College Disha
Nagaland Board  10th

Nagaland Board 10th Admit Card 2025

Nagaland Board 10th Admit Card 2025: Nagaland 10th board Admit Card can be accessible both by online and offline methods. The NBSE HSLC Admit Card is given by the Nagaland Board to the students to give their class 10th exam. Nagaland board 10th Admit Card is the foremost and only document that you have to take along with you in the examination hall. 

Nagaland Board 10th Admit Card Overview:

To get your Nagaland Board 10th Admit Card offline, visit your school and ask for the admit card from the authority. For the online process, visit the Nagaland Board official webpage. On the website, you will get the admit card by performing some easy steps. The easy steps to download the admit card are given below.

NBSE HSLC Admit Card 2025: Highlights

Conducting Authority

Nagaland Board of Secondary Education



Exam Name

Nagaland 10th Board Exam


NBSE HSLC Admit Card

Mode of Admit Card

Online and Offline

Official Website

The process to Download the Nagaland Board 10th Admit Card:

Follow these steps if you want to get your NBSE HSLC Admit Card online.

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Nagaland Board.

Step 2: There is a “Download Admit Card” link. Click on the link.

Step 3: A page will pop up where you have to write your Roll Number and Date of Birth. Write it correctly.

Step 4: Now, you can see your NBSE 10th Admit Card 2025 on your device screen.

Step 5: Take a printout of it for further use.

What are the details mentioned on the Admit card?

Candidate’s Roll number

School name

School code

Registration number

Name of the board

Photograph of the candidate

Name of the examination

Name of the candidate

Father’s name

Centre code

Centre name

Mother’s name

Signature of authorities

Important Instructions

Examination Schedule

Documents to carry along with the Nagaland Board 10th Admit Card:

There are limited documents or kinds of stuff that a candidate can take along with them in the examination hall. A list of all the things is given below. Have a look.

  • Admit Card
  • Stationery Items
  • Geometry Box
  • Student ID card

Things to Remember:

  • It is necessary for the students to carry their Nagaland Board Class 10th Admit Card to their respective exam centers. Without the admit card, students will not be allowed to appear for the Class 10th exam.
  • Students are advised to check all the details mentioned on the Nagaland Board Class 10th Admit Card. If there is any kind of error, students have to contact the officials to get the details rectified.
Exam day instructions mentioned on the Nagaland Board 10th Admit Card:
  • Students are not allowed to carry any extra paper other than the admit card in the exam hall.
  • Candidates have to write their name and roll number at the top of the admit card and make them check to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
  • Diabetic aspirants are allowed to carry eatables like sugar tablets/fruits and transparent water bottles to the examination hall/room. However, they are not allowed to carry packed foods like chocolates/candy/sandwiches, etc.
  • Aspirants will have to sit on the seat that is allocated to them.
  • Students are allowed to appear at the allotted venue of the test only.
  • Wearing a watch inside the examination hall is not allowed.
  • No students will be allowed to enter the examination center once the exam starts.
  • Candidates without the NBSE HSLC Admit Card will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
  • Leaving the examination hall before the closure/end of the exam is not permitted.
  • Request for change in exam centers will not be entertained.

Items prohibited inside the examination center:

  • Purse
  • Handbag
  • Eatables and Water (loose or packed)
  • Any type of watches like electronic watches with a calculator, any metallic item, or electronic gadgets/ devices in the examination hall/room
  • Any kind of paper or printed material
  • Electronic items and instruments such as Mobile Phone, Ear Phone, Microphone, Pager, Calculator
  • Instruments such as Document, Slide Ruler, Log Tables, Camera, Tape Recorder

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