The Jharkhand Board Admit Card/Hall Ticket for the 10th exam was released on March 2nd on the official website. The Admit Card is the most important document for the students to attend the exam. All the schools under the Jharkhand Academic Council can download their Admit Cards once it has been released.
The Jharkhand Board 10th Admit Card 2025 is the most important document that the candidates will require to appear for the exams. The Admit Card consists of all the important details like the roll number of the candidate, the date and time of the exam, the venue of the exam, and important instructions.
After the schools have downloaded the Admit Card from the official website, students can collect it from their respective schools. It is mandatory for every student appearing for the JAC 10th Board exams to carry the Admit Card with them to the exam hall. Students who do not carry their Hall Tickets will not be allowed to sit for the exams.
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Jharkhand Board Class 10th Result |
Admission Open 2024
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