UP Lekhpal Syllabus: The UP Lekhpal Syllabus 2025 has been prescribed by the concerned authority on its official website. The candidates must visit the website of UPSSSC and download the exam syllabus to prepare well and give this paper more confidently.
➥ The UPSSSC Lekhpal Exam Syllabus provides the right direction to the candidates in terms of their preparation for this exam.
➥ As the candidates already know, there will be 100 questions of 1 mark each in the one and only UP Lekhpal Online Based Examination.
UP Lekhpal Subject Syllabus 2025
n this UPSSSC Lekhpal Syllabus, there will be 4 sections given to the candidate namely, General Hindi, General Knowledge, Mathematics, and Rural Development & Society. The candidates need to study properly various sub-topics under the above-stated sections to get their name in the Merit List prepared by the concerned authority.
➥ It is expected that thousands of candidates will sit for the upcoming UP Lekhpal Exam, so the candidates must start preparing from now to get their name on the top of the merit list as competition is going to be fierce.
➥ The candidates should keep in mind that there is a provision of negative marking for every question attempted incorrectly i.e. 0.25 mark or ¼ mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer marked by the candidate. So, the candidates need to be extra cautious while attempting the UP Lekhpal Exam.

UP Lekhpal Syllabus 2025: Overview
No. of Questions
No. of Marks
General Knowledge
General Hindi
Rural/Village Development and Society
100 Questions
100 Marks
UP Lekhpal Syllabus Subject Detail
- Synonym Words (पर्यायवाची शब्द)
- Tatham and tadbhav (तत्सम एवं तद्भव)
- Word formation for phrases (वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण)
- Phrases and Idioms (लोकोक्तियाँ एवं मुहावरे)
- Multiple terms related to errors (त्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द)
- Sentence Modification (वाक्य संशोधन)
- Usage of Words (शब्दों का उपयोग)
- Current Affairs of National and International Importance
- Indian Politics and Economics
UP Lekhpal Exam Indian History Subject Syllabus 2025
- India’s financial, political, social, and religious institutions
- Indian Freedom Movements
- Rise of Nationalism
- How India got freedom?
UP Lekhpal World Geography Subject Syllabus 2025
- Ecology of India
- Economic, Social, and Demographic Issues
UP Lekhpal Mathematics Exam Subject Syllabus 2025
UP Lekhpal Arithmetic and Statistics Exam Subject Syllabus
- Number System
- Percentage
- Profit and Loss
- Statistics
- Classification and Formulation of Facts
- Frequency
- Frequency Distribution
- Tabulation
- Cumulative Frequency
- Bar Charts
- Pie Chart
- Histogram
- Frequency Polygon
- Central Management: Mean, Median, Mode
UP Lekhpal Algebra Syllabus
- HCF and LCM
- The relation between HCF and LCM
- Simultaneous Equations
- Quadratic Equations
- Factors
- Area Theorem
UP Lekhpal Geometry Syllabus
- Perimeter and Area of Circle
- Triangle and Pythagoras Theorem
- Rectangle
- Square
- Trapezium
- Perimeter and Area of Parallelogram
UP Lekhpal Rural Development and Rural Society Paper Syllabus 2025
UP Lekhpal Rural Administration Syllabus
- Components and Functions of Rural Administration
UP Lekhpal Revenue Administration Paper Syllabus
- Components and Functions of Revenue Administration
UP Lekhpal Exam Sources of Rural Employment Syllabus
- Self Help Groups (SHGs)
- Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
UP Lekhpal Planning for Rural Development Syllabus
- District Planning Mechanism/Machinery
- Post-1992 Reforms in District Planning Mechanism/Machinery
- People’s Participation/Partnership
- Improvement in Role of NGOs
UP Lekhpal Indian Rural Society Paper Syllabus
- Nature and Characteristics of Rural Society
- Problems faced by Weaker Sections: Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes
- Factors of Indian Society
- Tribal- Rural-Urban-Rural-Urban Continuum
UP Lekhpal Rural Institutions Systems Syllabus
- Cooperation and Duties
UP Lekhpal Rural Social Change Paper Syllabus
- Sanskritisation
- Westernization
- Modernization
The candidates are requested to go through the Major Schemes for Rural Development run by both the Central and State Governments.
Central Government Schemes for Village Development
State Government Schemes for Village Development
- Adarsh Gram Yojana (आदर्श ग्राम योजना)
- Co-operative development scheme (सहकारी विकास योजना )
- Drought development program (सूखा विकास कार्यक्रम)
- MGNREGA (एमजीएनआरईजीए)
- Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (जवाहर ग्राम समृद्धि योजना)
- Annapurna scheme (अन्नपूर्णा योजना)
- Antyodaya Anna Yojana (अंत्योदय अन्ना योजना)
- Self-employment scheme (स्वाज धार्य योजना)
- Rajiv Gandhi Village Electrification Scheme (राजीव गांधी गांव विद्युतीकरण योजना)
- Kasturba Gandhi Education Scheme (कस्तूरबा गांधी शिक्षा योजना)
- Mid day meal program (मिड डे मील प्रोग्राम)
- NRLM (एनआरएलएम)
- Indira Housing Scheme (इंदिरा आवास योजना)
- Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (प्रधान मंत्री ग्राम सड़क योजना)
- Kisan Pension Scheme (किसान पेंशन योजना)
- Kisan Rath Yojana (किसान रथ योजना)
- Ambedkar Energy Development Scheme (अम्बेडकर उर्जा किरशी सुधी योजना)
- Aam Aadmi Insurance Scheme (आम आदमी बीमा योजना)
- Sanjeevani Parivar Yojana (संजीवनी परिवार योजना)
- Model city plan (आदर्श नगर योजना)
- Vande Mataram Scheme (वंदे मातरम् योजना)
- Priyadarshini Scheme (प्रियदर्शिनी योजना)
- Pure Drinking Water Scheme (run by the current UP government) ( शुद्ध पेय जल योजना)
- Pension Scheme (run by the present UP government) (पेंशन योजना)
- Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (run by the current UP government) (प्रधान मंत्री आवास योजना)
- Kanya Vidya Dhan Yojana (run by the current UP government) (कन्या विद्या धन योजना)
The candidates should go through some more topics like:
- Nature and Importance of Indian Agriculture
- Kisan Credit Card
- Tenant Reforms and Necessity
- Land Reformation: Objectives
- Village’s Essential Departments Heads: Village Development Officer, Block Development Officer, Naib Tehsildar, Block Development Officer, Chakbandi Lekhpal or Lekhpal, etc.
✍ NOTE: The candidates should note that this is not an officially declared syllabus so deletion or addition of topics is possible. The candidates should start preparing with the given syllabus till the concerned authority doesn’t release the official UP Lekhpal Syllabus.