College Disha
Nagaland Board 11th Class

Nagaland Board 11th Class Syllabus 2025

Nagaland Board 11th Exam Syllabus 2025

The syllabus for Class 11th under the Nagaland Board is designed to prepare the students for higher studies in the future. The syllabus is divided into three streams: Science, Commerce and Humanities.

Each stream has a set of core subjects and elective subjects that the students can choose from.

The following table provides an overview of the subjects offered in each stream:

Stream Core Subjects Elective Subjects
Science English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Biology, Geology, Computer Science
Commerce English, Accountancy, Business Studies Mathematics, Economics, Entrepreneurship
Humanities English, History, Political Science, Education Sociology, Psychology, Geography

The syllabus for each subject is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and theories, and to develop analytical and critical thinking abilities among the students.

The following are the important topics covered in each subject:

  1. English: Reading comprehension, Grammar, Writing skills, Literature (Poetry, Prose, Drama)
  2. Physics: Units and Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Rotational Motion, Oscillations, Waves, etc.
  3. Chemistry: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, etc.
  4. Mathematics: Sets and Functions, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics and Probability, etc.
  5. Biology: Diversity in Living World, Structural Organization in Animals and Plants, Cell Structure and Function, Plant Physiology, Human Physiology, Reproduction, Genetics and Evolution, Biology and Human Welfare, etc.
  6. Geology: Physical Geology, Structural Geology, Petrology, Mineralogy, Economic Geology, Environmental Geology, etc.
  7. Computer Science: Basics of Computer Systems, Programming Methodology, Introduction to C++, Data Structure, Object-Oriented Programming Concepts, etc.
  8. Accountancy: Accounting Process, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Depreciation Accounting, Bills of Exchange, Rectification of Errors, etc.
  9. Business Studies: Nature and Purpose of Business, Forms of Business Organizations, Public, Private and Global Enterprises, Business Services, etc.
  10. Economics: Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence, Indian Economy 1950-1990, Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation, Poverty, Human Capital Formation, etc.
  11. Entrepreneurship: Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Business Opportunity Identification, Business Planning, Entrepreneurial Strategies, etc.
  12. History: Themes in Indian History - I, Themes in Indian History - II, Themes in Indian History - III, Themes in World History - I, Themes in World History - II, etc.
  13. Political Science: Political Theory, Indian Constitution at Work, Political Processes, etc.
  14. Education: Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education, Learner and Learning Process, School Management, etc.
  15. Sociology: Introducing Sociology, Understanding Society, Social Institutions, Culture and Society, Change and Development in Indian Society, etc.
  16. Psychology: Introduction to Psychology, Methods of Enquiry in Psychology, The Basis of Human Behaviour, Human Development, Sensory, etc.

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