College Disha
Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th

Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th Syllabus 2025

The Directorate of School Education, Arunachal Pradesh will release the syllabus on the official website. The syllabus will consist of all the subjects and the topics of the exam and the mark distribution in each topic.

The Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th syllabus will consist of the subjects included in all the streams- Arts, Science and Commerce. Knowledge of the syllabus is very important for the students to perform well in the exams and get promoted to class 12. 

Along with the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th syllabus 2025, students can also download the textbooks and the study material of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th. Students must understand the complete details of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th syllabus to perform well in the exams.

arunachal pradesh psc laboratory assistant syllabus 2025

Steps to Download the Syllabus and the Textbooks of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th 2025:

  • Go to the official website of the authorities.
  • Select the publication tab available on the homepage.
  • Choose the PDF of the textbook, and select the PDF tab of the textbook.
  • Enter Class 11 in the search bar.
  • Select the subject and the name of the textbook.
  • The Book will appear on the screen in PDF format.
  • Download the textbook and save it on your computer.
  • Take a print of the book for studying the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th syllabus thoroughly.

Subjects and topics of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th syllabus 

Subject - English

Important facts of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th syllabus for English

  • Students must attempt 10 to 11 questions of reading comprehension.
  • This part constitutes factual, descriptive or literary questions.
  • Reading comprehension analyzes the verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, understanding and vocabulary of the students.
  • Multiple-choice questions based on seen and unseen passages.
  • The reading comprehension has a total of 26 marks.
  • The Grammar has a total of 24 marks and consists of multiple-choice questions.
  • The Literature section has a total of 30 marks and consists of text-based multiple-choice questions.
  • The Listening and speaking skills of the student carry 20 marks. 
Sections Topics Mark Distribution
Reading comprehension Conceptual understanding 26
Literary conventions and vocabulary
Analyzing, Inferring, Decoding
Using appropriate format 
Grammar Conceptual understanding 24
Application of rules
Appropriate use of style and tone
Use of Appropriate Format
Analysis, Evaluation and Creativity
Literature  Appreciating literary conventions 30
Recalling and reasoning
Analysis and Inference
Evaluation and creativity
Listening and speaking skills - 20

 Subject- Geography

Units Topics
Fundamentals of Physical Geography Geography as a discipline
The Earth
Introduction to maps
India Physical environment  
Fundamentals of Physical geography Climate
Map scale
Latitude and longitude
Indian Physical Environment Physiography
Map Projection
Climate, Vegetation and Soil
Fundamentals of Physical geography Water
Life on Earth
Natural Hazards and Disasters
Use of Weather Instruments

 Subject- Mathematics 

Chapters Topics
Set and Function 
Relation and Function
Trigonometric Functions
Sets and their representation
Finite and Infinite sets
Empty sets
Equal sets
Subsets of a set of equal numbers
Power sets
Universal sets
Venn diagrams
Union and Intersection of sets
Difference of sets
Complement of Sets
Properties of Complement
Ordered pairs
Cartesian product of sets
Cartesian products of real of sets with itself
Definition and range of Relation
Domain, Codomain
Pictorial diagrams
Functions, domain and range with real values
Polynomial, rational, modulus, signum, exponential, logarithmic and largest integer functions
Sum, difference, product and quotient of these functions 
Principles of Mathematical induction
Complex numbers and quadratic equations
Linear inequalities
Permutation and Combinations
Binomial theorem
Sequences and Series
Simple uses of Mathematical induction principle
Linear inequalities
Number line representation of algebraic solutions of Linear inequalities in one variable
Linear inequalities in two variables graphically solved
Linear inequalities in two variables using graphical techniques
Coordinate geometry
Straight lines
Conic sections
Introduction to three dimensional geometry
Brief recall of two dimensional geometry
The slope of lines and the angles between two lines
Various forms of equations of a line
General equation of a line
Equation of family of lines passing through the point of intersection of two lines
Distance of a point from a line
Coordinate axes and coordinate planes in two dimensions
Coordinates of a point
Distance between two points and sections formula
Limits and Derivatives
Derivative introduced as a rate of change
Limitation is an intuitive concept
Polynomial and Rational function limits
Trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions
Scope of tangent of the curve
Derivative of sum, difference, product and quotient of functions
Polynomial and trigonometric functions have derivatives
Mathematical reasoning Mathematically sound statements
Validating claims containing linking words
Contradiction, contrast and contrapositive
Statistics and Probability
Measures of Dispersion
Mean deviation
Variance and Standard deviation of grouped and ungrouped data
Frequency distribution with the same mean but different variances
Random experiments, outcomes and sample spaces
Axiomatic probability
Connections with other theories of earlier classes
Probability of an event

