th & 12th and business studies for the 10+2 level of UP Board.
  • There will be only one subject paper in the intermediate for all the streams.
  • While considering the above proposals in the curriculum structure, the UP board has revised class 9th to the 11th syllabus for every subject.

Benefits of NCERT Pattern over UP Board 10th Syllabus:

By introducing the NCERT syllabus for the UP Board syllabus, the students and teaching staff is likely to be happy. It all comprises several advantages which are as follows:

  • The syllabus for the sessions of the UP Board has been revised and recently updated which is extra beneficial for the students in assisting them to manage and endure up with the current requirements.
  • The modernized syllabus of the board can be utilized as an opportunity for those students who aspire to prepare for the national level competitive exams as well togetherly by studying the new NCERT syllabus as the topics from which the question will arise is the NCERT pattern only.
  • The new syllabus chosen by the UP Board will provide in-depth knowledge of the subjects in an easy and comprehensible language.

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