College Disha
Punjab Board  11th

Punjab Board 11th Admit Card 2025

Punjab Board 11th Admit Card 2025: The Punjab Board 11th Admit Cards are also available online on the official website of the Punjab Board. Candidates can simply download and view the admit from there. Admit cards are generally released in the month of March prior to the commencement of examinations, which is around half a month before the exams start.

Punjab Board 11th Admit Card 2025: Overview:

Students can also follow the general way of getting their admit cards by approaching their respective schools. Students are generally provided with admit cards during their school hours by their teachers or any other administrative staff. Candidates are not allowed to view their admit cards online and hence the steps provided below are for the administrative school staff only.

Below we have provided the details or steps that the school authorities can perform to view their student's admit cards online:

  • Visit the official website of the board.
  • On the left-hand side of the homepage, head over to the ‘Important section’.
  • Click on the ‘Punjab Board 11th Admit Card’ link. 
  • A new window will open, asking for details such as batch number, reference number, etc. 
  • Once done, click ‘Submit’. 
  • The admit card files will be opened and they can save them as Pdf formats, download, and print out to distribute to the respective students for verification purposes.

Punjab Board (PSEB) 11th Exam 2025

Punjab Board 11th Result
Punjab Board 11th Notification
Punjab Board 11th Application
Punjab Board 11th Syllabus
Punjab Board 11th Time Table

Details Mentioned on the Punjab Board 11th Admit Card 2025:

Some of the details mentioned on the PSEB 11th Admit Card are as follows:

  • Admit Card Number
  • Name of the candidate
  • Photograph of the candidate
  • Signature of the candidate
  • Father’s Name
  • Name of the examination center
  • Address of the examination center
  • Date of the exams
  • Timings for the exams
  • Guidelines to be followed
  • Instructions for the exams

It is important for the candidates to carry their Punjab Board 11th Admit Cards with them at the time of appearing for the examinations inside the examination hall or examination centers. Candidates who do not possess an admit card will not be allowed to sit for the examination. Candidates are advised to print out a few copies of the admit card since no xerox copy will be allowed inside the examination hall.

The students who have to appear for the compartmental exams later in the month of July or August need to also have their admit cards with them. However, those admit cards are known as the Punjab Board 11th Admit Card (Supplementary). Candidates need to follow the same steps mentioned above and visit their school authorities for their supplementary admit cards. The school authorities have access to it and only they can download the admit cards from the official website of the Board.

Apart from that some of the important points that are mentioned on the Punjab Board 11th Admit Card are as follows:
  • Carrying the PSEB 11th Admit Card with them at the time of their examinations is compulsory. No student is allowed to enter without having their admit cards with them.
  • Students are required to possess an admit card that has been duly signed by their respective headmaster or principal of the school.
  • Candidates are also required to reach the examination venue on time and with all the necessary stationery materials and writing material to avoid any last-minute complications.
  • Candidates will be given three hours to complete their exams and they must finish them by then. Since after 3 hours, the next 15 minutes are reserved for scanning through the answer sheet.
  • No electronic gadgets, calculators, or the like are allowed inside the examination hall.

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