Subject- Chemistry

Chapters Topics
Some basic concepts of Chemistry Importance and Scope of Chemistry
Nature of matter
Laws of Chemical combination
Dalton’s atomic theory
Concept of elements- Atoms and molecules
Atomic and molecular masses
Mole concept and mole mass
Percentage composition
Empirical and Molecular formula
Chemical reactions
Stoichiometry and calculations based on stoichiometry
Structure of atom Discovery of electrons, protons, and neutrons
Isotopes and Isobars
Atomic number
Thomson’s model and its limitations
Rutherford’s model and its limitations
Bohr’s model and its limitations
Dual nature of matter and light
De Broglie’s relationship
Concept of orbitals
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties Brief history of the development of the periodic table
Significance of classification
Modern periodic law and present form of periodic table
Ionic radii
Inert gas radii
Ionization enthalpy
Electron gain enthalpy
Chemical bonding and molecular structure Ionic bond
Covalent bond
Bond parameters
Covalent structure of Ionic bond
Valence bond theory
Molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules
Hydrogen bond
States of matter- Gases and liquids Three states of matter
Intermolecular interactions
Types of bonding
Boyle’s law
Charles law
Intermolecular interactions
Melting and boiling points
Empirical derivation of gas equation
Deviation from ideal behavior
Liquid state- vapour pressure
Viscosity and surface tension
Basic principles and techniques of organic chemistry General introduction
Methods of purification
Qualitative and quantitative analysis
Resonance and hyperconjugation
Classification and IUPAC nomenclature of Organic compounds
Inductive effect
Electromeric effect
Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond
Types of organic reactions
Electrophiles and nucleophiles
Hydrogen Position of hydrogen in the periodic table
Properties and uses of hydrogen
Physical and Chemical properties of water
Reactions and structure and use of hydrogen as 
Chemical thermodynamics  System concepts and time
Work, heat, and energy
Internal energy and Enthalpy
Measuring U and H
Phase transition
Second law of Thermodynamics
Gibbs energy change for spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes
Introduction of entropy as a state of function
Third law of Thermodynamics
Equilibrium Equilibrium physical and Chemical processes
Law of mass action
Equilibrium constant
Dynamic nature of equilibrium
Factors affecting equilibrium
Ionization of Polybasic acids
Acid strength
Henderson equation
Polybasic product
Concept of pH
Redox reactions Concept of oxidation and reduction
Redox reaction
Oxidation number
Loss and gain of electrons and change of oxidation number
Application of redox reactions
s-Block elements Introduction
Group 1 and Group 2 elements
Electronic configuration
Diagonal relationships
Anomalous properties of the first element of each group
Trends in property variation
Trends in chemical reactivity with oxygen
Hydrogen, halogens and its applications
p-Block elements Introduction to p-block elements
Overview, electronic configuration, occurrence, configuration,anomalous features of group’s founding element,chemical reactivity trends of Group 13 elements
Anomalous features of Group’s founding element- Boron
Group 14 elements- Overview, electronic configuration, occurrence, configuration,anomalous features of group’s founding element,chemical reactivity trends
Allotropic structures
Physical and Chemical characteristics
Carbon catenation
Hydrocarbons Classification of hydrocarbons
Aliphatic hydrocarbons
Alkanes- Nomenclature,physical properties, chemical reactions, Isomerism
Alkenes- Geometrical isomerism, Nomenclature,geometrical isomerism, physical properties,methods of preparation, chemical reactions, Ozonolysis, mechanism of electrophilic addition
Alkynes- Nomenclature, triple bond structure, physical features, methods of synthesis,acidic character of alkynes, addition reactions of hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water
Environmental Chemistry

