Update on 2024-04-15
Education is always flooded with new concepts about learning and teaching. Teachers and administrators are usually bombarded with suggestions for reform. They are asked to use new curricula, new pedagogy strategies, and new assessments. Both teaching and learning are vital processes in survival as they comprise the very foundations of growth. but what is the difference between teaching and learning
Both of these methods are necessary for achieving development by seeking to realize significant changes in behaviors. Equally, they have various techniques and approaches that guide the education system. They are also essentially interconnected in a way that you have to learn something before you can actually teach it and that the act of teaching can make you learn something. As a result, teaching and learning are highly crucial and related progressions. before understanding the difference between teaching and learning let's first understand the detailed meaning of teaching and learning.
Teaching is a process of imparting information or instructing someone to do something. It is an art and science of helping others to enhance their skills, knowledge, and command in any particular field. Teaching word comes from the old English word “tĒ£can” which means “to show” or “point out”. When you hear the word “teach”, you oftentimes think of classrooms, lessons, and of course, teachers who point out various information.
Teaching career not only involved the education part but also includes different moral values such as manners, skills, behaviors, traditions, and stories. Teaching is something that we all do in our daily life. Parents teach their children how to eat fitly; grandparents may teach their grandkids old stories – in short, we all teach others something or the other.
Formal teaching is classroom-based teaching which is provided by trained teachers. It is governed by educational organizations that have to follow certain curricula, class hours, and related rules and regulations.
Whereas Informal education happens outside the classroom, in after-school programs, community-based organizations, museums, libraries, or at home. For example home-based or outside-school tutorials. before discussing the direct difference between teaching and learning lets first know the difference between formal and informal teaching
Informal teaching, lecturers have to match set standards that have been put in place by the government. The government does this by advancing a curriculum that is suitable for students. However, informal teaching has more flexibility as there is usually no schedule to be followed while teaching.
There will be a similar number of regular students and teachers in one class. Attendance is generally stable. However, in the case of home-based teaching, attendance is usually variable because the programs to be offered do not usually expect learners to participate in classes on a daily basis.
Teachers are highly trained and experienced. The training given to teachers is usually standardized. The eligibility and experience of home-based teachers are different
We all learn something new every day, but how is 'learning' defined in educational psychology? The activity or process of acquiring knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something. When you were a teenager, did you learn how to ride a bike? Did you learn how to do long division, or learn the name of the capital cities of different countries?
We use the term 'learning' all the time in daily life. But within the field of educational science, the term learning is actually a specific term. Different people use different words to define learning within educational psychology, but in general, we're talking about a step-by-step process in which individual experiences permanent, lasting changes in knowledge, behaviors, or ways of processing the world.
Several people compare learning with the education we receive at educational institutes such as schools and universities. Some people think that learning is listening and accepting what they are taught. But we learn something every day in our lives and real learning involves understanding and applying or using what you understood in real-life circumstances.
Learning is defined as a relatively lasting change in behavior that results from experience. In operant conditioning, learning can be either positive or negative, and both should increase the chances a behavior will occur again. Positive learning is used to reward a person.
Ideally, an individual should change positively or negatively after being taught. However, it's a well-known fact that negative behaviors are commonly learned.
Any relatively stable change in behavior brought about by experience or practice. It should also be noted that learning is not due to passive causes such as disease, maturation, and injury. now lets come to the point and talk about the difference between teaching and learning
Authority in Teaching and Learning-
Expertise in Teaching and Learning-
Range (with respect to existence) of Teaching and Learning-
The primary objective of teaching is to guide someone, impart knowledge, and monitor change in behavior while learning aims to understand and apply information. A teacher seeks to share what he knows whereas a learner intends to receive new knowledge.
To make the teaching process real, teachers need to get novel knowledge for the students. On the other hand, learners do not always need teachers to learn something, because the experience of privacy can only give realization; Therefore, learn, then, to learn.
Teaching |
Learning |
Fewer teachers as compared to learners |
More learners as compared to teachers |
More liberty |
Less liberty |
Generally concerned with imparting knowledge |
Basically assumes a recipient role |
Higher authority |
Lower authority |
Arouses learners’ curiosity and motivation |
Improved by being cognitively piqued |
Gives feedback |
Understands and applies feedback |
Can be mandated |
Cannot be essentially mandated |
Credited with better skills |
Viewed with lesser know-how |
More dependent on the presence of learners |
Less dependent on the presence of teachers |
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