Meghalaya Board 12th Admit Card 2025: The Meghalaya Board class 12th Admit Card is usually released in February (tentative). The admit cards are released a month before the examinations. The school authorities have access to online admit cards and they are responsible for providing the MBOSE HSSLC 12th Admit Card to the respective students.
Meghalaya Board 12th Admit Card Overview:
Without an admit card, students will not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Candidates are advised to make sure that the information on the Meghalaya Board 12th Admit Card is error-free and without mistakes. If however, the students do find mistakes, they must intimate the school authorities as soon as possible.
Details Mentioned in the Meghalaya Board 12th Admit Card:
Some of the details mentioned on the Meghalaya Board 12th Admit Card are as follows:
The results for the Meghalaya Board 12th Examinations are released in June, the candidates are required to have their respective admit cards with them at the time.
Steps to Download the Meghalaya Board 12th Admit Card (For Schools):
According to the rules and regulations set by the Meghalaya Board, only school authorities have access to the online admit cards. They further distribute it to their respective students. Below we have provided the steps for school authorities to download the MBOSE HSSLC Admit Card for their students from the official website.
Duplicate Meghalaya Board MBOSE HSSLC 12th Admit Card:
Students who have lost their original admit cards also have the option of applying for a duplicate MBOSE HSSLC 12th Admit Card. The steps to download the admit card or hall ticket are as follows:
Students must submit the Duplicate MBOSE HSSLC 12th Admit Card form to their respective school authorities and ensure that they receive their respective admit cards.
Meghalaya Board class 12th Supplementary Admit Card:
Students who have appeared for the board exams but due to some reason could not pass the exams due to one or many subjects, would have to attend the supplementary exams that are held in the month after the results are declared. They would need to carry a Meghalaya Board 12th Supplementary Admit Card with them to be eligible to give the examinations.
Students will receive the official notification on the official web portal of the board, and they must collect their respective supplementary cards from the school. Candidates who have successfully registered themselves for the supplementary examinations will be eligible for the Meghalaya Board 12th Supplementary Admit Card. The steps to gain the admit card require the student to go to his or her respective school and ask for their admit card.
Admission Open 2024
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