Environmental pollution
Air,water and soil pollution
Major atmospheric pollutants
Depletion of ozone layer
Chemical reactions in atmospheric smog
Greenhouse effect and global warming
Green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution
Strategies for control of environmental pollution
Pollution due to industrial wastes


Subject- Physics

Chapters Topics
Physical world and measurement
Physical world
Units of measurement
Nature of physical laws
Physics, technology and society
Units of measurement
SI units
Fundamental and Derived Units
System of Units
Length, mass and time measurement
Errors in measurement
Accuracy and precision of measuring instruments
Dimensions of physical quantities
Dimensional analysis and its applications
Motion in a straight line
Motion in a Plane
Motion in a straight line
Position-time graph
Speed and Velocity
Average speed and instantaneous velocity
Relations for uniformly accelerated motion
General vectors and their notations
Equality of vectors
Multiplication of vectors by real numbers
Addition and subtraction of vectors
Resolution of a vector in a plane
Scalar and vector products of vectors
Unit vector
Laws of motion Intuitive concept of Force
Newton’s first law of motion
Newton’s third law of motion
Equilibrium of concurrent forces
Static and kinetic friction
Laws of friction
Rolling friction
Work, energy and power Work done by constant force and variable force
Work energy theorem
Kinetic energy
Potential energy of a spring
Motion in a vertical circle
Notion of potential energy
Non conservative forces
Elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions
Motion of a system of particles and rigid body
System of particles and rotational motion
Center of mass of a 2 particle system
Center of mass of a rigid body
Center of mass of a uniform rod
Law of conservation of angular momentum and its applications
Equilibrium of rigid bodies
Rigid body rotation and equations of rotational motion
Comparison of linear and rotational motion
Moment of inertia
Radius of gyration
Moment of force, torque and angular momentum
Value of moments of inertia for simple geometrical objects
Statement of parallel and perpendicular axes theorem and its applications
Gravitation  Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
Universal law of gravitation
Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with depth
Orbital velocity of a satellite
Escape velocity
Geostationary satellites
Gravitational potential energy and gravitational potential
Effect of gravity on fluid pressure
Properties of bulk matter
Mechanical properties of solids and fluids
Thermal properties of matter
Elastic behavior
Stress strain relationship
Pressure due to a fluid column
Poisson’s ratio
Pascal’s law and its application
Thermal expansion
Thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases
Anomalous expansion of water
Specific heat capacity
Change of state- Latent heat capacity
Thermodynamics Thermal equilibrium and change of temperature
First law of thermodynamics
Isothermal and adiabatic processes
Heat, work and internal energy
Second law of thermodynamics
Reversible and irreversible processes
Heat engine and refrigerator
Kinetic theory of gases and behavior of perfect gases Equation of the state of a perfect gas, work done in the compressing of gas
Kinetic theory of gases
Degrees of freedom
Law of equipartition of energy
Concept of mean free path
Avogadro’s number
Kinetic interpretation of number
Rms speed of gas molecules
Waves and oscillations Periodic motion- Time period
Displacement as a function of time
Periodic functions
Simple harmonic motion and its equation
Oscillations of a loaded spring
Forces and force constant
Reflection of light
Spherical mirrors
Total internal reflection and its applications
Refraction of light
Refraction at spherical surfaces
Thin lens formula
Lensmaker’s formula
Power of a lens
Refraction and dispersion of light through prism

Subject- Business studies

Chapters Mark distribution
Nature and purpose of business
Forms of business organizations
Public, private and global enterprises
Business services
Emerging modes of business
Social responsibilities of business and business ethics

Sources of business finance
Small business

Internal trade
International business
International business
Project work


Units Topics
Early societies Introduction to world history
From the beginning of time
Writing and city life
Empires An empire across three continents
Central Islamic lands
Nomadic empires
Changing traditions Three orders
Changing cultural traditions
Confrontation of cultures
The industrial revolution
Paths to modernization Displacing indigenous people
Paths to modernization 

