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Punjab Board 12th

Punjab Board 12th Admit Card 2025

Punjab Board 12th Admit Card 2025: Punjab board (PSEB) 12th admit card is specially designed for one-time use. You can use a single admit card only once. The admit card is approved by the board, head of the school, and signed by the candidate. The admit card contains the date sheet of the exams. So, you can also learn about the schedule of the exam.

Punjab Board 12th Admit Card Overview:

Admit card is a personalized document that contains your personal details. This is your entry pass for the exam. You can not attend the exam without the admit card. So, this is a most valuable document during the exams. One of the main functions of the board is to generate the Punjab Board 12th admit card 2025 for eligible candidates. So, it prepares the admit cards and provides these admit cards to the students.

The board releases notification regarding the Punjab Board class 12th Admit Card. After that, it sends the PSEB 12th Admit Card to the secured ID of the school. These secured IDs are provided by the board at the time of affiliation. The board uses them for sending important information to the schools. Punjab Board (PSEB) 12th admit card is also sent to the schools through these IDs. School management then distributes the admit cards to the students.

Download the Punjab Board 12th Admit Card:

As we mentioned above, the school management provides you with the admit card for the 12th exam. However, before sending the admit cards, the board uploads these admit cards to the official website. After that, these admit cards are forwarded to various schools. Students can also download the Punjab Board 12th Class Admit Card through the official website of the board.

They need to follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the official website of the Punjab School Education Board i.e
  2. In the notification section, you will see a link related to the Punjab Board 12th Admit Card.
  3. Click on the link and a new page will appear.
  4. Fill in the required details and click on the submit button.
  5. Your admit card will appear on the screen. Download the PSEB Class 12th Admit Card 2025 and take its printout for future use.

Punjab Board 12th Admit Card Content:

Punjab Board (PSEB) 12th admit card contains various details related to the exam. These details are very important from the perspective of the exam. So, students should check all these details before the exam. Also, if there is any mistake in the Punjab Board 12th Hall ticket. students should inform the school authority as soon as possible.

  • Admit card Number
  • Student’s Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Student’s Father Name
  • Student’s photograph
  • Name of educational institute
  • Date sheet of the exam
  • Important Instructions
  • Student’s signature
Supplementary Exam Punjab Board 12th Admits Card:

Punjab Board 12th Admit Card for the supplementary exams is also prepared by the board. The notification regarding these admits cards are published on the official website of the board. So, students should check the notification and contact the school management. Similar to the main exam admit cards, the supplementary exam admits cards are also forwarded to the school management. 

  • Unlike the main exams, one candidate can apply for one or two subjects. These subjects are those in which you did not qualify. So, the admit card contains the names and date sheets of only those exams.
  • To get the supplementary admit card you need to fill the application form regarding supplementary exams. Notification of these forms is released on the official website of the board. Also, you have to mention your subjects in the Punjab Board (PSEB) 12th application form.
  • The application procedure for the supplementary exam is similar to the main exam. However, the admit cards are released a few weeks after the registration closes.

Important Instructions:

  • At the bottom of the Punjab Board Class 12th Admit Card, there are important instructions regarding the exam. These instructions help you to identify the mandatory and allowable items for the examination. So, you should read these important instructions carefully before going to the exam.
  • First, check the location of the exam center. It may be difficult to find on exam day. But it will be convenient if you find it before the exam.
  • Admit card is the most important document during the exams. So, you should take proper care of the admit card. In case you lose it, you can get a provisional admit card from your school authority. But it will cost you some fee.
  • Punjab Board 12th Admit Card should be approved by the board, your school principal, and yourself. Only attested admit cards will be considered valid for the exam. Make sure to check all these details.
  • The timetable for the exams is also mentioned on your admit card. So, you can check the exam dates and subject codes. However, only those subjects are listed in the admit card for which you have applied.
Punjab Board (PSEB) 12th Exam 2025 (Useful Links)
Punjab Board 12th Application
Punjab Board 12th Syllabus
Punjab Board 12th Time Table
Punjab Board 12th Result

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