College Disha

UP VDO Syllabus 2025

UP VDO Syllabus: The UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Syllabus will be prescribed by the concerned authority on their official website as soon as they release an official recruitment notification for the post of UP Village Development Officer. For now, UPSSSC has not released the date for the UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Exam but they will release it soon. The candidates must visit the website of UPSSSC and download the UP VDO Syllabus to prepare well and give this paper more confidently.

  • The UP VDO Syllabus provides the right direction to the candidates in terms of their preparation for this exam.
  • As the candidates already know, there will be 150 questions in the UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Computer Based Online Examination and the exam will be 300 Marks. The candidates will get 120 minutes to attempt all these 150 Questions.
  • Since the number of questions is more and the time allotted is less, the candidates should try to use the time wisely and attempt those questions first in which they know the answer surely. Questions, the answer to which is not known to the candidates should be attempted at last but with extra care because the provision of negative marking is there for every wrong answer.  

UP VDO Syllabus 2025 - Overview



No. of Questions 

No. of Marks 


General Knowledge 




General Hindi (Hindi Knowledge and Writing Proficiency)




General Intelligence 





150 Questions  

300 Marks 

UP VDO Syllabus 2025:

In this UP VDO Syllabus, there will be 3 sections given to the candidate namely, General Hindi (Hindi Knowledge and Writing Proficiency/Competence), General Knowledge, and General Intelligence. The candidates need to study properly various sub-topics under the above-stated sections to get their name in the Merit List prepared by the concerned authority. 

  • It is expected that thousands of candidates will sit for the upcoming UP VDO Exam, so the candidates must start preparing from now to get their name on the top of the merit list as competition is going to be very strong.
  • The candidates should have a look at the below-mentioned detailed UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Syllabus to get an idea of the topics on which the questions will be asked from the candidate. 

The candidates should keep in mind that there is a provision of negative marking for every question attempted incorrectly i.e. 0.50 mark or ½ mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer marked by the candidate. So, the candidates need to be extra cautious while attempting the UP VDO Exam. 

UP VDO Syllabus 2025

UP VDO Exam Syllabus (Quick Links)

UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Admit Card
UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Answer Key
UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Result
UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Notification
UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Registration
UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Pattern
UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Exam Date

UP VDO Syllabus 2025:

  • UP VDO General Hindi Syllabus:

In this part of the question paper, the questions related to knowledge, understanding, and writing ability of Hindi language will be asked from the candidates. This part will be of the level of High School Examination or equivalent examination of Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Council.

  • Ras (रस)
  • Alankar (अलंकार)
  • Compound (समास)
  • Sandhi (संधि)
  • Synonym Words (पर्यायवाची शब्द)
  • Antonyms (विलोम)
  • Tatsam and tadbhav (तत्सम एवं तद्भव)
  • Word formation for phrases (वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण)
  • Phrases and Idioms (लोकोक्तियाँ एवं मुहावरे)
  • Sentence Modification (वाक्य संशोधन): Kaarak (कारक), Gender (लिंग), Vachan (वचन), Spelling (वर्तनी), Multiple terms related to errors (त्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द) 
  • General Knowledge 

The questions given in this part is to assess the candidate’s knowledge about what is happening in the country around him/her. 

      1. India’s Geography and History 
      2. Indian Politics
      3. Current Affairs of National and International Importance
      4. Economic Issues in India 
      5. Famous Books and their Authors
      6. Important Dates
      7. Sports
      8. Rural Society and Panchayats
      9. Current Affairs related to Uttar Pradesh
      10. General Knowledge about Uttar Pradesh
      11. Indian Culture
      12. General Science
      13. Countries and their Capitals
      14. New Inventions
      15. Music and Literature
      16. Static GK- General Knowledge about the facts which are not going to change like National Animal or National Flower of India
  • UP VDO General Intelligence Syllabus:

The questions given under this section are given to assess the candidate’s understanding or sharpness of analyzing a particular situation. 

  • Analogies
  • Similarities and Differences 
  • Space Visualization 
  • Arithmetic Reasoning
  • Data Interpretation 
  • Syllogism
  • Blood Relations
  • Seating Arrangements
  • Number Series
  • Non-verbal Series
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Figural Series
  • Venn Diagrams
  • Classification
  • Statements and their Conclusions, Assumptions, and Arguments 
NOTE: The candidates should note that this is not an officially declared UP VDO Syllabus 2025 so deletion or addition of topics is possible. The candidates should start preparing with the given UP VDO Syllabus 2025 till the concerned authority doesn’t release the official UP Gram Vikas Adhikari Syllabus.

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