MBSE Board 11th Syllabus 2025: It is designed according to the national standard of education. The board wants students to get a quality education. It is the primary responsibility of any educational board. Students will apply for different graduate courses. However, the foundation is higher secondary education.
MBSE Board 11th Syllabus Overview:-
The board publishes books for higher secondary classes. These books contain a complete and accurate syllabus. So, the board has made it possible for students to get the syllabus within their books. These books have every topic of the syllabus. But it lacks a thorough explanation. So, you can buy books from multiple authors.
Another way to get the syllabus is to download a digital file. It is also available on the official website of the board. In this way, the board has made it possible for students to get the syllabus from anywhere and at any time. This greatly helps students in their preparation.

How to Download the MBSE Board 11th Syllabus 2025:
You can download the syllabus from the official website of the board. You need to follow the steps below:
- Visit the official website of the board (www.mbse.edu.in).
- Click on the ‘Academic’ button in the menu bar.
- Select the ‘Syllabus’ option and choose the ‘Higher Secondary’ option.
- A new page will be opened. Choose the link ‘Higher Secondary Curriculum’.
- A pdf file will be opened which contains the syllabus of Arts, Commerce, and Science.
MBSE Board 11th Syllabus 2025
Chapter, Units
- Introduction to world history
Section A: Early Societies
- Introduction
- From the beginning of time
- Early cities
Section B: Empires
- Introduction
- An empire across the three continents
- Central Islamic lands
- Nomadic Empires
Section C: Changing Traditions
- Introduction
- Three orders
- Changing cultural traditions
- Confirmation of cultures
Section D: Paths of Modernisation
- Introduction
- The Industrial Revolution
- Displacing Indigenous People
- Paths of Modernisation
Part A: Fundamentals of Physical Geography
- Geography as a discipline
- The Earth
- Landforms
- Climate
- Water (Oceans)
- Life on the Earth
- Map Work
Part B: Physical Environment
- Introduction
- Physiography
- Climate, Vegetation, and Soil
- Natural hazards and disasters
- Map Work
Political Science
Part A: Indian Constitution at work
- Constitution: Why and how
- Rights in the Indian Constitution
- Election and representation
- Executive
- Legislature
- Judiciary
- Federalism
- Local Government
- Constitution as a living document
Part B: Political Theory
- Political theory: An introduction
- Freedom
- Equality
- Social justice
- Rights
- Citizenship
- Nationalism
- Secularism
- Peace
Part I: Micro Economics
- Introduction
- Demand, Supply and Market mechanism
- Elasticity
- The behavior of consumers and producers
- Form of market and price determination
Part II: Statistics for Economics
- Introduction
- Collection, Presentation, and Organization of Data
- Statistical Averages and Dispersion
- Correlation and Index numbers
- Project on the application of Statistics for Economics
- Physical-world & Measurement
- Kinematics
- Laws of motion
- Work, Energy & Power
- The motion of system particles & Rigid body
- Gravitation
- Properties of Bulk Matter
- Thermodynamics
- The behavior of Perfect Gas & Kinetic Theory of gases
- Oscillations and Waves
- Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- Structure of Atom
- Classification of Elements and Periodicity in properties
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
- Thermodynamics
- Equilibrium
- Redox reactions
- Hydrogen
- s-Block Elements
- Some p-Block Elements
- Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques
- Hydrocarbons
- Environmental Chemistry
- Diversity of Living Organisms
- Structural Organisation in Plants and animals
- Cell: Structure and Function
- Plant Physiology
- Human Physiology
- Sets and Functions
- Algebra
- Coordinate Geometry
- Calculus
- Mathematical reasoning
- Statistics and Probability
Part A: Financial Accounting - I
- Introduction to Accounting
- Theory Base of Accounting
- Recording of Transactions & preparation of Trial Balance
- Depreciation, Provisions, and Reserves
- Accounting for Bills of Exchange
- Rectification of Errors
- Financial Statements of Business Organisations
Part B: Financial Accounting - II
- Financial Statements of not for profit Organizations
- Accounts from incomplete records
- Computers in Accounting
- Project Work
Business Studies
Part A: Foundation of Business
- Nature and Purpose of Business
- Forms of Business organizations
- Public, Private, and Global Enterprises
- Business services
- Emerging modes of Business
- Social responsibility of Business and Business ethics
Part B: Finance and Trade
- Sources of Business Finance
- Small Business
- Internal Trade
- International Trade
- Project Work
Importance of Correct Syllabus:
The syllabus is the layout of what you will learn during a curriculum. It contains all the important topics and chapters. Also, it differentiates between the necessary and unnecessary. So, you should collect the syllabus at the beginning of your classes. The syllabus is very important due to various reasons.
- The syllabus is the list of topics and chapters that you will learn in a class. So, you can plan your study strategy through the syllabus. You can identify the tough topics and give more time for their preparation.
- The syllabus contains the names of all the important chapters of a curriculum. These chapters have various theories, principles, and formulas. So, you can get an exact idea about what is important and what is not.
- It is also very important because the question papers are prepared from the syllabus. The exams check how well you prepared the topics of a given syllabus.