Subject- Information practices

Units Topics
Introduction to computer systems Hardware concepts
Security of Computer systems
Types of software
Introduction to programming Getting started with programming using IED
Programming fundamentals
Programming guidelines
Problem-solving methodology
Relational database management system Database management system
Introduction to MySQL
Functions in MySQL
Applications e-Governance

Subject- Biology

Units Topics
Diversity of living organisms The living world
Biological classification- Five kingdom classification
Plant kingdom- Salient features and classification of plants into major groups-Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
Animal kingdom- Salient features and classification of animals into non-chordates(upto phyla level) and Chordates (upto class level)
Structural organizations in Animals and Plants

Morphology of flowering plants
Anatomy of flowering plants
Structural organization in animals

Cell structure and function

Cell- The Unit of life
Biomolecules- Chemical constituents of living cells
Cell cycle and cell division- Mitosis, Meiosis and their significance

Plant physiology Transport in Plants- Movement of water, gases and nutrients
Mineral nutrients- Essential nutrients, micronutrients, micronutrients and their role
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Factors affecting photosynthesis
Respiration in Plants- Exchange of gases
Plant growth and development
Animal physiology Digestion and absorption
Breathing and exchange of gases
Body fluids and Circulation
Excretory products and their elimination
Locomotion and movement
Neural control and coordination
Chemical coordination and integration

Subject- Accountancy 

Units Topics
Theoretical framework Introduction to accounting
Theory base of accounting
Accounting process Recording of transactions
Bank reconciliation statement 
Preparation of Ledger
Preparation of Trial balance
Depreciation, Provision and Reserve
Bills of exchange
Rectification of errors
Financial statement of sole proprietorship Financial statement of sole proprietorship with complete and incomplete records
Financial statement for non profit organization Computers in accounting
Revision work
Project work

Subject- Computer Science

Units Topics
Computer fundamentals Classification of Computers
Software concepts
System software
Operating system
Utility software
Open source concepts
Utility software
Number systems
Internal system
Encoding of characters
Memory concepts
Primary memory
Secondary memory
Programming methodology General concepts
Problem solving methodology
Introduction to algorithms and Flowcharts
Introduction to C++ Getting started
Data types, variables and constants
Operator and expression
Programming in C++ Flow of control
Conditional statements
Structured Data types
Two-dimensional array

Subject- Economics

Units Topics
Introduction  What is Economics
Collection of Data Collection of Data
Organization of Data
Presentation of Data
Statistical tools and interpretation Measures of Central tendency
Measures of Dispersion
Economic reforms since 1991
Development experience and economic reforms since 1991 Development experiences in India
Current challenges facing Indian economy Poverty
Rural development
Human capital formation
Sustainable economic development


Preparation Tips for the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th syllabus 2025:

  • The first and foremost tip for the student is to prepare a study routine. Students are advised to make their own timetable and devote considerable time to all the subjects. A uniform routine will help the students pay equal attention to all the subjects and the topics of the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th syllabus 2025.
  • Students must go through the entire syllabus carefully before starting to study for the Arunachal Pradesh Board 11th 2025. Thorough knowledge of the syllabus will help the students to understand all the topics included in the exam and schedule the study preparations accordingly. Students will also have an idea of the weightage of each topic and study each topic in order of its importance.
  • All the students must have an idea of the best books for the exam so that they can cover each topic in a detailed manner. Students are advised to study all the topics from the school books before moving on to the reference books.
  • Every student must follow a healthy routine before and during the exams.It is necessary to engage in activities that will reduce the stress level and keep the students mentally positive.
  • Students must make notes of the formulas, equations and difficult sections of each topic. After completing each chapter they must solve all the questions related to the chapter. It is mandatory to solve sample test papers of all the subjects to self evaluate and work on the mistakes.
Arunachal Pradesh 11th Class (other Useful links)
Arunachal Pradesh 11th Class Admit Card
Arunachal Pradesh 11th Class Information
Arunachal Pradesh 11th Class Application Form


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