College Disha
Arunachal Pradesh Board 12th

Arunachal Pradesh Board 12th Result 2025

Arunachal Pradesh 12th Result 2025: The results for the 12th Board exams of the state schools of Arunachal Pradesh will be available on the official website of the Directorate of Education. The exams are held in March and the results are declared in May (tentative). After the Arunachal Pradesh 12th result 2025 are declared on the official website, the students can check the results by logging in to the site by entering their username, registration number, and examination roll number.

It is declared online and the students can download the result from the official website. After the release of the Arunachal Pradesh Boards 12th online results, the students will get the final mark sheet and the Certificate from their respective schools.

The students who have appeared for supplementary exams for 12th from Arunachal Pradesh Board can download their exam results from the official website of the Directorate of Education.

Arunachal Pradesh 12th Result

Highlights of the Arunachal Pradesh 12th Results: 2025

S.No Particulars of the Exam Details of the Exam
1 Name of the exam Arunachal Pradesh Board 12th
2 Organizing Authority Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh
3 Level of the exam Higher Secondary/Intermediate
4 Category Arunachal Pradesh Board 12th Result
5 The month of the exam 2nd April 2025 (Saturday)
6 The month of the result 2nd week of July (tentative)
7 Supplementary exam date August (tentative)
8 Supplementary exam result date September (tentative)
9 Official website

The process to download the Arunachal Pradesh 12th Result 2025:

The students who have appeared for the 12th Board exams from the State schools of Arunachal Pradesh will get their results on the official website of the Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh. After the declaration of the Arunachal Pradesh HSC Result 2025, the students must contact their respective schools for their original mark sheets and pass the Certificate.

Steps to Download the Arunachal Pradesh 12th Result:

  • Go to the official website of the Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Select the “Arunachal Pradesh 12th result” link on the homepage.
  • A new window will appear where you have to enter relevant details.
  • Fill in details like name, date of birth, and admit card roll number.
  • Click the submit button.
  • Wait for some time.
  • Your Result for the Arunachal Pradesh 12th Board exams will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download the result and save it.
  • Take a printout of your result for future reference.

Details mentioned on the Arunachal Pradesh 12th Result 2025:

The students must check the Arunachal Pradesh HSC Result 2025 page properly after downloading it. If there is any error or wrong information on the displayed page, it must be brought to the notice of the examination authorities immediately.

The following detail of the student is mentioned on the Result page. 

  • Name of the student
  • Registration number of the student
  • Examination center
  • Subject wise marks obtained by the student
  • Total marks obtained by the student
  • Qualifying status (Pass or Fail)

Revaluation of marks for the Arunachal Pradesh Board 12th Result:

After the declaration of the results of the 12th Board exams, the candidate will get the original mark sheet and the Pass Certificate from their respective schools. The mark sheet obtained from the school is the original mark sheet and the student must keep it with utmost care.

All the students may not be satisfied with the marks obtained in the Arunachal Pradesh Board 12th exams. Those students who are not happy with their marks in one or more subjects can apply for a revaluation or recheck of marks.

For the revaluation process, the student must fill up an application form and submit an application fee. To apply for the revaluation or rechecking of the marks, the students must first get their original mark sheet from the Arunachal Pradesh Boards.

The student can apply for the revaluation process for one or more subjects. After the submission of the revaluation application form, the student must wait for the Arunachal Pradesh HSC Result for their totaling of marks. The exam authorities will undertake the revaluation process and release the revised marks of the candidate on the official website. The reevaluated marks of the student may or may not be the same as the original marks.

The Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh will release the official notification regarding the revaluation of marks on their website. The students can download the revised marks from the website by entering their name, exam roll number, and registration number.

Arunachal Pradesh 12th Result for Supplementary Exams:

Those students who have appeared in the Arunachal Pradesh Boards 12th Exams may not get pass marks in all the subjects of the exam. The Board allows all those students who have not qualified in the Arunachal Pradesh 12th Board exams 2025, by organizing supplementary exams for them.

The students can apply for the supplementary exams after the results for the 12th Board exams have been declared. The students who have not got qualifying marks in one or more subjects can apply for the supplementary exams. The Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh gives a chance to the students to improve their scores by appearing for the supplementary exams.

The date for the supplementary exams is declared after the Arunachal Pradesh 12th result. The students must keep checking the official website for the latest notification on the Supplementary exams. Students can apply for supplementary exams in one or more subjects. The syllabus for the Supplementary exams will be the same as the class 12th Board exams and any change in the syllabus will be notified on the official website.

The candidates appearing for the supplementary exams have to fill up a form and pay the required fee for the exams. After the submission of the Application form, the Directorate of Education, Arunachal Pradesh will declare the dates for the supplementary exams.

The Admit Card or the Hall Ticket for the Supplementary exam will be available on the official site, a few days before the exam. The student appearing for the Supplementary exams must download the Hall Ticket before appearing for the exam.


It will be available on the official website during May (tentative). The Students who have appeared for the exams can check their subject-wise marks in the result. After the declaration of the results, the students will get their original mark sheet and pass certificate from their respective schools.

Arunachal Pradesh Board 12th Exam 2025 (Useful Links)
Arunachal Pradesh 12th Exam Notification
Arunachal Pradesh 12th Application Form
Arunachal Pradesh 12th Syllabus
Arunachal Pradesh 12th Time Table
Arunachal Pradesh 12th Admit Card

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